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Information on Nootropics (smart drugs), Nutrients, and Herbs.
Article: Better Thinking Through Chemistry. The best article on the subject!

Nootropic Resources
Here's where and how to find them


American Scientist: The Role of Intelligence in Modern Society

Intelligence Formula: I = K + Mr + Ic

IHM articles on futuristic thinking and issues of the heart

Coming Soon:

More information on how to boost your intelligence and improve your memory.

Foods that increase you brains functioning capacities.

Recipies to make you think better and clearer.

New links are being researched and added often

Intelligent Links to other sites on the Web

The Intelligence Page
Cognitive Enhancement Research Institue (CERI) - (Read their FAQs)
Smart Basics (A must see Glossary - from Alanine to Zinc)
Mind Tools (Tools to help your thinking and memory)
Mind Matters (Fun stuff to exercise the ole noodle!)
Hot Rod Your Head (A great site with chat rooms!)

Take an assessment
Intelligence Quotient - Gee Marge, do I have to take a test...OOOOOP!
Emotional Quotient
Personality Type

Health Links

NEXUS Magazine

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