This is the personal web-site of Harold.M Siterlit, a resident of Winston-Salem, now retired.

During my frequent visits to Old Salem I have taken many photos of my favorite sites,which I offer for your enjoyment.

The (in)famous Coffee Pot!
The town of Salem was settled by the Moravians in 1766. For information on the Moravians, their migration to America and their subsequent arrival in North Carolina, refer to the references on my credits page. In 1913 Salem and Winston merged to become the city of Winston-Salem. In order to save and preserve the site for future generations, Old Salem inc. was formed to restore and operate the district as a living museum offering daily guided tours of the buildings, and demonstrations of Moravian customs.

To my Moravian friends:
Take time to look over my sponsors page. A small purchase from any one of these fine merchants will help maintain this website.

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Photos by H.M.Siterlit, all rights reserved