Hey boys and girls welcome to the page of Poe!

Politicians are all the same. They promise to build bridges even when thier are no rivers.

To the coolest chat room this side of the Nile!


Links to other sites on the Web

Lordius Land the coolest page on the Web!!
timebomb's page, it's full of links.
Oh wait your already here!!

***Billie the woman the myth***

load this: it's kitty porn

Help stop kitty porn on the net. Educate yourself!

To all those who read this little message Poe believes in th United States government 110%. If you have a problem with this fact then you can get the hell out of his homepage. Poe is soory for being so blunt but, he refuses to change his views just because everyone else has!

Some poetry by Poe

Read it,Feel it,Love it!

This is me, Write me, Love me, Fear me. All yea please address all mail to Poe.

© 1996 tseth10038@aol.com

Lovegun sucks balls!!


Hey this page is still being created so live with what you got. It may be all you'll ever get.

Disclaimer: I don't wish to offend you unless you are an idiot.

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