Don't we look cute?? Don't be fooled... it's Satan in disguise!!!!!
Hello people and miscellaneous beings!
Under construction yadda yadda.. it's always under construction
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This page is under perpetual heavy construction. You've been warned...
And the bugger takes forever to load!

One of Death's skulls

NOTE: Recent rumors of the Panic Daemons' demise have been overrated. We are back from the dead! he he he...and have acquired a new yet ancient member.

Fire Fire Fire!! Fie Fire Fire!!


Death, Doom, Destruction, and Cynicism

Who will be the new Doom?
Greetings and welcome to our universe! We four are the Panic Daemons...Death, Doom, Destruction, and Cynicism. The following page provides a safe place for us to air our strangeness without harming others.

And, yes, there are four of us...a quartet of unique individuals, separated by time and space, whose only similarity is our complete and utter strangeness...and our Daemonic natures, of course.
UPDATE: There is technically a new Doom, but he hasn't gotten off his ass and posted his stuff (*Death grumbles*) Stay tuned!

WARNING: This page and all its associated bits and pieces contain EXTREME personal opinions. We are preaching...and we are unrepentant about it. It's our lives. You can go back into your sensory deprivation tank if you don't like it. :-) On the other is appreciated...on the home page AND on all of these horrible nasty outspoken unrepentant opinions. Have a nice day.

The Daemons' Confessional: Who and Why We Are

DEATH...the endless night Yeah.. whatever

Doom...the voice of reason Currently full of shit

Destruction...the irresistible force of change

Cynicism...humour in truth

Some vaguely related stuff...

The I.I.A.

Daemonic Psychobabble!

The meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything

PD on euthanasia

Links, links, links!!!!

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Backgrounds courtesy of Andy Evans, proprietor of Andy's Art Attack!

Most of the neato black and white demonic pictures come from:
Richard Huber. Treasury of Fantastic and Mythological Creatures. Dover Publications, 1981. Used with permission of the publisher.

Click on the icon to email us (Death, Doom, Destruction, and/or Cynicism)

people have visited this site since the last time the counter screwed up! Now please excuse us while we go shoot ourselves...

This page is in honor of the greatest demon of them all (well, not really...but it's a nice picture and we wanted to add it.)

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S. Gremillion and R. Wijayaratne.
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