Yup, you guessed it. This place is under construction. Channel 69. Hometown cable access... The programming offered will take on various tones and styles. What to look for in the near-future: Traditional and digital artwork, photography, short stories [fiction and non]. As most pages are constantly under construction, the funds in the "Time Well Spent" barrel have spilled out onto the ground and seeped into the dirt. My wife recently served up a dish from the New Life Café, a boy, and Web Page development has kind of hit the old back-burner. Hope to do more updating soon, so stay tuned!

Not much bigger than a third-rate yardsale at present, but tune into the gallery.

The stuff on here is mine lock, stock and barrel. The big "©" is in effect.

Drop a line, if you're so inclined. David_Barrett@gsdl.com

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