By Elaine Pickard

Decorative Indoor Birdhouses
Handpainted Welcome Signs
Yard Decorations

Elaine Pickard has enjoyed both the urban and rural life, but like so many, prefers the peace and serenity of the Alberta prairies. Her decorative crafts, and business name, Prairie Designs, stems from this love of country living.

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Barn Picture

Natural Products

Elaine incorporates simple and natural products into her work. She especially enjoys working with old barn wood, dried flowers, bark and moss. A lot of heart and soul goes into each project. She puts individual effort into each and every one of her unique designs.

Birdhouse Picture

Country Craft Decorations

Prairie Designs started up in January of 1996, with a simple birdhouse made out of wood. Elaine keeps that first simple birdhouse around as a reminder of how far she's come. With a few tole painting techniques picked up along the way, her Prairie Designs have really blossomed and are quite popular with people looking for an original country home decoration.

Welcome Birdhouse Picture

Unique Partnership

Elaine's partner in Prairie Designs is her husband Russell, who has a real flair with woodworking. Russell is the builder, and Elaine takes his original designs and brings them to life, fine-tuning with country painting schemes and details. As Elaine says with a smile, "I have more patience." They make a great team -- Russell has taught her a lot about woodworking and using the tools; Elaine has taught him about colour and design principles.

Crows Picture

New Creations

Everything Prairie Designs made in 1996 has been sold, and Elaine has been working long and hard to increase her inventory of finished projects, and already has a whole new supply of interesting creations.

Prairie Designs specialties are Decorative Indoor Birdhouses, Welcome signs, Crows to guard over your flower garden, and special sayings or scripture verses on plaques.

Elaine loves to work with the crackling medium, and real moss with dried flowers on bark slabs. Her birdhouses can be hung on the wall or stand alone on a table or fireplace mantle.

Prairie Designs aims to bless people with a little country touch in their homes or workplace. Makes a special unique gift.

Prairie Designs has also made decorations for special orders. If you have something in mind, give us a call; we'll see if we can't bring your idea to life.

Flower Bar

Other Projects by

Grocery Bag Holders
Saloon-style Bird Feeders
Decorative Window Frames
Snowman Fence Posts

Flower Bar

By Elaine Pickard
Available at these fine stores:

Long Winter Country Crafts, Water Valley, Alberta 403/637-2611
Mustard Seed Christian Book Store, Olds, Alberta 403/556-2919
Old & Crafty, Cochrane, Alberta 403/556-2919

Or contact Elaine at
P.O. Box 433, Didsbury, Alberta, Canada, T0M 0W0
E-mail Prairie Designs

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