Friends and links

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Cindy (A yank that moved to Aussie for love) Ann (A Texan Queen)
Darlene Arline (Another Yank from NC USA)
John Clare (some good tips on HTML and others)
ruislip.gif (4867 bytes)

Click on pictures for a larger image.


clare2.JPG (23094 bytes) This is Claire, She's works for a very Important company that I hold very dear to my heart. Hope you like your stay here on my site?  :-) 

If you know Claire please e-mail me with any stories you would like to share with me.. Hee Hee


No10.JPG (60552 bytes) This is us coming out of a meeting
after having tea with the


Police.JPG (38592 bytes) This is my old friend Michael (PC)
we have known each other
for over 30 years.


Links to my pages




King of England

Saint George

Personal information


Click below to mail me.

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I'd like to thank all the people that have taken the trouble to e-mail me with their kind words about my site.
