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Thanks for making it this far *LOL*  I have now been on the NET since July 96 and enjoying every minute of it. I have made a lot of friends and had a lot of  fun. I'll try to keep it short so I don't put you to sleep, so sit back, take your shoes off and have a nice cup of tea as you read and learn all about my existence in this world  *s*  Most of these pictures were taken a few years ago (1996) I think I'll not bother to add recent ones in case i scare you away....   




  • Age: 37
  • Occupation: Account Manager (IT)
  • Birthplace: Harrow, UK
  • Sisters: 3 (I'm the baby of our family)
  • Marital status: Married
  • Residence: West London
  • Children: One boy (aged 6)
  • Car: Vauxhall Astra 1.6V


Now you know all about me what else is there to tell? Well on the net I'm a little devil and have many handles. I like to use a handle that suits my mood so for the first time I'm going to reveal my handles I have used on chat programmes.

  • Globemaster (Had this handle since 1979 when I used to use CB)
  • King of England (My favourite and love to use this one the most)
  • Lancelot the Fearless (An obsolete handle I haven't used since early 97)
  • Saint George, Patron Saint of England (I use this around April, to make people aware of St George's Day)
  • Hooded Viper (Haven't really used this one much)

In my youth I used to use the above handles, IF you were ever on WBS please e-mail me and let me know. If you've come here because I asked you to visit, then please be nice and say you love it. 




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This is my wife Vicki. We have been married for 4 years and engaged for 13 years *lol*



Smilera.GIF (12605 bytes) This is a picture of yours truly. Please don't e-mail me saying I'm responsible for your monitor breaking down *LOL*  Picture taken June 98. Steve_Train.JPG (10218 bytes)
This is our son Steven who was born on 22nd August 94. Picture taken on the way to France June 98 (Eurostar).



russmumdadsteve.GIF (27199 bytes) This one is of me and our son with my parents, taken in Cyprus 96. Derrick.GIF (25272 bytes) In memory of my nephew Derrick who died at the young age of 16. (1991)

Ok I gave in, and added the picture above, it was  taken in Italy with me my dad and my son Steven August 2000. Don't we look clean? lol





As you can see I am very proud of my family and there is a story to be told. Both my great great grandfathers were head coachman for Royalty. One for the British Royal family and the other for the Austrian Royal family. The picture here is of  my GGG grandfather at the rear of the coach standing, taken around 1900 in Brighton Sussex UK. GGGG_father.JPG (66814 bytes)


Here is another taken around 1902 with his employer, Thomas Bates is on the left. Sorry about the quality but it's out of a newspaper headed " The Kings Royal visit" papercutting2.JPG (68329 bytes)

Links to my pages




King of England

Saint George

My friends


Click below to mail me.

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