Well you are checking it out so it may be time to leave your information. If you have not already, sign the Guestbook and I will get back up with you soon.

trisha - 11/29/00 23:34:10
My Email:trishasikkila@hotmail.com
Country: us
State/Prov.: n.h.
Interest/Hobbies/Sports: all sports
arve is HOT

ahhhhhhh - 11/13/00 23:20:45
My URL:http://no!
My Email:ajfhvgbfh@aol.com
Country: canada!!!!!!!
State/Prov.: no
City/Parish: yes
School (if Any): maybe
Interest/Hobbies/Sports: LISTENING TO SUM41!!!!!!
How did you find the address to this page?: yea

Kimberly - 11/10/00 18:01:16
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/m1shmonypeny/
My Email:m1shmonpeny@aol.com
Country: USA
City/Parish: The Windy City
Interest/Hobbies/Sports: Fitness/Clubs/ UK Soccer Fan
How did you find the address to this page?: surfin the net
Great Page ...loved the 3D bit...Chris is a hottie Kimberly :))

Josh - 10/14/00 22:53:30
My Email:mediocre@spacemoose.com
My complaint about Chris I was outraged and ashamed after hearing about some of Chris's latest exegeses. And that's why I feel compelled to say something about disreputable militant-types. His uppity offhand remarks are in full flower, and their poisonous petals of clericalism are blooming all around us. He likes to compare his anecdotes to those that shaped this nation. The comparison, however, doesn't hold up beyond some uselessly broad, superficial similarities that are so vague and pointless, it's not even worth summarizing them. Moreover, each rung on the ladder of gangsterism is a crisis of some kind. Each crisis supplies an excuse for Chris to make widespread accusations and insinuations without having the facts to back them up. That is the standard process by which hectoring fiends perpetuate the myth that the kids on the playground are happy to surrender to the school bully. He can get away with lies (e.g., that violence and prejudice are funny), because the average person cannot imagine anyone lying so brazenly. Not one person in a hundred will actually check out the facts for himself and discover that Chris is lying. While some of his perversions are very attractive on the surface and are undoubtedly entertaining, they ultimately serve to fill the air with recrimination and rancor. Nobody wants him to treat people like reckless oafs, but Chris insists on doing it anyway. However imprudent the national picture already is, if he makes fun of me or insults me, I hear it, and it hurts. But I take solace in the fact that I am still able to anneal discourse with honesty, clear thinking, and a sense of moral good. On a similar note, if you've never seen him threaten the common good, you're either incredibly unobservant or are concealing the truth from yourself. It would be nice to say that drugged-out revanchism doesn't exist anymore, but we all know that it does. The last time I told Chris's secret agents that I want to advance a clear, credible, and effective vision for dealing with our present dilemma and its most cynical manifestations, they declared in response, "But those who disagree with Chris should be cast into the outer darkness, should be shunned, should starve." Of course, they didn't use exactly those words, but that's exactly what they meant. While I know very little about humorless blockheads, we can never return to the past. And if we are ever to move forward to the future, we have to shed the light of truth on the evil that is Chris. My purpose here is not to deal with the relevant facts. Well, okay, it is. But I should point out that he pompously claims that he has mystical powers of divination and prophecy. That sort of nonsense impresses many people, unfortunately. Solipsism doesn't work. So why does Chris cling to it? This isn't such an easy question to answer, but let me take a stab at it: If I hear Chris's death squads say, "Those of us who oppose Chris would rather run than fight" one more time, I'm going to throw up. So maybe his principles run on pure irony. Big deal. What's more important is that you might say, "Before bothering us with his next batch of meretricious foolhardy utterances, he should review the rules of writing a persuasive essay, most notably the one about sticking to the topic the writer establishes." Fine, I agree. But I must ask that his mercenaries address a number of important issues. I know they'll never do that, so here's an alternate proposal: They should, at the very least, back off and quit trying to cure the evil of discrimination with more discrimination. If one accepts the framework I've laid out here, it follows that if there's an untold story here, it's that no matter how bad you think Chris's personal attacks are, I assure you that they are far, far worse than you think. A small child really couldn't understand that Chris's op-ed pieces are sleazy in their impact, vexatious in their aspirations, goofy in their political deviousness, and slovenly in their slimy philosophies. But any adult can easily grasp that Chris needs to stop living in denial. He needs to wake up and realize that he would have us believe that he can ignore rules, laws, and protocol without repercussion. Yeah, right. If you think that he is merely trying to make this world a better place in which to live, then you're suffering from very serious nearsightedness. You're focusing too much on what Chris wants you to see and failing to observe many other things of much greater importance. I definitely maintain that his obiter dicta are honestly despised by everyone but disrespectful profiteers (also known as Chris's emissaries). My views, of course, are not the issue here. The issue is that he thinks it would be a great idea to divert attention from his unprovoked aggression. Even if we overlook the logistical impossibilities of such an idea, the underlying premise is still flawed. Once we have absorbed and understood Chris's sophomoric stratagems, it is our inescapable responsibility to do whatever is necessary to break the neck of Chris's policy of sensationalism once and for all. Now, I don't want to overwork the story about how Chris plans to advocate his attitudes amid a hue and cry as dirty as it is callous, so let's just say that the elasticity of his interpretation of the Bible shields Chris from having to take a stand for anything morally correct yet politically (spiritually?) unpopular. And here, I contend, lies a clue to the intellectual vacuum so gapingly apparent in Chris's effusions. Why does he want to distract attention from more important issues? Psychologists might suggest that chauvinistic amnesiacs don't think like you and me. Counselors might suspect that one of the most widespread manifestations of the craziness of our world is terrorism. Sociologists might point out that it would be more productive for him to take a more diplomatic and conciliatory approach. I agree with the above assessments, but Chris likes double standards that organize a whispering campaign against me. Could there be a conflict of interest there? If you were to ask me, I'd say that his philippics are not our only concern. To state the matter in a few words, as our society continues to unravel, more and more people will be grasping for straws, grasping for something to hold onto, grasping for something that promises to give them the sense of security and certainty that they so desperately need. These are the types of people Chris preys upon. Chris's stories about ruffianism are particularly ridden with errors and distortions, even leaving aside the concept's initial implausibility. Unfortunately, stuck-up litterbugs who rob us of our lives, our health, our honor, and our belongings make no effort to contend with the inevitable consequences of that action. I am prepared to state my views and stand by them. Sad, but true. And it'll only get worse if Chris finds a way to smear people of impeccable character and reputation. I doubtlessly don't know what his problem is, but if Chris wanted to, he could make human life negligible and cheap. He could herald the death of intelligent discourse on college campuses. And he could marginalize me based on my gender, race, or religion. We must surely not allow Chris to do any of these. He likes to imply that his decisions are based on reason. This is what his policies amount to, although, of course, they're daubed over with the viscid slobber of saturnine drivel devised by his lackeys and mindlessly multiplied by uneducated individuals. So who's crazy? I, or all the jaundiced mafia dons who claim that Chris is a martyr for freedom and a victim of teetotalism? Before you answer, let me point out that I cannot believe how many actual, physical, breathing, thinking people have fallen for Chris's subterfuge. I'm totally stunned. I cannot emphasize enough how much I resent his stances. Does he remember the hurt and hate in the eyes of the people he made fun of just so others would like him more? Even if he does, I'm sure he doesn't care, because he thinks there should be a law prohibiting people from saying any harsh or unkind things against him. So what's the connection between that and his jeremiads? The connection is that there are few certainties in life. I have counted only three: death, taxes, and Chris doing some rude thing every few weeks. He is wrong. This means, in particular, that he doesn't use words for communication or for exchanging information. He uses them to disarm, to hypnotize, to mislead, and to deceive. I don't need to be particularly delicate here. Do I blame society for this? No, I blame Chris. Finally, to those of you who are faithfully helping me lead the way to the future, not to the past, let me extend, as always, my deepest gratitude and my most affectionate regards.

Vita98 - 08/27/00 20:06:29
My URL:http://digitaldelilah.com
Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? We invite you to apply to the Digital D lilah's Website Competition! Or maybe you'd like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to apply to join our webring! http://www.digitaldelilah.com

kwang chul Park - 08/26/00 02:02:51
My URL:http://www.wonjutoday.co.kr
My Email:pkc55@yahoo.com
Country: south korea
State/Prov.: kangwon Province
City/Parish: wonju
School (if Any): wonjutoday
Interest/Hobbies/Sports: climb
How did you find the address to this page?: search engine
hi! friend. here is korea. im find this site that search for informations. i management website to wonjutoday. (url : http://www.wonjutoday.co.kr) when have your time check in my website. im wait for you till you come in. from the 2002 worldcup korea.

caylor - 08/18/00 03:56:44
My Email:caylorfarr@mindspring.com
Country: usa
State/Prov.: NC
City/Parish: Weaverville
Interest/Hobbies/Sports: shopping,reading
How did you find the address to this page?: Yahoo
Long time no see jennings! Remember me the pest who used to live behing you?

- 07/03/00 20:46:38

Laurie Marie - 06/30/00 00:46:33
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/thehomepageshowcase
My Email:62547@bellsouth.net
Country: USA
State/Prov.: Louisiana
City/Parish: New Orleans
Interest/Hobbies/Sports: Judo
How did you find the address to this page?: Yahoo systems
Hi I realy enjoyed your homepage!! My name is Laurie Marie..(Unicorn_lm)..I am the Founder of The Homepage Showcase a club within Yahoo. http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/thehomepageshowcase I would like to invite you to become a member and post your Homepage with our club. You will get lots of exposure and i know others will enjoy it as much as i did Looking forward to seeing you as a member. Love Laurie

kim - 06/13/00 16:27:21
My Email:starspeck72@hotmail.com
Country: usa
State/Prov.: new jersey
City/Parish: avon
Interest/Hobbies/Sports: hockey!! soccer!
How did you find the address to this page?: surfin' the web
I loved the pictures! You seem to be a really cool guy! Email me sometime!!

Ice Wong - 06/12/00 18:33:22
My Email:icewg@yahoo.com
Country: Hong Kong
State/Prov.: China
School (if Any): Polytechnic University
Interest/Hobbies/Sports: drama, swimming, reading
How did you find the address to this page?: just find it in yahoo homepage ^.^
it is quite interesting as i can see many interesting pictures of you and your friends. and the special effect you did on your photo are very interesting also.....make me laugh a lot.

Ice Wong - 06/12/00 18:30:06
My Email:icewg@yahoo.com
Country: Hong Kong

Simi Chugani - 05/27/00 12:57:00
My Email:simi_chugani@hotmail.com
Country: Zambia
State/Prov.: Copperbelt
City/Parish: Kitwe
School (if Any): Lechwe Education Trust
Interest/Hobbies/Sports: Ice hockey, soccer, and anything fun!
How did you find the address to this page?: looking for someone else's page!!!!
Well your the first owner of a website to put his picture online! 6 thumbs up!!!! Cool website man Im gonna tell my friend in Australia to look it up! Keep cool! Simi

Jessica Thomasson - 04/18/00 15:23:23
My Email:sweet_angel16_2001@hotmail.com
Country: US
State/Prov.: North Carolina
City/Parish: Eden
School (if Any): Morehead High School
Interest/Hobbies/Sports: Not a damn thing! ! !

Alya Brown - 04/04/00 17:44:22
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/ppl_pile/
My Email:sausiges@hotmail.com
Country: Oman
City/Parish: Muscat
School (if Any): American British Academy
Interest/Hobbies/Sports: softball,volleyball,tennis,whatever!!
How did you find the address to this page?: i think it was on ICQ random thingy..i'can't remember
well all i have to say is that u seem like a cool guy....thats gonna get somewhere in life....thanx for makin'me feel like crap....i thought my page wasn't THAT bad considerin'i am not that all good with comps and shit...but when i loked at your page i wa like..shit..my page REALLY SUX!!!heehe...anyway.... p.s. ur'e a babe....

Therese Newman - 03/30/00 21:20:24
My Email:Therese_Newman17@hotmail.com
Country: USA
How did you find the address to this page?: Yahoo
You did a good job but you must have a lot of free time on your hands!

Jodie - 03/27/00 07:52:11
My Email:jodienicks@hotmail.com
Country: Australia
How did you find the address to this page?: No Idea
Very interesting page. It wasn't boring at all. You are a very creative person. Looks like you have a great social life too! Love to come to America one day. Congratulations on a great page.

Amanda - 03/22/00 15:32:56
My Email:amandabonner12@hotmail.com
Country: USA
State/Prov.: TX
School (if Any): Joaquin High School
Interest/Hobbies/Sports: singing, cheerleading
How did you find the address to this page?: I have no idea
Cool web page :)

erin foster - 03/16/00 18:30:49
My URL:http://imnotechhead
My Email:erinfor420@aol.com
Country: usa
State/Prov.: va
City/Parish: fairfax
School (if Any): nada
Interest/Hobbies/Sports: constantly fluctuating
How did you find the address to this page?: yahoo
you're talented...it looks good very creative

joseph - 02/28/00 20:43:50
Country: england
State/Prov.: chester
School (if Any): upton
Interest/Hobbies/Sports: football
How did you find the address to this page?: messing about

- 02/10/00 14:13:21

alyx - 02/08/00 21:46:32
My Email:teddybears18@hotmail.comm
Country: usa
State/Prov.: montana
City/Parish: ????
School (if Any): ?????
Interest/Hobbies/Sports: ?????
How did you find the address to this page?: ??????
e-mail me back plz!

Holly - 01/27/00 23:28:19
My Email:o_gee_@hotmail.com
Country: US
School (if Any): MTSU
How did you find the address to this page?: Just ran into it while searching
COOL PAGE! I enjoyed it! :-)

maestri - 01/25/00 04:43:07
My URL:http://my.netian.com/~maestri
My Email:shine729@hitel.net
Country: R.O.K.
City/Parish: Seoul
How did you find the address to this page?: Well.. Mmm...
Oh! It's so cool! This page is very interesting. Have a nice day!!

jenna - 01/24/00 02:14:19
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/jennabooshome/main.html
My Email:girly1000@gurlmail.com
Country: usa
State/Prov.: texas
City/Parish: houston
Interest/Hobbies/Sports: music, rollerblading, guys
How did you find the address to this page?: i dont really know..
dude this page kicks ass!! that virtual you thing is soo cool. you really know what you're doing on here. hey so can you go to my homepage? :) kay well cya!

sarah - 01/13/00 21:07:07
My Email:cinnamon__21@hotmail.com
Country: usa
State/Prov.: wyoming
City/Parish: gillette
School (if Any): CCHS
Interest/Hobbies/Sports: volleyball, singing, dancing
How did you find the address to this page?: i don't know
Hey man Your homepage is cool. I like the part where you turn the pic and you flip everyone off. Not to mention you are really HOT and have a nice ass. CUQT Sarah, Cinnamon

stacy and danielle - 01/09/00 23:27:44
My Email:d mcv glblnet.com
Country: usa
State/Prov.: michigan
City/Parish: det
School (if Any): boyton
Interest/Hobbies/Sports: football
How did you find the address to this page?: my friend
we like this page it is cool

Jimmy - 01/07/00 02:56:59
Country: America
State/Prov.: California
City/Parish: LA
Interest/Hobbies/Sports: Hockey, Soccer, Sailing
How did you find the address to this page?: seThrough the Geocities search
I liked the page. It had stuff to do on it. I may email you to ask you questions about getting me a page going also. Keep up the good work. Later

Rhiannon - 01/06/00 10:07:54
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/eyeshadow_99/index.html
Country: Australia
Sports: Surfing
great page, keep up the great work. Come visit my page!

Christina - 12/28/99 23:56:56
My Email:sccSurferGirl
Country: USA
State/Prov: California
City/Parish: Santa Cruz
School (if any): B-40
Sports: surfing,skating,soccer,volleyball,basketball,ping pong
Other Interest: BOYS!!!!phoneBOYS!!!!shoppingBOYS!!!!beachBOYS!!!!
This site is phat! I like how I could deform you face! LOL!! I think that it's good. I've been to Pensicola before. I live in California though. Well Sea*Ya later!

Danielle Richards - 09/23/99 21:42:13
My Email:danielle_uab@hotmail.com
Country: us
State: AL
City: Birmingham
School (if in): UAB
Sports: basketball, soccer
Other intrest: music, art, dancing, etc.
I just love the little virtual spin around picture...that's awesome. I think my favorite would have to be where we warp your face. That's so funny. This web site is cool...keep up the good work...;)

Arve.... - 08/01/99 19:15:22
My URL:http://angelfire.com/on/awarholm
My Email:warholm@hotmail.com
Country: Norway (and the States)
State: Ohio
City: Dayton
School (if in): Wright State University
Sports: Soccer
Other intrest: Chris and his cute little ass...hehe
Chris...wuz up. Don't know whether you are able to check you messages here, but wanted to tell you that I will be back 4th of August in Mobile. Mail me if you can tomorow, since we (me, atle and lars) are leaving on Tuesday. Talk to you later BIATCH... Arve

Sarah - 06/21/99 22:50:35
My URL:I don't have one yet!!
My Email:sarah-col@usa.net
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Waterford
School (if in): U of Cincinnati- next year
Sports: basketball
Other intrest: that's too personal!!
Let me guess...you are probably some big fat guy who puts pictures up of someone else just so people will think he's cool!! I think my dad's gonna be transfered to Alabama, so it's nice to see that maybe people down there have a life!!

06/11/99 07:11:12
Name: ICQ Gal My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook

Rachel - 06/01/99 13:42:30
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/capecanaveral/lab/4358
My Email:r_lems@hotmail.com
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Zeeland
School (if in): Michigan Technological University
Hey there! I stumbled upon your webpage, and I'm very very afraid. Really. Yeah. Well. Have a nice day!

Lisa - 05/15/99 21:34:51
My Email:cleo_95@hotmail.com
Country: Canada
State: BC
Sports: beach volleyball, skiing,
Other intrest: drinking, drugs and of course sex
Great pics hottie. See you had just as much fun in New Orleans as I did lol. Oh I just happened to surf on to your page.

Lisa - 05/15/99 21:22:41
My Email:lsigfuson@hotmail.com
Country: Canada
State: British Columbia
City: Kelowna
School (if in): OUC
Sports: baseball, volleyball, skiing
Other intrest: outdoor dtuff
I was just surfing around and I stumbled onto you page, I just wanted to let you know it is a great page and you have great pics on it too.

- 05/12/99 16:48:17
My Email:sindii22@yahoo.com
Country: South Africa
City: Port Elizabeth

NAUGHTY - 05/01/99 14:29:11
My Email:naughtygraceever@163.net
Country: CHINA
School (if in): GDUniversityOfForeighStudies
Sports: swimming
muscle as u r,i like it . i've hoped my BF would as strong as u r i'm rather disappoited he neither likes sports nor other kinds of entertaments. Would u give m some advice how to persuade him to do more sports?

Valentine - 05/01/99 03:43:55
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me2/valentino230
My Email:valentino23@mailcity.com
Country: USA
State: TN
City: Lebanon
School (if in): Cumberland University
Sports: pool
Other intrest: sleep, partying, hanging with my friends
This is an awesome page!!! I just stumbled on it. I have a web page too but haven't relly devoted a lot of time to it yet. I really like the cube thingie and would like to know how it's done!! (If you don't mind!!) Well e-mail me if you get the chance!!

Daven Barter - 04/29/99 12:48:57
My Email:david@barter.freeserve.co.uk
Country: England
City: Louth
School (if in): Grimsby College
Sports: American Football
Other intrest: Sex, drink and drugs.
Cool page mate. Keep it coming and e-mail me!

myra harris - 04/02/99 06:22:32
My Email:berriesncream84@hotmail.com
I love your vanity page

Arve - 04/01/99 07:49:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on/awarholm
My Email:warholm@hotmail.com
Country: Norway
State: Norway
City: Oslo
School (if in): USA
Sports: Soccer
Other intrest: YOU!!
Hey bitch!! Heard you are having some problems lately. Well, it gonna pass...hehe. Well, mail me. Talk to you later. By the way, you page is sooooooo cool man!!! Hehe

Ella Frantza - 03/16/99 16:31:55
My Email:frantza101@hotmail.com
Country: Norway
State: Oslo
City: Oslo
School (if in): University of Oslo
Sports: climbing, diveing and aerobics
Other intrest: drugs,SEX & alcohole
Hi Mr. Niceguy! I see you like Norwegians, so I thought you'd like a little "Hallo" from me... That's all for now, Chris, so please write me.... Love E.

Angela Tourtellotte - 03/15/99 17:50:07
My Email:AngelaMST@aol.com
Country: U.S.A.
State: Connecticut
City: Coventry
School (if in): University of Connecticut at Storrs
Sports: Field hockey, swimming
Other intrest: dancing & partying
Hello there! I'm a 4th semester journalism/English major from UConn. I came across your webpage while surfing the net and I must say that your college life looks like a blast (much different from us UConn students!). I also happen to think that you're ver cute, if you don't mind me saying so :) Well, keep up the good work...please write back when you get a chance. -Angie

George Clooney - 03/15/99 16:38:23
My URL:http://upyours.ass
My Email:awarholm@bellsouth.net
Country: Afghanistan
State: Oklahoma
City: Mobile
School (if in): USA
Sports: Soccer
Other intrest: YOU
What up you little bitch? Sitting here with Kelly, you know that chick behind us....hehe. Nah, not much going on here right now. Yeah, she thinks you're a quite.....*blush*...Well, gots to go to class. Talk to you later. Kelly says hi, and she also thinks you have a nice butt (dude, what a sick, little pervert..). Well, take care you little shit. Call me... 1-800-PIMP Bye

tania - 03/06/99 04:22:38
My URL:http://@hotmail.com
My Email:tania
Country: Jamaica
City: kingston
School (if in): teacher's college
Sports: tennis
Other intrest: basketball

lara - 03/05/99 20:13:56
My Email:mcginnessl@hotmail.com
Country: US
State: SD
City: Huron
School (if in): Huron University
Other intrest: drinking
I really like your page. It is totally rad!!!!

ali bazor - 03/02/99 23:23:57
My Email:anejochic
Country: usa
State: alabama
City: daphne
School (if in): south alabama

melissa oliver - 03/01/99 18:38:40
My Email:mel7874@hotmail.com
Country: usa
State: missouri
City: Jefferson city
School (if in): lincoln university
Sports: none
i just think that your page is really cool!! i like all the photos that you have. and by the way your pretty damn cute also :) well good luck on the page!

Kelley Amerantes - 02/12/99 13:40:37
My Email:Amerantesa@Hotmail.com
Country: US
State: Rhode Island
City: Pawtucket
School (if in): New England Institute of Technology
Sports: Volleyball, hockey
Other intrest: just hanging around, and to have fun
You guys have some very interesting pictures...... definetly a diffrerent college life than mine!!

Matt - 02/11/99 07:54:48
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/collegepark/lounge/1673
My Email:cmwalker@edisto.cofc.edu
Country: USA
State: SC
City: Charleston
School (if in): College of Charleston
Sports: Power Drinking
Other intrest: Peaches (inside joke, sorry)
Nice web site man. I don't think mine will EVER get this good. How the hell did you do that Virtual Picture thing??? Great Job.

Wendy - 02/08/99 18:18:07
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Petsburg/Farm/2641
My Email:Froggy142@aol.com
Country: USA
State: PA
City: Philadelphia
Other intrest: Hobbies
I really like you page!!!!!! :o)

hawk - 01/31/99 05:41:14
My Email:van_zant@excite.com
Country: no thank you
State: AL
City: boaz
Other intrest: fishing and stinking mostly the latter
cool page wish you could see what i did to your face

Joy - 01/31/99 04:17:15
My Email:campbellj@student.northpark.edu
Country: USA
State: IL
City: Chicago
School (if in): NPU
Sports: Soccer
Other intrest: parties, working out, studying, the usual.
Pretty snazzy page you boys have going on here. I liked the pics. Though I have to say, there are many perks to living in the midwest!!! (My family has a place near St. Petersberg, so I get the whole beach-lovin' thing too) Anyhow, great page. I'll t y & get back.

Eric - 01/30/99 07:17:50
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/CollegePark/Dorm/8915
My Email:esmit19@lsu.edu
Country: USA
State: Louisiana
City: Baton Rouge
School (if in): Louisiana State Univ.
Other intrest: Lots of cool stuff.
This is a neat page, I am especially impressed with the virtual picture. How did you do that? Come check out my page, any suggestions?

Dan Nugent - 01/26/99 16:39:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nj/southboland
My Email:nugentda@shu.edu
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: South Orange
School (if in): Seton Hall
Other intrest: Anything You Got
Great Page - Check out our page and let me know what you think. Great Page man, great page!

Atle Rognerud - 01/26/99 06:10:29
My Email:kardosa@hotmail.com
Country: Norway
What's up dawg? Can't sleep, and figured the best way to spend some time would be to look at pictures of myself. You need to help me make a homepage!!!!!! Later Atle

legs - 01/26/99 05:24:37
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/CollegePark/Classroom/3666
My Email:legs__44@hotmail.com
Country: U.S.
State: MN
City: Duluth
School (if in): UMD
Sports: Track
Other intrest: Guitar, Music, other
Cool interesting unique page. Could you please tell give me directions on how to do the virtual picture thing. Cool shit. Really appreciate it. Thanks

Andrea - 01/23/99 03:10:46
My Email:sweetandsexy84@hotmail.com
Country: us
State: pa
City: new castle
School (if in): new castle high
Hey there liked your page!...I was really tempted to mess you face up...but didnt have the heart.Hey if you have any ideas for my page email me:sweetandsexy84@hotmail.com

Tina Emilia - 01/18/99 09:49:15
My Email:valentina_80@yahoo.com
Country: Sarawak
State: Malaysia
City: Kuching
School (if in): Malaysia University (UNIMAS)
Sports: volleyball,hockey,martial arts(taekwondo),going out with friends, reading,listening to music,learned more about computers, making friends all over the world
hi there chris, wow!!! it's a great homepage..with interesting pictures and lovely icon's and backgrounds..i wonder how you got those icons ? and wow again!!! :)

Nikki - 01/12/99 20:44:28
My Email:nikkijacks@hotmail.com
Country: USA
State: TX
City: Odessa
School (if in): Odessa College
Sports: Rodeo, Swim, Dance
Other intrest: Partying
I browsed through your pictures. You guys look like you have almost as much fun as we do in our dorms at school. I have to show these TX people how to party though. No one seems to know how to party quite like us AZ people. Write me back if you get a hance. I would like to hear from you. Nikki Jackson

charles - 01/06/99 10:08:27
My Email:charlesd@neatsoft.com
Country: Australia
Sports: Volleball, Soccer
I guess you wanted her for he body !!!!!!!!

Erin {Kestrel} - 12/29/98 01:01:04
My URL:http://kestrel.cjb.net
My Email:kestrel100@hotmail.com
Country: Canada
State: Saskatchewan
School (if in): U of Regina
Hey, great site! I loved all the interactive photos...especially the face-warping one (nothing personal of course!)

Haley - 12/14/98 10:41:36
My URL:http://oocities.com/soho/coffeehouse/9332
My Email:rxgirl79@hotmail.com
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Statesboro/Atlanta
School (if in): Georgia Southern
This is a pretty cool page. I especially like the golf picture!

Yamil Guevara - 12/13/98 21:24:01
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/CollegePark/Dorm/3120/
My Email:Yamilguevara@Yahoo.com
Country: CA/USA
School (if in): UC, Riverside
Nice web page, but a little bit disorganized. Hint: Create more web pages; each with its own purpose instead of trying to place all of your interests in one web page!

Yamil Guevara - 12/13/98 21:22:39
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/CollegePark/Dorm/3120/
My Email:Yamilguevara@Yahoo.com
Country: CA/USA
School (if in): UC, Riverside
Nice web oage, but a little bit disorganize. Hint: Create more web pages; each with its own purpose instead of trying to place all of your interests in one web page!

Lyzzi - 12/13/98 20:43:09
My URL:http:// www.oocities.org/paris/parc/9279
My Email:starlyte98@hotmail.com
Country: USA
State: umm... IL , AR
City: Decatur (home) Searcy (school)
School (if in): Harding University
Sports: Ice Skating, Cheerleading, Track
Other intrest: Choir, Service Projects (currently in group to aid Honduras), creative writing, sleeping when I can
Kicking page... what school are you from? You might want to patch up some dead links though... Check and maybe TTYL ;) Starlyte

TRIXIE - 12/12/98 01:22:14
My Email:beatrix_98@hotmail.com
Country: Philippines
City: Makati City
School (if in): De La Salle University, Manila
Sports: Tennis & indoor rock climbing
Other intrest: Chat, chat, . . ., chat, PARTY, phone, books
COOL AND CANDID PAGE!!! Great pictures . . . e-mail me if there are new ones. I'll surely be coming back for more. Bye!!! See yah :)

Terri - 12/08/98 18:45:10
My Email:tlh_98@hotmail.com
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Charlottesville
School (if in): Averett College in Danville
Sports: Soccer!!
I must say that I'm impressed by your pics. wow! hee hee...single? J/K

Puay Tin - 11/25/98 05:20:39
My URL:http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home98/s7930588z/room/index.htm
Country: Singapore
Sports: Volleyball, boxercise, etc
Other intrest: music
just surfed on in while dying of boredom. mail me when u have finished constructing your page!

Maria - 11/24/98 03:31:00
Country: US
State: CA
City: LA
School (if in): FC
and if the trees their tresses part and does the moon outblaze it is but to remind my heart i long for you always... adieu, mon cher....

Jewels - 11/13/98 20:22:46
Country: USA
State: Mississippi
City: Corinth
School (if in): Kossuth High (senior)
Sports: I like volleyball, basketball, rollerblading, and horseback riding
Other intrest: I like to lift weights!
I liked your page, it was interesting. The pictures were good also. I think you are pretty cute! I see that your mom lives in Pensacola, well I go down there almost every summer and stay with my sister. Mobile, Alabama isn't too far from here either. Keep your pictures coming and I'll be back in here later. Gotta go, but will email you later. *Jewels*

Angel - 11/12/98 20:27:49
My URL:http://angelfire.com/ms/Seven777
My Email:seven777@magibox.net
Country: US
State: MS
Nice Website!!! ~smile~

luscious linz - 11/12/98 15:39:31
My URL:http://???
My Email:lb982236@student.paisley.ac.uk
Country: Scotland
State: Britain
City: Glasgow
School (if in): Paisley University
Sports: R U Kidding??!!
Other intrest: Not a lot - bit of a lazy cow really.
Great photos guys, but there were a couple in there that I would have kept private if I were you!! Found your page totally by accident (surfing around while dying of boredom) but the pics gave me a bit of a laugh, so now I'm off to live my life completel refreshed!! Cheers!

mac - 11/12/98 07:31:03
My Email:Macxrzy3@aol.com
Country: US
School (if in): UALR

bigdaddy - 11/12/98 05:50:34
My URL:http://www.dirt.com
My Email:mudeater@aol.com
Country: only garth brooks
State: republic of the south
City: mobile
School (if in): up to the 4th grade
Sports: whale watching/ bird calling
Other intrest: sweating and eating
love your web page.......you look so hot with out a shirt......

Prue Turnbull - 11/08/98 07:38:40
My Email:pruedense@yahoo.com
Country: Australia
State: NSW
City: Sydney
School (if in): SCEGGS Darlinghurst
Sports: water polo, swimming, soccer, netball,
Other intrest: cars, wakeboarding and boats
It is a great homempage. Kicks Ass!!! Love all the pictures and icons. I was just looking for ideas of my own for my homepage. Love it, Pru

erica jessup - 11/07/98 15:18:48
My Email:futuredoc99@yahoo.com
Country: usa
State: north carolina
City: winston-salem
School (if in): wake forest
Sports: soccer,any winter sports,does flirting count? after all it is a game.
Other intrest: music from beethoven to the beatles to bush
Your home page was very cool. What school are you from? Major? From the looks of it I'd guess photography or something with computers.Anyway email me sometime and keep the pictures coming!

jenny - 11/06/98 21:42:20
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/tokyo/palace/6960
My Email:jsit@mill.edu
Country: usa
State: ca
City: oakland
School (if in): Mills college
Sports: tennis!
i really enjoyed your homepage! it was easy to follow and i love the way you put your pics in order! i never did catch what school you're at. where are you?

Mike - 11/04/98 16:38:28
My Email:Novawolf1@hotmail.com
Country: usa
State: TX
City: Dallas
School (if in): UT Dallas
Sports: soccer, kickbox
Other intrest: Scuba, hike, camp, chase tail and very short skirts
Liked your page... looks like you had a very very good time in New Orleans? write me some time.. maybe I can show you shrevport.. that's my old stomping grounds...

Karen - 11/04/98 01:18:38
My Email:orch0015@flinders.edu.au
Country: Australia
State: SA
City: Adelaide
School (if in): Flinders University
Sports: Netball, AFL, NRL
Other intrest: LOUD MUSIC
This is a wicked home page, I love looking at what people do with their lives while at college. Seeya!

Jade and Clare (again) - 10/28/98 03:39:11
sorry we forgot to take back our comment about u being ugly...u're not :-)

Jade and Clare - 10/28/98 03:36:36
My URL:http://none
My Email:tijana000@hotmail.com
Country: Australia
State: Victoria
City: Melbourne
School (if in): Killer College (actually it's called Killester College)
Sports: soccer and karate
Other intrest: Guys :-) (this is from the lack of at our school)
well we could be like all the other girls and say u're really cute, but in actual fact, u're pretty ugly! But then again this is coming from two girls who come from a school where sexual frustration is a major part of our lives. Hehe neway pretty cool page, i liked the lava lamp picture so i took it for my page (that's why we came here...cos we're looking at ppl's pages). and we're too cheap to buy a real lava lamp! hehe actually u can't get them in the bush..and my kangaroo woul knock it down. neway gotta go, we're going crocodile hunting after school! (can u tell we're smart arses?) cya later!! Jade and Clare

Mike Maxstead - 10/26/98 00:06:46
My Email:starfire89@hotmail.com
Country: USA
State: PA
Other intrest: Driving my 1960 Oldsmobile convertable
Great pics, especially the one where the girl knew exactly where your mind was. You also look awesome next to that board. Come to Waynesburg and I'll mix you a Silver Bullet. If you can drink four and still walk, you get the Special Varsity Imbibers Aw rd: A free night at the Colonial Tavern.

Guess - 10/21/98 17:26:14
My Email:Synita_Pryor@Post.Wesleyan-College.Edu
Country: Guess
State: Guess
City: Guess
School (if in): Guess
Sports: Guess
Other intrest: Guess
I think the guy playing golf was cute.

Meaghan - 10/20/98 08:08:11
My Email:mkhgus@hotmail.com
Country: USA
State: Kansas
City: Manhattan
School (if in): Kansas State University
Sports: i love soccer and football :)
Other intrest: dancing and partying
I liked your page it was quite interesting, although you might want to invest in a spellchecker :) anyway, you seem to be a lot of fun, hope to hear from you sometime, later, meaghan

christine - 10/15/98 22:15:51
My Email:cgorman@acsu.buffalo.edu
Country: USA
State: New york
City: Buffalo
School (if in): University at Buffalo
Sports: Skiing
Other intrest: I just love doing my school work (I'm Kidding)
This is cool. It would be nice to hear fron you though. Where do you guys go to school. I'm a feshman and I'm trying to adjust to life, any sugestions?

bronco - 10/15/98 00:53:02
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/HotSprings/1144
My Email:bronco222
Country: USA
State: California
City: Barstow
School (if in): Embry Riddle
Sports: Rugby, Tennis, Baseball
Other intrest: Surfing, Beach stuff
Liked the page....good luck with your program, I'll check back.

Chris (on the page) - 10/14/98 16:21:50
My Email:chriswj@hotmail.com
To letter left by Chris (below). We are all but one straight and we are not homophobics. There is a picture of one gay guy on the page (try to guess who). It was not a memory lapse eigther. The reason it was on there is because we caught our gay friend and his friend wearing the same shirts one day and it has become some what of an inside joke. I am glad you pointed out my "politically incorrect" statement and not my lack of spelling ability ,in the same sentance, of the word "anything" Later Chris J

Chris - 10/13/98 13:31:25
Country: USA
State: California
City: Claremont
School (if in): Pomona College
I was deeply offended by the caption under the first "life in the dorms" picture: "We didn't plan anything gay like that"? Hope you're not homophobic, and that was just an intelligence lapse.

shell - 10/11/98 02:28:45
Country: usa
State: FL
City: Pensacola
Heya things look like they are going good. Get up with me later

NIKKI - 09/30/98 02:39:39
My Email:wisc@ctaz.com
Country: U.S.A
School (if in): JUNIOR COLLEGE

09/24/98 07:13:13
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Ed Brown - 09/15/98 04:01:14
My Email:kardosa@hotmail.com
Country: USA
State: AL
City: Mobile
School (if in): USA
Other intrest: Men
Hey Chris. Your homepage is awesome and especially that Atle guy are incredeble. He really makes your site stand out compared to the thousands of sites on the net. He's a stud. I have to admit I wouldn't mine dipping my schlong in your hole either. Arve i ugly. Have a nice day and write me back if you have time. PS. Greit det. Hun er stygg.

Francois Lavallee - 09/15/98 00:08:57
My Email:jamesbond136
Country: Canada
State: Ontario
City: Pembroke
School (if in): Jeanne-Lajoie
Sports: Football
Other intrest: GIRLS

Francois Lavallee - 09/15/98 00:08:02
My Email:jamesbond136
Country: Canada
State: Ontario
City: Pembroke
School (if in): Jeanne-Lajoie

YOKO - 09/09/98 05:54:32
My Email:sipeb-298095@email.msn.com
Country: JAPAN
State: Tokyo
City: HHHHHH
School (if in): AOYAMA ‚f‚`‚j‚t‚h‚m U.
Sports: SKI, watchin' soccor
Other intrest: ‚f‚•‚™‚“
Hey, what's upHI love your awsome ‚g‚oI "IKETERU!!" It's Japanese so your not suppose to understand it.But it means cool.Hope you good luck to your hokkey.Mail me if you have any interests in JAPANI See ya. YOKO

Jamie Hill - 09/08/98 20:24:32
My Email:jlhill@mail.millikin.edu
Country: usa
State: IL
City: Decatur
School (if in): Millikin
Sports: none
Other intrest: none

lj - 08/31/98 06:42:55
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Athens/5451
My Email:funky_yo@yahoo.com
Country: philippines
City: quezon city
School (if in): university of the philippines college of engineering
Sports: mountain climbing
Other intrest: music
you website is interesting..really. nice pics..i just hope you had more information about yourself and the school you're in. anyway, good luck and take care..hope you can take a look at my url too.. it's nothing much and no fancy thrills there. thanks.

Paul - 08/29/98 02:30:08
My Email:tini@the-bridge.net
Country: USA
State: MN
City: Eveleth
School (if in): University of Minnesota-Duluth
Sports: Biking, skiing, climbing
Other intrest: Drinking

katie - 08/27/98 15:07:49
My Email:paquette10@hotmail.com
Country: usa
State: michigan
City: holland
School (if in): oakland university
hi :) I liked your pics!!! Im just totally bored and i happened to stumble across your page...ive got to tell u, your pretty cute! I dont know if you ever like read these things or not, but if you do write me back and say hi :) Bye! kate

Kelly Rose - 08/25/98 03:48:07
My Email:don't you wish you knew
Country: USA/Guatemala
State: IL/MN
City: Chicago/Minneapolis
School (if in): North Central University
Sports: :(
Other intrest: life.....
cute homepage, that's pretty much a compliment coming from a girl.

Arve Warholm - 08/25/98 02:33:34
My URL:http://bitchcity.edu
My Email:awarholm@sprynet.com
Country: Norway
State: Alabama
City: Mobile
School (if in): University of South Alabama
Sports: Soccer (Goalkeeper)
Other intrest: Fun stuff, like, well, spending som quality time with my friends...
I personally think this page is a bunch of shit. But, it is cool. For all you girls: Chris is really NOT a nice guy. He's dirty, selfish, and he loves beer. But then again, isn't that what girls like.....? Chris, take care with your studies, and I hope yo will get your master degree within the next millenium!!! Arve

Alejandro Polanco - 08/24/98 20:10:13
My Email:polanco@infovia.com.gt
Country: Guatemala
City: Guatemala
School (if in): Landívar (studying engineering)
Sports: soccer
Other intrest: Watching movies & watching soccer on TV
Nice homepage! You guys seem to put a lot of effort and time in your computer endeavors! You also seem to have a very declining social life. Maybe next time that I visit you site you can show me some pictures of the babes down there. Keep the good work go ng (!?), and hopefully IŽll visit you soon. Your Buddy, Alex P.S. IŽll send you some pictures of the "babes" down here, then youŽll know why "celibacy" is such a hot thing around here!!!

Alejandro Polanco - 08/24/98 20:02:49
My Email:polanco@infovia.com.gt
Country: Guatemala
City: Guatemala
School (if in): Landívar (studying engineering)
Sports: soccer
Other intrest: Watching movies, watching soccer on tv

Lori Dye - 08/24/98 17:30:42
My URL:http:///South Beach/Breakers/8321/life_in
My Email:aolLori@western.com
Country: U.S.
State: Ok
City: Headrick
School (if in): Western Oklahoma State College
Sports: none at the moment
Other intrest: a lot of things, including more info about you.
Hey, e-mail me and talk to me. You and your friends sound fun and all are cute. But you are the cutest one with your blue eyes and bright smile. Your site is cool and fun to look at. Keep in touch. Lori

niffer - 08/22/98 18:28:03
My Email:sandib@oxford.net
City: woodstock
School (if in): going to humber
Sports: wrestling
Other intrest: hanging out and having fun
This is the best one that I've ever seen. I will give you my nwe address stuff after I move in and maybe we can talk some time. Take care niffer

Kelly - 08/13/98 14:47:55
State: NY
School (if in): Plattsburgh State
Your website is awsome. You and your friends are really hot too!! We need to see more pics!!

Chris Bolster - 08/12/98 21:43:41
My URL:http://www,oocities.com/Athens/Ithaca/4364
My Email:cnbolster@oocities.com
Country: Canada
City: Vancouver
School (if in): University College of the Fraser Valley
Sports: Rugby/golf
kewl page....(:?

- 08/01/98 00:48:02

Nikki - 08/01/98 00:46:55
My Email:wisc@ctaz.com
Country: USA
State: Az
City: Lake Havasu
Sports: cheerleading
Other intrest: partying, having lots of fun
I think this website is awesome. I would love to send you some pictures, but I don't have a scanner. Hopefully, I can see more of you and you'll e-mail me back. thanks. Talk to you soon. TTYL ~ Nikki

Nikki - 08/01/98 00:40:17
My Email:wisc@ctaz.com
Country: Mohave
State: Az
City: Lake Havasu
Sports: cheerleading
Other intrest: partying, having lots of fun
I think this website is awesome. I would love to send you some pictures, but I don't have a scanner. Hopefully, I can see more of you and you'll e-mail me back. thanks. Talk to you soon. What are your interests? What's your name?? TTYL ~ Nikki

Lisa - 05/14/98 20:48:04
My Email:DJSMOM357@aol.com
State: Florida
City: Weston (Ft.Lauderdale area)
Sports: baseball
Other intrest: My hubby & son <|:o)-
I like your page so far babe. I hope it's finished soon so I can see more... Im glad we became friends. Take Care sweetie <|:o)- Lisa

bitch - 03/17/98 02:40:01
My URL:http://love U long time or until ya ass falls asleep
My Email:little mama
Country: listen to it sometimes
State: republic of moneys and ho's
City: prichard/happy hills corner of 5th and 6th ave.
School (if in): school of HARD times and little pay
Sports: cheerleader/ ball girl
Other intrest: your mom and your girlfriend,

Dr. Olsen, your bud - 03/14/98 04:05:53
My URL:http://bigdaddy.com
My Email:apt104@aol.com
Country: USA
State: AL
City: Mobile
School (if in): USA
Sports: hyperventilating
Other intrest: sweating
Why weren't you in class today. You are going to FAIL my program if you don't start taking this seriously. Just for that, you must do 30 Mohr's circles with your Mohr's Circle Maker.

cumdrinker - 02/27/98 23:15:06
My Email:jbar101947@aol.com
Country: usa
State: al
City: mobile
School (if in): USA
Sports: waterballoontoss
Other intrest: you
I'm so disappointed. I have sat attached at my computer with chinese fingercuffs waiting for you to email me. I'm getting impatient. Your the bomb, HHHEEELLL YYYYEEEAAAAHHHHH!

cumdrinker - 02/27/98 04:12:37
My Email:jbar101947@aol.com
Country: usa
State: alabama
City: mobile
School (if in): university of south alabama
Sports: threesome
Other intrest: chinese finger cuffs
big walt-looking golf players turn me on. volleyball players also do a little bit for the sex drive.

arve - 02/11/98 22:20:53
My Email:pimpmaster69@hotmail.com
School (if in): Univ. S AL
Sports: Soccer
I expecially like the pics of me

CHRIS - 02/11/98 22:03:25
My URL:http://you know it
My Email:@@@
Country: usa
State: al
City: mobile

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