Follow The Yellow- Bricked Road

Links to good alternative websites

Harmony Central - The net's largest music resource centre
Neil's Hit Band Euphorium - Great sounds, pix, lyrics of Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Geen Day, Smashing Pumpkins & many more...
Eric Agnew's Smashing Pumpkins links - Smashing!
U2 Guitar Archive - Every single U2 song tabbed here
Nirvana Links - A list of excellent Nirvana links that even Kurt would have been proud of!
International Underground Music Archive - Totally alternative!
Dale Johnson's Musical Collection - A great collection of a number of artiste's pages
MTV Online - Need I say more?

E-zines for your viewing pleasure

Guitar World Online - Jam your chords here!

Links to great sports-related sites

Arsenal Supporters' WWW Page - No true Arsenal fan should miss this!
The Official A.C. Milan Web-site - Everything you ever needed to know about the world's 2nd greatest club!

Links to other excellent websites

Alamak Chat - Great for meeting people!
The complete X-Files Page! - Very, VERY complete!
Screen Savers A-Z - Download over 550 Windows screen savers!

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