

Solo albums: Skilled guitarist, he was born in Ireland.


Herbie first steps in music are closely related to Van Morrison, and this was true for many years later too. This showband included both musicians in the lineup around 1964:
This band was formed in the 60s in Belfast:

As far as I know, they didn't record any material.
Click for short, additional info on bandmates:
Geordie Sproule
Billy McAllen
Someday, these musicians will have a short tribute here:
Van Morrison


That same year (1964), Van & Herbie form a new band with keyboardist Brian Rossi:

Again, it was a short-lived band. Van Morrison left to form Them, and asked Herbie to go with him, with Herbie stayed instead. But, not long after, a new band was formed from here.
Click for short, additional info on bandmates:
Brian Rossi
Tito Tinsley
Someday, these musicians will have a short tribute here:
Van Morrison


This band was formed in Belfast, from the ashes of The Golden Eagles, when Rod Demick joined forces:

They released three singles in the 1965-1966 period. For some time, they changed their name to Wheels-A-Way.

When the group disbanded, Demick & Armstrong formed a duo, under that name, or using another one: The James Brothers.

Click for short, additional info on bandmates:
Brian Rossi
Tito Tinsley
Victor Catling
Someday, these musicians will be fully covered here:
Rod Demick


Not such brothers, but good friends Herbie & Rod:

They released a couple of singles in 1968 for the Page One label. Then, they became the backup band for legendary Screamin' Lord Sutch.
Someday, these musicians will be fully covered here:
Rod Demick


I haven't been able to find info about it. Help, please!

They played with Sutch for six months, before resuming their duo career.
Someday, these musicians will be fully covered here:
Rod Demick
Someday, these musicians will have a short tribute here:
Screamin' Lord Sutch


Here we have them alone again:

They released two albums: Little Willie Ramble was issued in 1971, with Gordon Smith (vocals, guitar), David Watkins (keyboards), Tony Knight (drums), plus vocals by Kay Garner, Sue Glover, Sunny Leslie and Alice Pepper.

Looking through in 1972, with Gordon Smith (vocals, guitar), and Henry Spinetti (drums). In 1973, each one developed his own career.

QUESTION: Was it a duo, or a quartet with Henry Spinetti and Gordon Smith?

Someday, these musicians will be fully covered here:
Rod Demick


This band was formed by great musicians around 1974, assembled with a special vocalist with a powerful look.

Their first album was called Fox. Recorded with help from BJ Cole (pedal steel guitar), Dean Parks (guitar), Leland Sklar (bass), Jim Horn (horns), Russ Kunkel (drums), Chris Gunning (strings).

Roger Taylor (drummer for Queen) sings backing vocals in a track of their 2nd album, Tails of illusion.

Their 3rd album was Blue hotel, recorded with external contributions: Andy Roberts (guitar, banjo, mandolin), Bud Beadle (sax), Jay Gurden (guitar), Ann Odell (keyboards), John 'Rabbit' Bundrick (keyboards), Glen LeFleur (drums), Martin David (drums, percussion).

Their main visual impact was Noosha, but she left the group in 1977, starting her solo career.

but soon Kenny and Herbie started their own project.


Click for short, additional info on bandmates:
Noosha Fox
Kenny Young
Jim Gannon
Jim Frank
Someday, these musicians will be fully covered here:
Pete Solley
Gary Taylor


This was next musical venture by Herbie Armstrong and Kenny Young, with some of their mates from Fox, plus the great Andy Roberts:

Herbie Armstrong (guitar, vocals)
Kenny Young (guitar, vocals)
Andy Roberts (guitar, vocals)
Jim Gannon (guitar)
Rod Demick (bass, vocals)
Gary Taylor (bass)
Gerry Conway (drums)
Their first, self-titled album, Yellow Dog, was produced by Kenny Young. Also with Gordon Smith (guitar), Phil Becque (bass), Pete Solley (keyboards), Jim Horn (horns), Johnny Van Derrick (violin), Glenn LeFleur (drums), Richard Bailey (drums).
Herbie Armstrong (guitar, vocals)
Kenny Young (guitar, vocals)
Rod Demick (bass, vocals)
Their 2nd album, called Beware of the dog, shows a quartet in the cover. It was recorded with help from many people: Phil Palmer (guitar), Micky Feat (bass), Mo Foster (bass), Jack Hall (bass), Peter Bardens (keyboards), Pete Solley (keyboards), Jim Hall (sax), Peter Van Hooke (drums), Paul Atkinson (drums), TK (drums - who is it?), Neville Roberts (reggae box), Simon Phillips (percussion), Jack Spence (percussion).

Strangers in paradise was recorded with Phil Palmer (guitar), Phil McWalters (guitar), Phil Becque (bass), Kevin Llewellyn (bass), Mark Yates (bass), Chris Parren (keyboards), Nick Glennie Smith (keyboards), Mark Steeds (keyboards), Peter Van Hooke (drums), Ricky Medlocke (drums), Mush Chimes (drums), Chris Warwick (percussion).

QUESTION FOR ME: was a real band, or just a duo?

Click for short, additional info on bandmates:
Kenny Young
Jim Gannon
Someday, these musicians will be fully covered here:
Andy Roberts
Rod Demick
Gary Taylor
Gerry Conway


Around July 1978, this was Van Morrison's live band:

They record a new album, Wavelength. With help from Garth Hudson (from The Band, who were friends of Van Morrison), Mitch Dalton (guitar) and backing vocals Laura Creamer, Linda Dillard and Ginger Blake.

They augment the backing vocals section for live concerts:

Vocalist Linda Dillard was also in the lineup for some time, around 1978.

In September 1979, the band had lost keyboardist Peter Bardens (ex-Camel):

A later lineup was: There is an official release of a live video from Wavelength tour, called "Live in Ireland". Warner Bros issued a promotion demo LP in 1978, Live at the Roxy, later put out on general release in 1989 on the Seagull label.

In 1979, Bobby Tench left the band, and a major reformation was made:

This was the lineup in May 1981: Next to leave was Herbie, who left Van's company around 1981. He still appeared in some more albums:

Into the music was recorded with his band: Herbie Armstrong (guitar), David Hayes (bass), Mark Isham (keyboards), Pee Wee Ellis (sax), Katie Kissoon (vocals), Tony Marcus (violin), Pete Van Hooke (drums). Plus contributions by Ry Cooder (guitar), Zakir Hussain (tabla), Mark Jordan (keyboards), Kurt Workman (drums), and Robin Williamson & His Merry Band (whistle).

The beautiful Common one was recorded in February 1980, with his band: Herbie Armstrong (guitar), Mick Cox (guitar), David Hayes (bass), John Allair (keyboards), Mark Isham (trumpet), Peter Van Hooke (drums), plus Pete Brewis (vocals), Eddie Lee Charlton (drums). Arrangements were made by Jeff Labes.

Beautiful vision was recorded with: Herbie Armstrong (guitar, vocals), Chris Michie (guitar), David Hayes (bass), Mark Isham (keyboards, trumpet), John Allair (keyboards), Pee Wee Ellis (sax), Tom Donlinger (drums), Gary Mallaber (drums), plus Mark Knopfler (guitar), bass virtuoso Rob Wasserman, Seam Fulsom (pipe), Pauline Lozana (vocals), Bianca Thornton (vocals).

The philosopher's stone is a compilation of unreleased tracks, covering a wide period, from 1971 to 1988. Herbie Armstrong appears in the four tracks from 1979 and 1980. A fantastic list of musicians appear here (Van has always known how to choose superb players).

Click for short, additional info on bandmates:
Katie Kissoon
Anne Peacock
Linda Dillard
John Allair
John Altman
David Hayes
John Platania
Toni Marcus
Pee Wee Ellis
Mark Isham
Someday, these musicians will be fully covered here:
Bobby Tench
Peter Bardens
Micky Feat
Peter Van Hooke
Pete Wingfield
Someday, these musicians will have a short tribute here:
Van Morrison


After leaving Van Morrison, I haven't found more info about other bands where he might have been playing. He has playing solo gigs, unaccompanied or with backing musicians. I think he also formed a stable band called Herbie Armstrong And The River, but can't find proper info.


Herbie has released a few albums, as well as some singles:


Solo albums: Back against the wall was recorded with:  
Click for short, additional info on bandmates:
Patrick O'Hearn
Pee Wee Ellis
Mark Isham
Someday, these musicians will be fully covered here:
Peter Van Hooke


1. I've read that Herbie maybe plays in Mike Oldfield's "Ommadawn" album, as there's a certain Herbie credited, but playing pipes, so I don't think it's "our" Herbie. Does anybody know?

2. Has he played with Elkie Brooks and David Essex?


Up to now, I haven't been able to find references to sessions played by Herbie Armstrong, so any help would be very welcome here, please.

Related links:
From the always interesting Alex's Picks (by Alex Gitlin), we have: From the superb site Knights in Blue Denim: The British Blues Scene '68 - '70 (by Christer Fridhammar & Vanja), we have:

Family tree

Coming soon (I hope so!).

Thanks section

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Special thanks to: Alex Gitlin, for everything.

Thanks to:


If you can contribute (with additions, corrections, opinions, etc.), please, send me an e-mail message at mterol@myrealbox.com

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Page created by Miguel Terol on: 27/March/2001. First published on: xx/xx/xx. Last modified on: 27/March/2001.
(This page is part of The Musicians' Olympus)