
My vocab:

These are some words that for some odd reason I like to use, I think some of them are funny, either that or I like the way they sound

HARLOT- a hooker, use this fancy word and some people won't know what you are talking about.

DEFENESTRATION- tell people you are going to do this to them, it means to throw them out the window, also uncommon, which is cool.

LOLITA- can be a name, but means teenage temptress, name your pets this, next female animal that is added to my zoo is a gonna be named lolita.

QLM- queer little man, pretty simple really

MCT- we haven't figured this one out yet, lin had a good one that fit this though.....

GRYF- my name for gryphon

LINDC- my name for lindsay, see, she is married to DC, and i call her lin too, and when you say lindc it sounds like lindsay....ummm, i guess if it kinda a inside joke thing..

HYPERBOLE- gross exageration to make a point, sounds cool.

EUPHAMISM- a nice way of saying something bad, like passed away, or mental hospital.

SUCCINCT- short but sweet

ASCETIC- extremly self-disiplined and severe.

PARAPET- low wall or railing.

BREASTWORK- no, no, not plastic surgery, it's a low wall put up as military defense.

PAROXYM- sudden attack, fit.

PALPABLE- easily felt or touched.


OPAQUENESS- can't see through something, it's dark.

ASTRAKHAN- curly fur of young lambs.

DISARMING- removing or lessening of fears or suspicions.

REFACTORY TABLE- long, narrow table, like those used in a monestary or college dining hall.

IMPRUDENT- unwise.

SCRUPLES- feelings of doubt or guilt about a suppested action.

KNOUTER- a kind of leather whip.

TABULA ROSA- clean slate.

TERRA FIRMA- ground, dirt,

OPIATE- anything that tends to soothe or calm someone, also can be a medication containing opium or a related drug used to relieve pain.

DEPLORABLE- regrettable, very bad.

ROWELS- the pointed wheels on spurs that horse back riders wear on their heels.

PRECARIOUSLY- unsteadily, in an unstable manner.

INTERMITTENTLY- from time to time.

SCRUTINIZED- looked at carefully.

OBSTINATELY- stubbornly, persistenly.

EXPENDENT- means, resources, a device used in an emergancy.

INEXORABLE- unyielding, immovable, unchangeable.

ABYSS- bottemless depth.

INTREPID- fearless, brave.

SEVER- seperate, break off.


IMDOMITABLE- unconsuerable, not easily discouraged or defeated.

PLACID- undisturbed, calm, tranquil.

DISPOSITION- personality or temperament.


GARNISH- too bright.

SCULLERY- room next to the kitchen where dishes are washed.

STILE- steps over wall or fence.

SULLEN- gloomy.

RUBRICUND- reddish, rosy.

BBC- british broadcasting company.

PIPS- beeping sounds that indicate time.

IMPERITIVE- extremely important, urgent.

PARAFFIN- british term for kerosene, a fuel that catches fire easily.

PRIMUS- small prtable stove.

BOVRIL- thick, beef-flavored kiquid that is spread on bread or used to make broth.

FRETFUL- irritable and discontented.

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