My Zoo Full Of Pets

Ok, I am now going to tell you about my pets, there are a ton of them, so you know, here goes nothing:

I have a ring neck parakeet named Perrywinkle, he is green and can talk a little, he is only about 2 years old, he likes to eat grapes and sit on my shoulder, he has the power to break your finger with his beak, so, well, watch out, i got him from a special bird store that went out of business.

I have another bird named Ollie, he is three years old, we got him from a person who didn't want him anymore, he wolfwistles at me, and at mirrors, it's funny, he also can say hi and pretty bird.

I also have a manx cat named Pepper, he is about a year old and doesn't have a tail (no cat of that breed does) we got him from a pet store that wanted to get rid of him, no one bought his brother so it got put to sleep *sniff* we couldn't get both of them because we have a ton of pets as it is and my sister is allergic to cats, this breed hasn't been that bad for allergies. He is kinda like a dog, he goes on walks and stuff, it's really funny.

Another one of my many animals is a ferret named Fritzy (she actually is my little sister's but that is ok) it looks kinda like a thin raccoon and is about three years old. She likes to attack the cat.

I have two iguanas, Iggy and Ziggy, Iggy is from a pet store and is about two, I think, Iggy is nice and likes to sit on my head, he is probably about 6 inches long without his tail. Ziggy is from a guy who put in our wood floor, the guy abused him and gave him to us, we don't know how old Ziggy is, he is about 9 inches long though....Ziggy is mean and attacks everything, he is nicer to me now because he figured out I'm the one who takes care of him, he also tends to fight with Iggy, I'm working on separating them.

I have a hedgehog named Hedgy(original names huh?)she is about 3, she likes to run around outside and eat bugs, and cat food, she has hard spikes that sting a lot when you get one in your hand, but she is sweet.

I have another hedgehog for the time being, her name is Hickory, she is mine till her owner gets back from West Virginia, the owner's Grandpa is sick and she is staying there till he...uhh....passes on...or gets better..

I have a albino king snake named Snickers, he(or she, it hasn't gotton probed yet, prolly never will be either)I got Snickers from the school I used to go to, the principal is scared of snakes and said they had to get rid of him, so I took him in, he's about....6...I think, once again I don't know, he is about two or three feet long, he is pink and yellow, he eats baby mice which I used to raise for awhile, I started with 3 mice...and before I gave them to the pet store I had about 50 plus.

I think I got them all now, I'm not sure though, I'll have to update it when needed....if you read this must be quite bored!

I'm working on getting pics of my animals

mail me!

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