Chapter 32: Cousins

"So, what do you guys want to do?" August asked Chris and Amy.

They shrugged.

"Ok. What is there to do here?" she asked.

Amy spoke up.

"We could go to the mall." she suggested.

August looked to Chris and nodded. He sighed.

"And I suppose that you expect me to come with?"

The girls nodded and laughed. Rolling his eyes, Chris got up and left the room. The girls followed, August grabbed the pager that her dad had bought her recently, and ran after Amy. They walked up the stairs and out to the driveway, where Chris's car was parked. They piled in and drove off. As they passed the Hansons' house, August noticed the van in the driveway.

"They aren't supposed to be home yet...." she said to herself.

She shrugged and turned back towards the front. The ride was about 5 minutes long, and she was bored. They got to the mall and parked. They walked inside. There were a lot of people there.

"Shopping for school clothes I guess." she said.

Amy nodded.

"I still have to do that. I haven't gone shopping for awhile."
"Same here." replied August.
"Maybe we could go together."

The three started walking. They stopped at the Gap, 579, and a few other stores. They didn't bu anything at all. But they had fun. August checked her watch. It was almost noon. She suggested that they go get something to eat. The three walked to the Arbys that was set up in the food court. Once they got their food, they all sat down.

"Gosh, I'm really hungry!" exclaimed August.
"Duh, that's probably why we got food!" taunted Chris.

August sent him a dirty look. He just laughed. They finished their lunches and headed out again.

"Ok, now I'm getting bored." complained August, after about 5 minutes of walking around.
"Ok, so what do you want to do?" asked Amy.
"Lets just go home."
"Fine with me. Chris?"
"Yea, that's fine. Lets go."

They wandered their way to the entrance and headed to the car. August noticed a few girls watching her. She shuddered and kept walking. The ride home was silent, except for the soft music on the radio. Chris pulled into August's driveway. August hopped out. Amy rolled down the window. She squinted at the bright sunlight.

"Whatcha doin tomorrow?"
"I dunno. I might do something with Ellie and Lindsay, but I'm not sure. I'll call you. Ok?"
"Ok, that's cool. Talk to ya later."
"Bye guys!"

She watched Chris pull out of the driveway. She gave a little wave. Once they were out of sight, she headed inside. No one was home. Her dad was at work and her mom was still at the hospital. She noticed the light on the answering machine blinking. As she walked towards the refrigerator, she hit the play button. There was a message from her dad, and one from Lindsay. She grabbed a Pepsi from the fridge and walked over and grabbed the phone. She dialed Lindsay's number quickly. It rang twice before Lindsay picked up.

"Hello. Whats your favorite scary movie?" asked August, trying to do an impression of the Scream killer.
"Hmm, I'd have to say that it would be, hmmm, I don't know Aug, I'm not a big scary movie fan." she replied, laughing.
"No fair!" exclaimed August.
"How was that not fair?"
"How did you know it was me?"
"Its called ‘Caller ID'."
"Yeah. Oh."
"Well sorry. I didn't know that you had caller ID!"
"I know, we just got it yesterday."
"Ah. I get it."
"Ok. Where were you today? I tried calling like 10 times, then I left a message. I called Ellie and she said that you had left earlier with some guy. Who's the guy August?" Lindsay teased.
"Lindsay! Don't even think that!! That was Chris!"
"Chris who?"
"Oh. I know him. He goes to my school. Nice looking. He's a year ahead of me, but I was in band with him. His sister's really nice too. She was in my Algebra class last year."
"Yea, I know."
"How do you know?"
"Uh, like, cuz he's like, my cousin!!!!!" she exclaimed.
"No. I'm just saying that to excite you. Yes seriously."
"Whoa! He's like, Mr. Popular at school! You gotta hook me up!"
"Lindsay! This is my cousin we're talking about, remember!!!"
"Yea, I know."
"Know what I saw today?"
"No, what did you see today August?"
"A van in the guys' driveway."
"So, are they like, home, or what?"
"I dunno."
"Hey, I just remembered. You need to see the tape before I give it to Isaac or whoever."
"Yea, that's right. I'll come over in about 10 minutes, hows that?"
"Sure, that's fine."
"Okie-Dokie. See ya then!"
"Ok, bye!"

August hung up the phone and looked around. No one was home. Her mom was supposed to come home the next day, and she couldn't wait. Her dad was at work, and she was lonely. She flopped down on the couch and clicked on the TV. She realized that she was tired. Nothing was on so, eventually, August drifted off to sleep. She had a dream....

"Hey Aug"
"Hey Tay....I love you Tay."
"I can't do this."
"Do what Tay?"
"Be with you?"
"What? Why?"
"Because I hate you."
"What?! Why do you hate me?"

August woke up abruptly. She was crying. Just then, the doorbell rang. She rubbed her eyes and walked to answer it. It was Lindsay. She had a huge grin on her face which quickly faded.

"What happened?"
"N..nothing. I just had a bad dream, that's all. Don't worry." said August, sighing.
"You sure?"

August nodded. Lindsay stepped into the house. August closed the door and walked past Lindsay, down to her room. Lindsey followed. They sat on the bed, and August put the tape in the VCR and hit play.

"You'll find this interesting." she said, smiling.
"Ok." Lindsay laughed.

The tape started and it showed the bikes on the grass, and you could hear August talking quietly, explaining what she was doing. The camera then went around the house and focused on the treehouse. It came closer, to where you could hear the voices. Lindsay watched in amazement. Once it was done, she shook her head.

"Kel's got a problem. Kristi's just her little sidekick. Don't worry about Kristi though, she's really nice, but she does everything Kel tells her too."
"Yea, that's what I figured."

They began talking, and the buzzer on the intercom went off. It was connected to an intercom outside. August walked over and pressed TALK.

"Hey, its Amy."
"Door's open."
"K, we'll be down in a minute."

August walked back over and sat on the floor. Amy soon came down the hall, soon followed by Chris.

"I thought you went home." she said.
"Well, we stopped at the movie store cuz Amy wanted to rent something. We get home and nobody's there, and I didn't have my key." replied Chris.
"Shouldn't it be on your keychain with your car keys?"
"Yea, it should, but I took it off the other day."
"That was smart." teased August.
"Yea, I know, wasn't it?" he laughed. "So we decided to come over here and bug you."
"Oh thanks!"
"No problem!"

August laughed and shook her head. Lindsay's face had turned bright red. She took a deep breath.

"Hey. You're in my band class!" Chris said to her.

Lindsey nodded.

"Lindsey, right?"

She nodded again.

"You going to be in band this year again?"

She nodded once again.

"That's cool."

She nodded again. Chris laughed.

"You can talk Lindsay." laughed August.
"Oh yeah!"

Her face turned bright red. Chris smiled at her and sat on the floor next to August.

"What movie did you rent?"
"Up, Scream I do believe." he said.
"Cool. I haven't seen that yet."
"Well, do you want to watch it?"

August looked to Lindsay. She nodded.

"So I guess I have to get it, don't I?"
"Yup!" laughed August, Amy, and Lindsay."
"Ok. I'll be back."

Chris got up and walked out. Amy turned to August and Lindsay.

"We need some more guys, or else it'll be my brother and the 3 of us."
"Yea, you're right. Who should we get?"

Back to Chapter Thirty-one

Chapter Thirty-Three

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