Chapter 41: Forgiveness?

Flopping on the couch, August sighed. This was too much. She needed to get away, get some privacy so she could think. She sighed and sat up. Stopping to think for a minute, August rushed out to the mailbox and grabbed the mail. Gasping, she sprinted back inside. She could see Taylor coming down the street. His head was down, and he was kicking a rock. A pang of guilt hit her, but she forced it away. She didn't want to feel guilty. She thought she had made the right decision. Once inside, she peeked out the living room window. He trudged to his house, where he was excitedly greeted by fans. Ignoring him, he walked past them and into the house. They stood there, astonished. Again, he hadn't seen her. Hanging her head, she retreated to the family room, and back onto the couch. She flipped through the mail. There was a letter from the school, and a letter addressed to her. There was no return address, and no stamp. Curiously, she opened it. Inside was a card, a note, and a picture. The card was a card asking for forgiveness. It wasn't signed. August opened the letter and read.

Look, I can't stand this anymore. You will not believe how sorry we are. We should've trusted you, we know that now. I made a mistake. I really know that. I feel guilty, and so does Ike. You're my best friend, or at least you were. Please forgive me. And Ike. I don't care whats with you and Tay, you can tell me if you want, but I just want to be friends again. Please. Give me a call when you get this.....if you decide to forgive me. I'm literally begging, and I figured that since you won't talk to me face to face, this would work. I'll see you later, hopefully.


August folded the letter and thought. She hesitantly picked up the phone. Taking a deep breath, she dialed the Hansons number. Zac picked up.

"Zac?" she asked hesitantly.
"August!" he exclaimed.
"Where are you?"
"Home...." she sighed.
" forgive me?"

August sighed. Zac could hear her smiling.

"Cool!" he exclaimed.
"Yea. That was really sweet."
"Yea, I know." he said, laughing.

August laughed.

"So, could you come over?"
"Right now?"
"Yea, if you could. I need you guys to help me."
"I probably can, let me check."

Zac set down the phone and went to ask. He returned quickly.

"Ok, we'll be over."
"No Tay. Please don't let him come..." she pleaded.
"Ok, I won't. He's not in the best of moods."
"I know why...."
"What happened?"
"Just come over, alright? Thats what I need help with."
"Yea, ok, give us about 5 minutes."
"Thank you." she smiled.

Zac hung up. He turned to Isaac, who was reading a book on Taylor's bed. He looked up at Zac.

"Come on." called Zac, as he grabbed his shoes.

The boys tied their shoes and rushed down the stairs. A gloomy Taylor trudged aimlessly around the house. Zac and Isaac exchanged a look of pity before rushing out the door.

They hurried down the driveway, but stopped short when they noticed a small group standing at the end of the driveway. Unfortunately, the group had seen them and had started screaming. Sighing, they obliged for the autograph requests. Once all had been signed, the boys headed towards August's house. The small group watched. All of the sudden, Zac heard the sound of feet against the pavement. He glanced over his shoulder. The girl were running toward them. Grabbing Isaac's arm, Zac began to run. He ran up August's driveway, Isaac right behind him, and the girls right behind them. He grabbed the doorknob, praying that it was open. Lucky for him, it was. He pushed the door open and he and Isaac dove into the house, slamming the door behind them. There they lay, in a heap, in the middle of August's hallway.

August was laying on her bed, when she heard a loud thump. Standing up, she hurried down the hall and up the stairs. She slowly opened the door to the hallway, and burst out laughing. She was met with a pile of blonde hair, and various extremities. As the pile untangled itself, August walked to the door and peaked out. There were girls trying to look in the windows. Fed up, August pulled open the door. The girls screamed, thinking it was a Hanson.

"I want all of you to leave." she said.
"Why should we?" asked a girl, with a snotty tone in her voice.
"Because I said so."

The girl laughed.

"And who might you be?"

The girl's mouth snapped shut.

" in Taylor's August?"

August was hesitant, but nodded. The girl glanced around.

"Ok, now what do all of you have against me?" she asked, hands on her hips.
"N..Nothing." studdered the girl.

All the girls looked to the ground.

"I'm sorry. But if you don't leave, I'm calling the police."

With that, August shut the door in the face of the girl, leaving her speechless. August had a smug look on her face. Zac and Isaac were standing up by now. She laughed.

"Why do they do that?" she asked.

Zac shrugged and ran towards her. He engulfed her in a hug and lifted her off the ground. Laughing, she pounded on his back to let her down, but she returned the hug. He set her down and she looked to Isaac and smiled. He returned the smile, and August headed for her door. The three retreated to her room. August sat on the bed, Isaac and Zac found chairs.

"So..." began Zac. "Whats with Tay?"

August took a breath.

"Well.." she hesitated, glancing to Isaac and Zac.
"We went to the talk. He had to take a different way there, cuz of the girls at the end of the driveway. Right away he started apologizing. I wanted to forgive him, but not to quickly, ya know?"

Zac and Isaac nodded. August continued.

"Anyways, I told him I needed to think about it, and I walked off. I found a bench to sit on. A little while later, Kel shows up and sits next to me. She shows me a picture....."

August reached over to her pillow and lifted it up. She took the picture out an handed it to Zac, who passed it to Isaac. Isaac's eyes bulged out as he stared at the picture. He looked up to August.

"Aug.......I'm so sorry.....I had no idea about this, I swear!" exclaimed Isaac.
"Ike, chill. I know you had nothing to do with it. I don't know what to think. On one hand, Kel could've schemed this up...but on the other....this could be true." August said painfully.

August played with a loose string on her bed, twirling it around her fingers and tugging on it. She felt hot tears spring to her face. She didn't try to wipe them away, she didn't want to hide what she was feeling like. Frankly, she felt like crap, and this wasn't helping. School was set to start in a week, and she wanted all of this worked out. All of the sudden, she couldn't help it anymore. She started bawling. For herself, for Taylor, for her friends back home whom she missed overwhelmingly, for her new friends, for Julie, and for Isaac and Zac. She put her head in her hands and sobbed. She screamed and yelled, just to get her anger out. She couldn't take it anymore, it was too confusing. She fell backwards onto her bed and continued to cry with her hands over her face. Her whole body shook. Zac and Isaac could only sit back and watch. They didn't know what to do. They didn't know how to comfort her.

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