Chapter 8: Why did this happen & I blush too much

"Why did this happen to her? Why?" thought Taylor. "Its not fair"
"Tay, are you ok?" asked August.
"Yea, I'm fine, why?"
"Because your hand tensed up and you've got a weird expression on your face."
"Oh, sorry. I was thinking about all this. Wondering why it was you that got hurt, and not one of us. I should've gone with you. Its my fault that you got hurt."
"Taylor. It isn't your fault that I got hurt. I was skating to fast, I was trying to get away from those girls. I turnned to fast and I lost my balance. It could've happened to anyone."
"But why'd it happen to you?" Taylor blushed once he realized whta he had said.

"Wow, I guess Isaac was right" thought August, looking into Taylor's eyes. She could see anger in his eyes, and a sense of pain. "He really does care." She smiled to reassure him, and his cheeks faded to their normal color.

As Isaac pulled into the Emergency Room parking lot, a crew of doctors rushed out of the hospital with a wheelchair. They openned the door of the van and carefully lifted August into the wheelchair. Lindsay stepped out and started talking to the doctors. They turnned August around carefully and wheeled her into the hospital so they could check her out.

"Yea Tay?"
"Why did this have to happen?"
"Why did what have to happen?"
"Why did August have to be the one to get hurt? She didn't do anything to deserve it!"
"I know Tay, but sometimes stuff happens."
"I know, but why?"
"You really care about her, don't you?"
"More than you can imagine Ike. I don't even know what to do."
"Tell her how you feel"
"No!" Taylor's cheeks turnned a bright red
"Why not?"
"Can I ask you something?"
"Are my cheeks red?"
"Yea, so?"
"Thats why I can't tell her. I start blushing everytime I say something! I'm too damn shy! Why do I have to be so shy?"
"Tay! Calm down!"
"Sorry" Taylor replied quietly.

The brothers stood there in silence for a few seconds.

"Where did Zac go?"
"Uh, I don't know"
"Should we go look for him?"
"Do you have any hats or sunglasses in the van?"
"Probably, I'll be right back"

Isaac quickly ran back to the van and started searching for hats or whatnot. Soon, he reappeared with three hats and three pairs of sunglasses. Both he and Taylor put on the glasses and tucked their hair into the hats. This was the one time that they didn't want to be recognized by fans. Those same fans had gotten them here in the first place. They walked into the hospital, glancing around for Zac. They noticed Lindsay standing with a doctor looking around. They were probably looking for them. Isaac and Taylor casually walked over to Lindsay and took off their sunglasses.

"Hey Linds" said Isaac
"Hi guys, I was just looking for you." she replied
"Hello boys, I'm Doctor Miller. You came in with....August Mayer, am I correct?"

The boys nodded

"Ok, well, August took a pretty bad spill from what Miss Harper here tells me." He gestured to Lindsay. "We're going to take some X-Rays, and them we'll perscribe some pain killers and she'll be released and be able to go home. Are her parents here in town?"
"Um, no. She's staying with us for awhile. Her parents aren't moving down here for about a month." replied Isaac.
"Ok, can I please have the names of here temporary guardians?"
"Walker and Diana Hanson"
"Hanson, Hanson. Are you the boys from the band?"
"Yes sir" replied Isaac
"My daughter loves you guys! Aren't there supposed to be three of you? Where's your brother?"
"Um, that would be Zac, and he is.......ooooffff." Taylor said, before he was tackled to the ground.
"And from what I'm guessing, he just knocked me down. Zac get off me!"
"Sorry Tay"
"Yea. Zac, this is Dr. Miller, he's going to help August."
"Hello Dr. Miller. I'm Zachary Walker Hanson, drummer of the pop band Hanson, co-composer of the song Mmmbop."

With this, Zac jumped up off Taylor and bounced over to Dr. Miller, who had an amused look on his face. Zac bounced over and stuck his hand out. Dr. Miller shook it hesitantly.

"Don't worry Dr. Miller, he's always like that" reassured Isaac.
"Ok. Well, um. I'm going to need you boys to call your parents and have them come down here. I need an adult to sign some waivers for Miss Mayer. Once those are signed, she can leave. Alright? Oh, I know you boys must get this a lot, but do you think you could sign an autograph for my daughter? She loves your music. She left her CD here, so do you think you could sign that?"
"Yea, it'd be our pleasure" smiled Isaac.
"Thank you boys. My office is on the third floor, second door on the right once you come out of the elevator. Once your parents come, Tell them to come see me. Meanwhile, Miss Mayer is in room 608, on the sixth floor. You can go see her if you'd like. Bye boys, nice meeting you, oh, and nice meeting you too Lindsay." He smiled and walked over to the elevator.

They all watched Dr. Miller step into the elevator. As the doors closed, Taylor turnned to Isaac.

"Alright Ike, who's going to call mom and dad?"
"I guess I will. I'll meet you guys upstairs, ok?"
"Ok" replied Zac, Taylor and Lindsay

Isaac walked down the hall, in search of some payphones. Taylor, Zac and Lindsay turnned and walked over to the elevators, stepped in and headed up to the sixth floor.

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