
June 6, 1986

August looked around. There were boxes everywhere. She didn't know why. She walked to find her mother.

"Mommy?" she called.
"In here Auggie."

August waddled towards her mothers voice.

"Mommy? Why are there all these boxes?"

Her mother squatted to talk to her.

"Well honey, we're moving."
"Whats moving?" August asked curiously.
"Well baby, moving is when you leave your house and go to another house."
"Oh. Ok. Can Jordy, oopppsss *giggle*, Tay come?"

Jordy was August's name for Taylor. He had begun to go by Taylor about a year earlier, but August still slipped and called him Jordy. Her mother sighed.

"No honey. Tay won't be able to come. He has to stay here with his mommy and daddy and Ikey and Zacky."
"Will he be able to come and play with me?"

August's mother slowly shook her head. August's blue eyes widened. She sniffed and turned around. She bolted out of the house, running as fast as a four year old could. Once she got out the front door, she began to cry. She took off down the driveway and to Taylor's house, which was on the street past the park. She sprinted through the park, tears running down her face. She reached Taylor's house, and she politely knocked on the door. Diana answered. She looked down. Her face fell once she saw August crying. August was like a daughter to Diana. She quickly bent down to August's level.

"Auggie! Whats wrong honey?!"

August stuck her bottom lip out. It quivered.

"Where's Jordy?" she sniffed, on the verge of a fresh set of tears.

Diana pulled August into a hug. The little girl hugged back. Diana pulled away.

"He's up in his room with Ike. You can go up."
"Thank you." August sniffled as she ran past Diana. She ran past the living room, where Zac was playing on the floor while Walker read a magazine. He briefly looked up as he saw blonde pigtails whiz by. August ran up the stairs. And down the hall to the room she had gone to many times before. She knocked and began to cry again. Isaac pulled the door open.

"Auggie? Whats wrong?"

August walked past him, into the room. The 6 year old was stunned. Taylor stood up. August ran to him and flung her arms around him and hugged him. She cried. Taylor looked to Isaac for help. Isaac shrugged.

"Whats wrong Auggie?" asked Taylor.
"I'm I'm I'm moving..." she sniffed as she pulled away.

Taylor was confused.

"Whats moving?"

August took a breath.

"I'm leaving Jordy. I'm leaving Tulsa...."
"What?! Why?!"
"I don't know. There are boxes all over my house."

Taylor frowned. The phone rang. Isaac picked it up.

"Hello? Hanson residence, this is Isaac."
"Hi Ike, its Liz. Is Auggie over there?"
"Ok, I'm going to come get her, ok? Can you tell your mom that please?"
"Yes. I will."
"Ok, thank you Isaac."
"You're welcome."

Isaac carefully set down the phone. He walked out of the room to find his mom. Mrs. Mayer came and picked August up and brought her home, where they finished packing.

**Next day, 11 am.**

"Auggie, honey, we're ready to leave."

August looked up from her position on the floor of her room. Tears were in her eyes.

"Mommy, I don't want to leave. Jordy's my best friend Mommy. Don't make me leave."

Mrs. Mayer had pity on August. She went and sat down next to her and stroked her hair.

"Well Aug, we're going to go to Jordy's house to say goodbye, then we'll go. You'll see him again. I promise."

August looked up at her mother and nodded. They left and went to the car. August stared out the window. They reached the Hansons' house and August slowly climbed out of the car. She could see Taylor and his family waiting on the porch. The families talked, and it was time to say goodbye. August hugged Diana, then Walker, then Isaac, and finally Taylor. They hugged, both were crying. Taylor pulled a bracelet out of his pocked and handed it to August. She looked at it. It was Red and Blue. Taylor's favorite and her favorite color. He handed her a card, and a small rock. On the rock was painted:

"Auggie and Jordy...Friends Forever."

August smiled and began to cry. She said bye one last time, and her dad picked her up and took her to the car. He sat her down. She cried. They pulled out of the Hansons driveway and onto the street. August looked back. Taylor was running after the car, tears streaming down his face. She watched him and cried until she couldn't see him anymore, which made her cry harder. She cried almost all the way to their new house, which was about 12 hours away by car. She thought she would never see Jordy again. But she had the rock and the bracelet to remember him by. But to her dismay, she soon forgot about Jordy, and about Tulsa. It would all come flooding back, in due time.

Chapter Two

Chapter Index

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