Wallflower/Dylan Dreams!

"She's been havin' the same old dreams, lullabies and pale blue...EYES!!!"

Hey folks, welcome to my Dream Page. Here you'll find interesting dreams that I have had. Please share whatever you'd like! Lisa_Loo_7@hotmail.com

Dream #1

I was at an outdoors concert. There were people around me, but I was there by myself. I'm walking around when suddenly, Jakob appears. He walks up to me and says, "Follow me." So of course there's no argument from me :) I walk behind him through this door and I can see the back of his head. I think to myself, oh, I wish I had scissors, but then I tell myself, Lisa, don't be so obsessive! Anyway he takes me up on the stage and points to this guitar. I say, "That's Mike's guitar." Jake says, "That's right. I want you to play it." "You mean, you want me to come up on stage and play guitar.. up here, with the Wallflowers? Sure!" Again I tell myself, you don't play guitar, but I didn't let that ruin my day. Later, I'm sitting on a couch with Mike. He's admiring my school planner which is, obviously, decorated with Wallie paraphenalia. He says to me, "hey this is cool!" and autographed it for me. Unfortunately I woke up before I got to go on stage, but it was still a cool dream

Dream 2: Submitted by Desiree

Lisa and I were famous and in this hotel. It's the middle of the night and the hotel catches on fire. We're all standing around at the bottom of the hotel as the flames are coming off the building. Then, there's the Wallflowers standing around. Jakob's in black silk pj's and his hat. It's 3 in the morning and he's piss drunk. Then he begins singing (keep in mind the place is burning down) "Well, this place is old...." The owner of the hotel is standing next to him and is rather angry at Jakob's little performance. When Jakob gets to "burn" Lisa walks up to him and starts singing "Burn, Paige, Burn" and Jake says, "I'm with you!" (disclaimer: I do not wish any violence on Paige. This dream was a result of what happens when one tampers with too much allergy medication :)

Dream 3

My friend Carrie and I were going to a concert. When we get there, I walk up close to the stage to try to see Jakob. He was offstage, hidden from everyone else. He was standing by himself smoking. He turned around and saw me gaping at him, gave me a little smile and turned back around. I was so overwhelmed with glee that I passed out and fell down a hill.

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