IG Supported Causes

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Here are some of the causes the Indigo Girls support.

Honor The Earth--Honor the Earth is an organization of Native American activist groups which support environmental causes.

Daemon Records--Daemon Records is a not-for-profit independent record label run by Amy Ray which supports and signs lesser known acts. A great place to go for incredible music you won't find anywhere else. You can also find projects which the Girls participated in such as Jesus Christ Superstar: A Resurrection, New Mongrels, and benefit albums for Honor the Earth and Youthpride.

The Zapatistas--The Zapatistas, named for Emiliano Zapata, a popular hero of the Mexican Revolution, are descendants of Mayan Indians fighting for land rights and a voice in government in the state of Chiapas, Mexico.

YouthPride Atlanta--YouthPride is a support and education center for Gay and Lesbian teens in Atlanta.

National Gay And Lesbian Task Force--NGLTF is a leading grass roots civil rights organization promoting change to guarantee the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people.

The Hunger Site--Well, I haven't seen any promotion of this site by the Girls themselves, but Michelle Malone did include the link in one of her mailings and it is a site I try to visit every time I am on a computer. With one simple click of the mouse, you can donate up to three cups of free food entirely paid for by sponsors (i.e. no cost to you!). It can make you feel just a little bit better as avenues for change continually decrease. Plus they have spiffy banners that look like this:

Donate Free Food!

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