Welcome to my contest page!!

Enter the contest and you might win great BSB stuff!!



Chrissy, when you see this please email me your address, so I can send you your prize!!

Here is her story that won!!

My fantasy of meeting the Backstreet Boys (Brian, my favorite) goes like this. It is April 5th, 1997, and I am at the concert in Vancouver, I have row 6 seats and a great view of the guys. The people in front of me are short, so I am the tallest around.
The boys came out and did a few numbers. Then Brian came out to do his slow solo song. The crowd became kind of quiet. I yelled out really loud , "Brian, I LOVE YOU!!!!."
He stops his song and asks, "Where is that girl that said that? Get her up here, I want to meet her!" He saw me yell it so, even though alot of girls were saying that it was them. An security guard came and got me out of the crowd and escorted me on stage to meet Brian.
Brian changes his song to "Tell me" a song by Corey Hart. Then I get to sit on the end of the stage and watch the rest of the show. When the show was over, I got to go backstage and meet all the BSB. I take alot of pictures. Brian thinks that I am so nice, he invites me to go on tour with him. Of course I accpeted and went with the Backstreet Boys to their European tour!


Sorry, to all those other entries who never won! Keep entering my contests, you might win one of them. Keep trying and good luck!!

I will be changing the contest from time to time, so if you didn't win any so far keep entering them and of course the prizes will change! Keep coming back to see the new contests.

Don't forget to write your name and email address with your contest entry so I can email you to tell you that you won.

The winning entry will be placed on this page when I figure out who the winner is.

If you want to enter the contest, email me and I will see if you won or not! I will update the page within a week!

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