The Arch rivals were formed in late 1998. Our first show was in Joe's basement with about ten of our friends watching. Since then, the Arch Rivals have won a Battle of the Bands competition, played at Water Street Music Hall, and played with bands like The End, the Dregs of Society, and the Justice Boys.

Slick Tony C.

former student of Penfield High School, now attending the University of Florida. Guitar Guru and some vocals. Provides Simpsons trivia on those oh so long van rides to the shows. Into Rock-a-billy stuff and Young Life. Bands-Unseen, Casualties, Stray Cats, 90 Pound Wuss, ect...

Adam Rival

Master of the Bass and Lead Vocals into Skin Head stuff and Dragon Ball Z works at Wegmans Bands-Condemned 84, Fear, Agnostic Front, ect... Email

Chewbaca Fostex

Guitar Slinger and backup vocals into Punk stuff and Star Wars works at the Hospitality House Bands-Rancid, 7 Seconds, Causlties, ect...

Dave Rival Jr.

two sticks and some Drums and backup screams into Punk stuff and pizza works at Marias Bands-Casualties, Blanks 77, Toxic Narcotic, ect...


GUS, MATT, & JOSH (NOBODY CARES), WADE & THE DREGS OF SOCiETY,Brian and his road rage van, NATE & SHOEPiLLOW, JAMES, PAT & THE END, The Justice Boys, Joe, PAT BOLGER,Loopie and Chris(the nobodyCARES Roadies), The Justice Boys, Jason D., Atomic Peril(Misfits Cover band), Ryan B., John H., Gian L., Matt K., and (FAll To PIECES), Oriana, America, Ken, Skin Head John, Collin M, Danielle A., Coutney, Joe, The Damn Weener Kidz, Casey S., Alex S.H.A.R.P. and Michelle, Bree(our photographer) ROGER & ViNNiE FROM AF (LETTiN US PLAY UNiTED BLOOD), ALL THE AREA BANDS,Beef BEER and GuNS ZINE, THE ROT-CHESTER SCENE (SUPPORT iT OR GET THE F' OUT!) Sorry if we forgot a BAnd/Person all of yous who helped us, supported us, and are our friends THanX!!! (E-MAil us if We forgot U-dont be afraid-we dont bite)

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