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Here is a step-by-step introduction to Vga Planets. This is a section dedicated to VP newcomers. Experts may find themselves more confortable at tactics page.

First of all... what you need to know:

a) What is, in short, Vga Planets?

"Vga Planets is a graphical multiplayer play by turn war game that simulates combat in space between galactic empires. The game emphasizes mining, colonization and the construction of starships. The players compete against each other economically and militarily on a galactic scale." (Source: Winplan Help).

b) Where can I find more detailed game informations?

No help can be more exhaustive than player's manual. Click to download; (50K, ver 3.0, 10/nov/93).

c) Is there a Vga Planets FAQ?

Sure. click to download; (37K, ver. 15, 30/dec/95).
Index (Index)

Second... what you need to get:

a) How do I get my copy of VP program?

Latest release of shareware client programs for VP are available at Tim Wisseman's Vga Planets Page. You can choose between dos and windows (Winplan) version, the latter being around 3 MB in size, the former 500K or less.

b) Do I need any other software to play?

Many hosts require you are able to uuencode/mime and/or compress (using zip, arj, lharc, rar or any other compression utility) your game files in order to send and receive them. Click to download a simple Uuencode/decode program or a mime packer/unpacker. Later, you may want to have a look at or , where you can find the latest version of about every shareware program released.
Index (Index)

Third... what you need to do:

  1. Install and configure VP client program, dos or windows version, and all needed utilities like zip, uuencode, mime... I suggest you create a main directory such as "c:\vplanet" to hold all VgaP files, then make subdirs under that one for every game/utility you may need;

  2. Read the docs (see more detailed game info), you should have at least a general idea on how a game turn is played;

  3. Look for a VP host: that is a person who gathers all turns (.trn files) he receives from players and process them with host.exe program, then sends back results (.rst files).
    Hosts can be found leaving a message on vga-planets newsgroup (, or surfing on Vga Planets dedicated home pages. Or checking my personal Vga Planets Hosting Sites List ;-). Many of them keep a game especially fitted for beginners always running, to accomodate requests of newcomers;

  4. E-mail host asking him to include you in some game with free player slots, specifying your three or more preferred races, in order of importance. Good races for beginners are Rebels, Feds or Fascists;

  5. When you receive your turn, decode and decompress it, if necessary, then copy it in a VP client game data directory ("VPWORKx" for Winplan, a new directory of your choice for dos planets.exe);

  6. Play! Move your ships, build mines and factories, threaten your neighbours via the "send message" button; ;-)

  7. When finished taking decisions, launch "maketurn" procedure, by pressing button with same name in Winplan, or by launching dos maketurn.exe program, in this case specifying (on command line) the directory containing game data. You should generate a PLAYERx.trn file, where "x" is a number referring to the race you played;

  8. Compress/uuencode (if necessary) PLAYERx.trn, and include it in the body of an e-mail message addressed to your host;

  9. Wait a seemingly huge amount of time :-). Hosts generally send out a new turn 1 to 7 times a week;

  10. return to 5), unless game is ended, in which case... congratulations if you positioned at top of the score, shame on you if you were at bottom of it! Try again, more luck next time! ;-)
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