Welcome to Cougre's Lair

Another N64 Junkie

Welcome to the new site. I haven't had a chance to do much. The moving truck hasn't shown up here at the new site, so this is what I had with me.

My how far we've come.

A Couple of Photos from the Ol' Wallet:
The first photo is of our cat Lucas. (The one on the left)
She (Lucas) was found by our friend Wendy. She (Wendy) heard a faint mewing noise coming from a bush, one day when she was watering her garden. Lo and behold there was a small 2-day old kitten there. Well, to make a long story short, the wife and I spent weeks bottle feeding this little tiny thing. We had to decide on a name, so I decided on Lucas after Wendy's last name. (That was before we found out that the cat was actually a female. The name stuck anyway.)

The other is a picture of our friend Wendy. (Oh, and that's Wendy's brother standing next to her. I think his name is George. The little kid background is George's youngest, Jett. Notice his t-shirt?)

Our cat Lucas................. / - Our friend Wendy and her brother.

The Gang - CB, Magic, Bug, Ru, and Cougar - - - / - - - The cats playing the nintendo... again.

Katawni playing basket-cat.

Mustang and Cougar at the beach - - - - - - / - - - Halloween '96 - Colleen, Coug, CB

Coug and the Piper Warrior II that he solo'd in !!

Close-up of Coug at the controls.

Katawni and Lucas all grown up.

Coug's Mail

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