Site news:
Right on, I've made it well over the boundary of 200 people, and I'd like to thank you all! And remember, you're welcome here anytime!
Uh oh:
Geocities has updated everything now, and with the update came a new bigger and better site editor, BUT that's not so good for me since I can't get it to load properly...Right now I'm using the old editor so I can still update my page, but soon they'll be putting this editor offline so it may be a LONG while before I get this page updated again, if I ever do. And if I never do get the new editor working then I shall say farewell from my little place in the web!
Site Award
: A little while ago I received a letter in my Inbox saying that I had won the Canuck Award of Excellence and I'm quite excited, but I can't display the award since they gave it to me in the form of an HTML code, and the GeoBuilder doesn't allow me to enter HTML codes, but I am going to contact a Community Leader and ask them how I CAN display it.
Friends Page
The Godly 3
Contacting Me
Kool Stuff
I AM...
You have any comments about my new look?
Tell me what you think at admiralhulk@hotmail.com
This page is part of the TOLAN Creations Company, and, in part cannot be copied by ANYONE (except for co-owner Adidas-Man). Thanks.
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