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Slot-T Slot1 Slockets for sale

Wednesday, December 4 , 2002

We almost missed this one. While browsing the forums, I read USER Herbo's post on this adapter. Upgradeware has released a Slot1 slocket that is Tualatin CPU ready and Dual-Processor ready(Pentium3-S only). It will not work in Celeron-Only motherboards probably due to voltage supply not going below 1.8v. There is a TVC chip installed. But for $19.95 from Stratton Computers, it sure is an easy way for the non-techinical user to get a Tualatin CPU.

Also, the 370GU adapters have dropped slightly in price to $29.95+SHIPPING from Stratton Computer.

If somebody purchases either one of these, see if you can find out the Vtt voltages used by Upgradeware. Curious to know if they designed these the right way with Vtt=1.25v.


Our forums are here

Saturday, November 23 , 2002

We have been tweaking the HTML of this site for the search engines and put together some forums so we can have at least one central place to post.

Post Here...

Socket370 Pin Adapters for sale

Friday, October 18, 2002

While browsing the MadOnion Tualeron forum I came across USER SSV's post on Upgradeware's S370 to S370T adapter called the 370 GU. You can put a Tualatin CPU into a socket370/Pentium3 compatible board but not a Celeron-only socket370 board. They say i810 and i815 chipsets work. Dual Processors are supported using Pentium3-S 512k cache processors.

So far, the only reseller in the US is Stratton Computer pricing the 370GU at $31.95+shipping. It's manufactured by Upgradeware and they have a good number of compatible boards listed and resellers worldwide.

Not to be out done, PowerLeap has released what looks to be an identical adapter, the PL-NEO/T for $29.95+shipping.

Always keep in mind that adapters add their own problems to the mix especially when overclocking. They add noise, instability, are sometimes manufactured poorly and designed incorrectly. The big brother of the PL-NEO/T is not a good overclocker. Look at the chart on the bottom of the page. Not many overclocks there.

So who else is thinking these adapters can be modded to work with socket370 Celeron-only motherboards? We have an old PL-NEO around here in a box and we had thought about trying to mod it. Stay tuned . . .

Compatible Slotkets Update

Friday, October 18, 2002

USER Spajky provided The LunchBox with his personal list of working slotkets so we have updated the list. Thanks Spajky!

We also added our Generic slotket to the list with a link to the article on getting it to function properly.

More Successes Found

Tuesday, October 15 , 2002

While searching the Net, we came across Takapen's site in Japan that has over 300 user experiences with the Tualatin mod. The table is huge and includes attempts with PowerLeap adapters.

If you weren't already aware, The LunchBox has its own table here.

Socket370 Pin Adapter Spotted

Friday, August 31, 2002

User Philip on the OC forums has posted some pics of a Tualatin to socket370 pin converter. He used it to put a Tualeron in his i815 S370 motherboard. They do not use an external power source like the PowerLeap adapters. This one was purchased in Hong Kong(Made in China) for $13 US but could be had for $5 US in China.

If you know of a place to purchase these online or in the US, send us an email.

We are Online!

Friday, August 30, 2002

After reading the various forums on the 'Tualeron in a BX' and frequent requests for a central web site with all the details on doing the mod, we thought we would put that very site together. So here you are.

We are going to collect and post many of the BX mods, fixes and tweaks so that our i440 based motherboards can last just a few months more. Are we solely another BX board site? Nope. We will also feature VIA, SIS and other Intel chipset information along with hardware mods for graphics cards, RAM, cases and whatever else we can find.

If you would like to submit an article or some useful piece of info you've found, send it our way and we'll post it with credit going to you! Here

© 2002 The LunchBox