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Some of these robots, and who they are will be listed below with pictures if possible. While they weren't in the anime, some of them were actually pictured in the opening of the anime. To get the bigger version of the screensnaps, click on the thumbnail. All screensnaps were provided by:
Haruka's Mobile Home

Signal The main character of the story :). He's made of Mira, and programmed to be a protector and big brother to Nobuhiko, the grandson of his creator, Otoi Shinnosuke. Also created to look like Otoisensei's son, Masanobu. He has a big crush on a neighbor robot, Elara, as does Nobuhiko. They fight over her often. Siblings include: Pulse, Oratorio, Lavendar.

Pulse Pulse was created by both Otoisensei and Masanobu. He was a gentle and kind robot, and loved by all. He and Kris were good friends when she was younger. Masanobu took him away on a trip with him and his wife, and at one point, redesigned him. He remade him to be a total weapon. He gave him long blades on each arm, and his eyes can shoot lasers. Unfortunately, this makes him almost blind. When Otoisensei made Signal, he used Pulse's basic designs. This makes Pulse Signal's prototype. Siblings include: Signal, Orotorio, Lavendar.

Chibi SignalChibi Signal is the result of Nobuhiko's sneeze. When Signal was being programmed, he sneezed at a crucial point, and this is the result. Now, anytime Nobuhiko sneezes, Signal changes. Signal remembers nothing of what happens to Chibi, and Chibi has gotten him into a lot of trouble. He's gotten Signal drunk, and drawn on Pulse's face and more.
Orotorio Lavendar Orotorio is a secretary who has an eye for the ladies. He doesn't seem to like Signal much, or at least enjoys teasing him. Lavendar is a bodyguard, and one very tough lady. When we first see her, she is saving Chibi Signal from death by Quantum and Queen.
Harmony Harmony is a small robot with wings. I really don't remember anything about her.
Karma Karma was created as a companion to Masanobu, and to run a household. He became the mayor of an island, and when he was reprogrammed briefly, cut Signal's floor length hair off. He is an expert knife thrower.
Code In the 'real world', Code is a bird robot. He attatches himself to Signal when Signal is in need of more power, and gives him a 'power up'. In the cyber world, however, Code is a nice looking young man. He prefers himself in the Cyber world. Siblings include: Elara, Europa.
Elara Europa Elara and Europa are sisters who are very close. They were created by Dr. Margaret Cassiopeia as serving robots, specifically for tea. Signal has a crush on her. Europa disappeared and Elara ws distraught. She decided to serve other things and clean. Her cooking is a disaster, and it makes people sick. Europa fell in love with Atrandom, and became his girlfriend, even though he was nothing but a computer. When he went off a cliff, she jumped off as well. They do come back later, however. Sibling includes: Code.
Atrandom Atrandom was a robot trapped in a computer frame. He fell in love with Europa. He was able to reprogram other robots, and succeeded in using Karma to cut off Signal's hair. He used Signal's hair to create a body of Mira for himself (a quirk.... Signal's hair was violet when it was cut, but Atrandom's turns out blue....) whenver Nobuhiko sneezes, his body goe a bit funny, though. He ends up being Signal's ally.
Oracle A guardian of the computer Cyber world. He was trapped once (by Quantum I believe), and Signal went in to help him but when Signal went in, he looked like a kid. Oracle looks a lot like Orotorio.
Emotion Emotion is a girl who lives only in the Cyber world. She likes signal a lot.