Stakawaka's Star Trek Alien Races Page

This page is for all of you semi-trekkies who don't have a full grasp on the major races of Star Trek. This is not meant to be a full analysis of each race, but rather an introduction to them. Scroll down or click on the links below to find out the basics of what every Star Trek viewer should know. The races mentioned come mainly from The Next Generation series, but Deep Space 9 and Original Series races are also included. In many cases, the races will appear in more than one series.

Andorians ~ Bajorans ~ Betazoids ~ Borg ~ Cardassians ~ Ferengi ~ Gorn ~ Klingons ~ Romulans ~ Tholians ~ Trills ~ Vulcans ~ SURVEY

Star Trek Series Abbreviations as used on this page:
TOS ~ Star Trek: The Original Series (1966~1969)
TNG ~ Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987~1993)
DS9 ~ Star Trek: Deep Space 9 (1993~)



Adorian Information
Series seen in: First and primarily in TOS, with cameos and mentionings in TNG.
Physical Description: Humanoids with insectoid traits, with blue skin and antennae. They are slightly taller and much more long-lived than the average human. Their senses are far more adept at noticing slight variances.
Other Info: Andorians are described as a violent race, but they do not fight without reason. The wars they have fought were conducted so that they would not harm their ecology. They are hardworking, and often seen as humorless, which is untrue since non-Andorians simply do not understand their humor. They do not develop friendships as a rule, and are not used to the concept of recreation.
Quadrant: Alpha Quadrant
Andorian Web Pages: Andoria
Andorian Home Page


Bajoran Information
Series seen in: First seen in TNG, became major race in DS9
Physical Description: Bajorans are humanoids, roughly human-looking, with the exception of ridges on the upper part of their noses. Many Bajorans wear a large ornamental earring on their right ear.
Other Info: The Bajoran home planet, Bajor, was annexed as part of the Cardassian empire, which lead to many decades of Cardassian occupation, in which the once-might Bajoran civilization declined. Bajorans are deeply religious, and look to their Kai (spiritual leader) for both spiritual and political power.
Quadrant: Alpha Quadrant
Famous Bajorans: Ensign Ro Laren (TNG); Major Kira Nerys (DS9)
Bajoran Web Pages: Bajoran Alliance Homepage


Betazoid Information
Series seen in: Almost exclusively in TNG
Physical Description: Betazoids are indistinguishable from humans without the aid of a bioscan. They do possess a different brain structure to humans, which allows for their telepathic skills.
Other Info: Betazoids usually develop their telepathy skills during adolescence. The betazoid homeworld is the planet Betazed, and it is a member of the United Federation of Planets.
Famous Betazoids: Counsellor Deanna Troi (TNG); Lwaxana Troi (TNG)
Betazoid Web Pages: Betazoid Encyclopedia


Borg Information
Series seen in: First and primarily in TNG
Physical Description: The Borg are humanoid, but are dependant on biomechanical implants that grants them greater physical strength. They would die if these are removed. They typically have a cybernetic arm which can be used as a tool or phaser, and a laser-sight eyepiece over their right eye. Borg children are born without mechanical implants, however these are soon added to them, making them dependant on them.
Other Info: The Borg roam the galaxy, turning all that they capture into fellow Borg by assimilating them. Few have succeeding in resisting this, but Data was able to in the movie First Contact. Jean-Luc Picard, captain of the Enterprise in TNG, was once assimilated by the Borg, becoming Locutus. Most Borg have no concept of individuality, and are linked to the Borg Collective.
Quadrant: Delta Quadrant
Famous Borg: Hugh (TNG)
Borg Web Pages: The Chief's Borg Page


Cardassian Information
Series seen in: First mentioned in TNG, became a major race in DS9
Physical Description: Cardassians are humanoid, with reptilian features, giving them scale-like legions on their skin. They are usually quite tall, and dark-haird, although fair in skin color.
Other Info: The Cardassians are typically violent, and waged a long and bloody war with the Federation, stopped only by a shaking treaty. They annexed the Bajoran homeworld, and occupied it for over fifty years, in which they reaped the country of its natural resources to supply its resources-poor homeworld of Cardassia Prime. Cardassians and Bajorans are still on uneasy terms.
Quadrant: Alpha Quadrant
Famous Cardassians: Gul Macet (TNG); Gul Dukat (DS9)
Cardassian Web Pages: The Official Cardassian Fan Web Page


Ferengi Information
Series seen in: First in TNG, also in DS9
Physical Description: Ferengi are humanoid, with a large four-lobed brain and large ears that are connected to their eye sockets. They are substantially shorter than humans, and have pointed teeth.
Other Info: While Ferengi abide stronly by their philosophies, these philosophies make Ferengi fiercely profit-oriented, and sexist in the extreme. Ferengi women are not allowed to wear clothes, nor own property. The Ferengi are a technologically advanced race. The Ferengi Rules of Aquisition, commonly mentioned in DS9, is a list of 285 "rules" illustrating the ruthless capitalistic tendancies of this race. Ferengi minds are unreadable to Betazoids.
Quadrant: Alpha Quadrant
Famous Ferengi: Quark (DS9); Nog (DS9); Grand Nagus Zek (DS9)
Ferengi Web Pages: Ferengi Cultural Hub
The Ferengi Rules of Aquisition


Gorn Information
Series seen in: One episode ("Arena") of TOS
Physical Description: Gorn are bipedal reptilians, and are much larger and stronger than humans. This is due in large part to their home planet, which has a harsh environment and a relatively high local gravity (1.4 Gs). Living on this planet has done more than increase their strength and endurance levels, but also affected their philosophy.
Other Info: The Gorn value their physical strength very highly, although they are not as preoccupied with violence as much as the Klingons or the Romulans. The prefer to exert their will through physical dominance. The Gorn are not truly a major race in Star Trek, but so many people (myself included) find them so unique that I could not resist excluding them.
Quadrant: Alpha Quadrant
Gorn Web Pages: Gorn Homepage


Klingon Information
Series seen in: First in TOS, subsequently in all series and movies.
Physical Description: Klingons are humanoid, larger than the average human, with thick ridges along the cranium. Hair does not grow where these ridges are, so most Klingons have a hairline that resembled pattern baldness in middle-age male humans. They generally have dark skin. Klingons have multiple redundancies in many of their vital systems, making them hardy in battle. For example, a Klingon may have three hearts, four lungs, and two livers. They have no tear ducts, and their blood is lavender in color.
Other Info: Klingons are raised from birth to be warriors, and nothing is more important to them than their honor. It is said that when a Klingon warrior can no longer stand and face battle, he should the hegh'bat, or ritual suicide. This warrior-based culture has made the Klingon Empire a formidable force. Klingon males are first considered men when they can hold a blade.
Quadrant: Beta Quadrant
Famous Klingons: Lt. Cmdr. Worf (TNG); General Chang (TOS); Kurn (TNG)
Klingon Web Pages: Beginner's course in the Klingon Language
The Realm of the Klingon
Klingon Warrior Society


Romulan Information
Series seen in: Primarily in TNG, possibly (?) in TOS, occaisionlly on DS9.
Physical Description: Romulans are very similar in appearance to Vulcans, and historical and genetic evidence shows that they are actually sister races that separated over a thousand years ago when a group of renegade Vulcans refused to accept the 'logical' philosophy of Surak that other Vulcans accepted.
Other Info: Romulans are a passionate, violent race, quite different from their sister race, the Vulcans . Romulans and Klingons are bitter enemies, and were at one point involved in a bitter war. The Romulans are similar to the Klingons in many ways, though neither would like to admit it. They are both violent by nature (although Romulans have been known to also be very compassionate at times), and value honor highly. The war between the Romulans and the Federation ended with the Treaty of Algeron in 2160.
Quadrant: Beta Quadrant
Famous Romulans: Commander Sela (TNG); Senator Pardek (TNG); Commander Tomalek (TNG)
Romulan Web Pages: The Romulan Homeworld
The Romulan Web


Tholian Information
Series seen in: First in TOS, more often in TNG, and a bit in DS9
Physical Description: The likeness of the Tholians is unknown to the Federation, since all contact with the Tholians has been via ship-to-ship communicade only. During the Tholian First Contact of 2268, the Enterprise-A scanned the Tholian vessel that approached them, and discovered that Tholians live in an environment that sports a mean temperature of over 500 degrees Celcius. That prompted the Federation to assume that the Tholians are a silicon-based life form.
Other Info: Very little is known about the Tholians, since contact with the Federation is very infrequent, especially after the Tholians destroyed a Federation star base. The Tholians are a very advanced race with technologies unknown to the Federation. Among them, the Tholian Web, which is the primary weapon aboard Tholian starships. The Web is constructed by two or more ships, which creates a 'net' of tractor beams which a ship cannot escape from, once it has been completed. Once the ship has been trapped, it can be towed or destroyed at the Tholian's discretion.
Quadrant: Alpha Quadrant
Tholian Web Pages: All About Tholians


Trill Information
Series seen in: Exclusively on DS9
Physical Description: Trills are almost identical to humans, except for some tatoo-like marks along their hairline, running from their shoulders, up their necks and around their forehead to the other shoulder. Trill's hands are naturally cold. They are actually a joined species, comprised of a host (the humanoid), and a symbiont, a small veriform kept in an abdominal pocket. The symbionts are extremely long-lived, and can be transplanted to another host upon the death of the host.
Other Info: Once the host and the symbiont are combined, they cannot be separated, since they are biologically interdependant. There is serious competition among potential hosts for the honor of accepting a symbiont. Some Trills cannot be beamed by a transporter, which can cause damage to the symbiont. The memories and experiences of the pervious hosts are stored in the symbiont, and can be carried between hosts.
Famous Trills: Jadzia Dax (DS9); Curzon Dax (DS9) [two hosts of the same symbiont]
Trill Web Pages: Currently none


Vulcan Information
Series seen in: In TOS, TNG, and the movies.
Physical Description: Vulcans resemble their sister race, the Romulans very closely, as the two races were once one, around a thousand years ago. Since their home planet, Vulcan, has a greater gravity and thinner atmosphere then Earth, most Vulcans are stronger and have better hearing than the average human. Vulcans sport pointed ears and oblique eyebrows. They also have a secondary inner eyelid, which they developed from their intense sun.
Other Info: Vulcans are a race completely devoted to logic - the expression of emotion is looked down upon in Vulcan society. The became devoted to logic when the Vulcan philosopher Surak proposed logic as a way to solve their unending wars over a thousand years ago. Vulcans who didn't accept this notion left Vulcan to found the Romulan Empire on the planets Romulus and Remus. Every seven years, every Vulcan most participate in the Pon Farr (Vulcan mating ritual), or die. The Pon Farr is where the Vulcans temporarily abandon their logical ways. Vulcans have limited telepathic abilities, as demonstrated in the Vulcan Mind Meld.
Quadrant: Alpha Quadrant
Famous Vulcans: Spock (TOS/TNG); Surak (TOS/TNG) T'Pau (TOS)
Vulcan Web Pages: The Vulcans


Now for a quick survey...

Your Name:



Now that you know all about the Star Trek races, which one is most like you?

Andorian (hardworking, violent)
Bajoran (religious, rebelious)
Betazoid (telepathic)
Borg (dominating, machine-dependant)
Cardassian (secretive, militaristic)
Ferengi (money hungry)
Gorn (violent, huge, controlling)
Klingon (warrior-like, honorable)
Romulan (passionate, aggressive)
Tholian (silicon-based life form)
Trill (multiple personalities, reincarnated)
Vulcan (logical, unemotional)

What is your favorite Star Trek race?

What Star Trek race would you like to see more of in the future?

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