Lankhmar Geomorphs

This collection of geomorphs were published in TSR's Lankhmar: City Of Adventure accessory.
I also hope to add geomorphs from two other Lankhmar packages Rogues In Lankhmar and Cutthroats Of Lankhmar when I have time. Also some form of random town or city designer using these tiles is on my list of projects.
They have been drawn with Pro Fantasy's Campaign Cartographer 2 tool. I have included both .gif and .fcw (CC2) format so that those of you that don't have CC2 will be able to use these geomorphs although using the demo program on the Profantasy site anyone should be able to print these files at any resolution you could want. The Core Rules 2 package soon to be released by TSR will also include a cut down version of CC2 which should be compatable with these maps.

The zipped geomorph graphic tiles are 720x720 pixels in size (6 times larger than the thumbnails).


There are several ways these can be used. Printed and then cut out they can be placed like tiles for a city design. If you have CC2 they can be imported as 'parts' and then rotated and pasted onto a larger map to produce a city.


25th April 1998: First four geomorphs added.
26th April 1998: Slum A Geomorph added.
4th May 1998: The Well, Ruin and Open Field Geomorphs added.
21st August 1998 Added Neighborhood B Geomorph.
31st August 1998 Added Wealthy Area, Marketplace B and Sleazy District Geomorphs.

Mapped with CC2

Marketplace Geomorph A
GIF Format
Thumb - Market Place A
CC2 Format
Zipped - Marketplace A
Marketplace Geomorph B
GIF Format
Thumb - Market Place B
CC2 Format
Zipped - Marketplace B
Slum Geomorph A
GIF Format
Thumb - Slum A
CC2 Format
Zipped- Slum A
Slum Geomorph B
GIF Format
CC2 Format
Zipped - Slum B
Black Market Geomorph
GIF Format
Thumb - Black Market
CC2 Format
Zipped - Black Market
The Well
GIF Format
Thumb - The Well
CC2 Format
Zipped - The Well
Open Field
GIF Format
Thumb - Open Field
CC2 Format
Zipped - Open Field
GIF Format
Thumb - Ruin
CC2 Format
Zipped - Ruin
Neighborhood Geomorph A
GIF Format
Thumb - Neighborhood A
CC2 Format
Zipped - Neighborhood A
Neighborhood Geomorph B
GIF Format
Thumb - Neighborhood B
CC2 Format
Zipped - Neighborhood B
Wealthy Area Geomorph
GIF Format
Thumb - Wealthy Area
CC2 Format
Zipped - Wealthy Area
Sleazy District Geomorph
GIF Format
Thumb - Sleazy District
CC2 Format
Zipped - Sleazy District

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