
Welcome to the

Trek Family Home Page

Hailing frequencies open to all trekkers

You are the trekker that has visited this quadrant. Hi we're a family of 3 that really likes Star Trek. We hope you will enjoy our trivia, bios, birthdays, sounds, fonts, desktop themes, avi's, icons, cursers, screen savers, games, links, and little things that we collected over the years. Most of the Trek stuff we have on this page has been taken from other places on the net. If anyone has a copyright on these files we would gladly add your name saying that you made the program. No copyright infringement was intended. This page is constantly being updated. So bookmark us and beam back often.

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Now that you're here. Why not sign our Log Book at the bottom of the page near our e-mail, it would only take a few seconds..........please? :-) Now on with the Hellos, Hi Rock!, Hey JC!, Hi Moses!, Hi RIC & JEN!, Hey Keith!, Hi Monika!, Hi Ron! Hi Margo! Hey Hey Grumpyc! Aloha Brudda!, Hey Furg!, Hi Ken!, G'Day NOOK!, Hi Doc!, Yo Rog!, Hi Kath,! Hi Ya Tom!, Hi Wascally Wabbit,! Hi Mary!, Hey Carol! G'Day Cath! Bonjour Steve! Greetings Mrs_Data! Hey Jun! G'Day Dom! Hi KT! Hi Ben and Syl! Hey MJ! Hug to Deb!

What's New?

Trek Trivia Trek Bios Trek Birthdays
Trek Sounds Trek Fonts Trek Desktop Themes
Trek Avis Trek Icons and Cursers Trek Screen Savers
Trek Games and Misc Trek Links Fondly Remembered Trek Stars
Trek Webrings Supported Sites

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Beam back soon "live long and prosper"

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This page is strictly meant for fun. We just Love Star Trek, and in no way are we trying to infringe on anyone's copyrights. Paramount and Viacom own Star Trek and all of it's trade marks.