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What was the mystery of Coop, Caroline, and Windom Earle? Read on Dear Peakers as we try to unravel even more mysteries!!!


"Even the ones who laugh are sometimes caught without an answer: These creatures who introduce themselves but we swear we have met them somewhere before. Yes, look in the mirror. What do you see? Is it a dream, or a nightmare? Are we being introduced against our will? Are they mirrors? I can see the smoke! I can smell the fire! The battle is drawing nigh!"

February 27Agent Cooper is having breakfast with Sheriff Truman and Lucy. He is trying to recall his dream (from last night). In his dream, Laura Palmer told him the name of her killer. He cannot remember what she said. He asks: "Do you know where dreams come from?"

Also, on this day, at the morgue Dr. Hayward and Albert Rosenfeld had an altercation over the autopsy procedure of Laura Palmer. (Dr. William Hayward is played by Warren Frost)

Sheriff Harry Truman ends up PUNCHING Albert Rosenfeld!

Ha! Ha! A little TP humor! (Plus I don't have a pic of this!)

OK! This is the best I could do!

Also on this day, Maddy Ferguson arrives to Twin Peaks!

(Leland Palmer is watching the soap opera "Invitation to Love" when she arrives).

As Maddy enters the room, a character on "Invitation to Love" is heard saying "Surprise!" Many thanks to ABBY CARR for this very interesting tidbit!!!

Special Agent Dale Cooper meets with Albert Rosenfeld to discuss the reportsof forensic evidence. Albert tries to get Dale's support concerning the fight he had with Sheriff Truman (to no avail). Dale Cooper tells him he is considering buying real estate in Twin Peaks!

Today is also the saddest day of Twin Peak history. This is the day they buried Laura Palmer. Dr. Jacoby convinced Johnny to attend without his Indian Headress.

At Laura’s funeral, Bobby made the following speech: "A....MEN!!! What are you looking at? What are you waiting for? You make me sick! You damn hypocrites make me sick!!! Everybody knew she was in trouble, but we didn’t do anything, all you good people!! You want to know who killed Laura?? YOU DID!! WE ALL DID and pretty words aren’t gonna bring her back man, so SAVE YOUR PRAYERS!!! She would of laughed at them anyway!!"

At the moment, James started running toward Bobby and Bobby started to attack James yelling, (to James)

"You are a DEAD MAN!! YOUR DEAD!!"

They were both restrained, so no one got hurt!!

Bobby Briggs is played by Dana Ashbrook.

During the funeral Leland Palmer falls on top of Laura's casket, the casket malfunctions, causing it to go up and down.

Leland's wife (Sarah) screams, "Don't ruin this too!" Sarah is played by Grace Zabriskie.

It was on this day (in the evening) that Special Dale Cooper was in the Double R Cafe and made his famous quote: (while indulging in a piece of cherry and a cup of coffee):

"This must be where pies go when they die!"

The Double R Cafe is owned and operated by Norma Jennings (played by Peggy Lipton)

Later that same evening, Dale Cooper learned about the secret society of the "BookHouse Boys" . He also found out that Ed Hurley was a deputy.

Agent Cooper (while indulging in his pie and coffee) conversed with Ed Hurley, Sheriff Truman and Deputy Hawk. They decided to tell him about the "Bookhouse". When they mentioned "The Bookhouse Boys" they all made a secret signal: They brushed one hand toward their temple, by the eye = "THE BOOKHOUSE BOY'S SALUTE!"

It was interesting that they made this salute almost simultaneously using their LEFT hand, except for Sheriff Truman, who used his right!

Sheriff Harry Truman made this statement:

"There's a sort of evil out there. Something very very strange in these old woods. Call it what you want--a darkness, a presence. It takes many forms but it's been out there for as long as anybody can remember. But we've always been here to fight it!"


Jacques Renault.......(played by Walter Olkewicz)....... is working with Leo Johnson.......... (played by Eric Da Re).......... running drugs. Jacques sees the warning at the Roadhouse and immediately calls Leo for help.

Sheriff Harry Truman makes love with the woman he loves deeply.........Josie Packard!

Leland Palmer goes completely "BONKERS" at a dance!!!!



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