Pantheon Symbol

Welcome to the Kendrish Pantheon, the finest and most developed around.   Here you will find a detailed and comprehensive site covering all the essentials, including information on theology, mythology, the holy books, heretical movements and (of course!) the deities themselves.

There is considerable flexibility in the practice and style of the religion, and it can be easily tailored to the requirements of your own community (details in the 'Priesthood & Theology' section).

Be sure to let us know how you are faring with the religion in your setting, we would be happy to include your own variations and additions to the pantheon.

These pages are dark text over a light background to allow you to select 'print' from the 'file' menu and print out any information you require.  Be sure to click on the frame you wish to be printed (otherwise you may end up with a printed copy of the content bar to the left).

To begin your spiritual journey, click on the links to the left...

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