The Smooth Talkers of the Galaxy

The Taelons are an interesting species. I met a few of them on Zeta12 a few years ago on vacation. They are very warm and helpful; a little too helpful for my tastes. (There I go, giving my personal opinions again!!). In general, I like them, but I am from a race as evolved as their own. If I were a Terran, I would watch out for their sugary sweet kindness. I know for a fact that there are numerous Taelons here now. In fact, I saw two of them posing as nuns during Mother Theresa's funeral!!


THE COMPANIONS - This site will familiarize you with their basic beliefs on helping inferior races. It's pure Taelon propaganda.

EARTH:FINAL CONFLICT EPISODE GUIDE - This site is just what it says it is!!

This site lists every Taelon we've met so far and gives pics and bios for each. Also bios for Taelon Implants and info. on many of the Taelon technologies.

ANGELA'S EFC PAGE - has wavs, pics updated weekly.

HA'RI'S TAELON FUN PAGE - Crazy Quotes, Cracked Proverbs, etc... It's okay to have a little fun with the Taelons!!!

RYAN'S EFC PAGE - This site has program synopsis, episode guide, EFC trivia and Taelon links.

EFC:THE LAST BATTLEGROUND - has image gallery

RODDENBERRY.COM - Majel Barrett's own site. It lists all characters with a bio and pics; and info. on the actors.

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