Deck 4: Habitat

My review of Inclonation

Plain and simple, I don't exactly love this CD. I'm a big fan of ambient music, which helped (the first two tracks, Bowery Electric's Fear of Flying and Delerium's Euphoria I bonded very well with)--but the rest of the CD is a bit of a blur to me--I listen to it, but I forget about it about 5 seconds later. I skip over the Prodigy and Empirion tracks, since the intensive beats, the frog sounds and the looped, "Giving them drugs, taking their lives away?" can get tiring very quickly. The rest of the tracks are uneventful and repetitive, as most techno is, but they work well as background music while you're working on the computer.

As for the DWB theme remix, it's done in the dance-pop-techno style, with a consistent beat throughout the whole thing. Only the first five seconds of theme are used, and that is looped for the first minute and a half before the song goes off on it's own little "tangent" and can barely be identified with the beginning if not for that beat. The looped, high-pitced "I know this, I know this" is also tiresome after too long.

Overall, it takes a lot of growing for the CD to grow on you.


And now, here is a slightly less optimistic review of the CD (Source: SpinCycle []).

DEEPWATER BLACK: INCLONATION VOL. ONE (Empire/Peg): A Winnipeg indie has brought out this soundtrack for a YTV show featuring the girl from Catwalk who isn't Neve Campbell. Decent tracks by Bowery Electric ("Fear of Flying"), Mouse on Mars ("Future Dub") and DJ Spooky ("Hologrammic Dub") are undermined by dreck like Delerium's "Euphoria (Firefly)" and Jonny L's "Treading." Most of the songs here have an old-school feel that makes Gary Numan's "Metal" (the CD's closing number) sound positively futuristic.

To which his own, I guess.

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