Frequently Asked Questions about

Welcome. This is my new F.A.Q all about Havok. I would like to thank Henrik from Havok: the seventh X-Man for inspiring me to do this.

Q) Who was the first villain to battle Havok?
A) The Living Pharoah was the fist to battle Havok. Actually, he was just plain Alex then. It was Uncanny X-Men 54, Alex had not taken up the name Havok yet. It was also the first issue that Alex met his older bor, Cyclops, as adults.

Q) Whats with the costumes?
A) Alex first had to wear a plain black bodysuit and a weird crown thing on his head to controll his powers. They were veery out of control. Next, debuting in X-Factor 71 I believe, was his leather-jacket costume. Havok had gotten his powers under control by now and did not need the crown and bodysuit. His constume now was a blue leather jacket with a big X. The most recent is the one he's wearing now. It debuted in X-Factor 125. Havok's powers were greatly boosted when Dadk Beast fiddled with him. He went back to the bodysuit bu this time instead of the crown, he wears red arm bands and shoulder things to regulate his powers.

Q) Who is more powerful, Havok or Cyclops?
A) Well, I think its Havok. Now, I may be biased to Havok by the fact that he's my favorite, but other than that, I really do think he's more powerful than his bro. It has been stated that Cyclops' optic beams are concussive. This means they just hit things. At different strengths, sure, but they just hit things. Havok's powers are plasma bursts. Thye generate a great deal of heat as well as hit things. Havok can level buildings, melt metal, and lots more. Cyke can just knock things over.

Q) Who is a better leader, Havok or Cyclops?
A) You guessed it, its probably Havok. Cyclops may be a better strategist, but Havok can just get things done.As the leader of the X-Men, Cyclops is just a Professor X kiss-ass. He does things to only please the professor and his dream. Havok also believes in this dream(you know the one I'm talking about), but he doesn't think that ways Cyclops have used work. Havok just does it a different way, a better, more useful way.

Q) How many different teams have Havok belonged to?
A) Well first he belonged to the X-Men, to which he joined in issue 219. He stayed there for a good while. Nest you see Havok in X-Tinction Agenda attacking the X-Men in a Genoshan Magistrates uniform. It turns out that Havok had a spell of Amnesia and joined the Magistrates. Right after X-Tinction Agenda, Havok lead the second incarnation of X-Factor. Havok was actually a member until issue 101. His good friend Jamie Madrox thought to have died. Havok, thinking it was his fault, quit the team, however, he would show up a few more times in the book. Havok was captured in issue 118 of X-Factor and returned in 125 acting all evil.a short while after that, he formed The Brotherhood. Its members were Dark Beast and Fatale. It turns out that Havok acted evil and formed The Brotherhood only to find out Dark Beast's plans. Havok is salted for leadershio of X-Factor again in issues 150.

Q) Whats with him and Lorna Dane aka Polaris?
A) Well, even though Polaris had a brief romance with Iceman when she first joined the X-Men, Havok has always held her heart. They have been off and on for a long time, more on than off. Life of a superhero mutant isn't easy, so every now and then they would split due to some complication, be it Malice, or a lover's quarrel. Recently, they have been split up due to the fact that Havok tried to kill her while he was brianwashed by Dark Beast.

Q)When did he lead X-Factor?
A) Havok took leadership right after the original team left to rejoin the X-Men, just after X-Tinction Agenda. The original tema was composed of Havok(leader), Polaris, Wolfsbane, Strong Guy, and the Multiple Man.

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