Desktop Theems

Here they are, the best Spawn themes on the 'net, enjoy and let me know what you think. The first two have been improved significantly without adding to file size! And all three are less than 1 MB despite the large number of quality files in each.

Newly updated! The animated series theme has 8, yes EIGHT new wallpapers, 2 fonts, and better use for 800 x 600 resolution, while retaining a great looking 640 x 480 res mode.

Download Spawn the Animated Series

Newly updated! Sounds have been improved, there are 2 themes one for each wallpaper, 2 new fonts, and the wallpaper below now looks much better on both 640 x 480 and 800 x 600 resolution displays.

Download Spawn the Movie


Download Sam and Twitch


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Spawn and its characters are owned by Todd McFarlane and Image Comics. The animated series is property of HBO, and the movie of New Line Cinema.

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