The Battle of Endor

The Assault on Endor was formulated upon my hearing of the construction of a second Death Star by Bothan spies. We also learned that Emperor Palpatine himself would be on he excellent opportunity. My advisors and I knew that the station would have to be destroyed, and soon. The Assault basically consisted of two phases: 1.)A strike team that would land on Endor and destroy a shield generator that was protecting the station, and 2.)Our starfighters flying into the super-structure of the Station to destroy it's main generator. The descent to Endor would be accomplished by the stolen Imperial Lambda-class shuttle Tydirium and a stolen code. General Madine, chief army advisor, chose General Solo to lead the strike team on Endor. General Calrissian volunteered to lead the Starship assault. My armada consisted of the following ships:

This obviously was not a large amount of Capital Ships for a full scale assault, but I was not expecting the resistence that we ran into.

The armada convened over the Alliance-friendly, but Imperial-held, world Sullust. Allotting the strike team some time, we arrived at Endor in time to realize that the shield was still up and the bulk of the Imperial Fleet in the Outer Rim was waiting for us. Strangely enough, the Star Destroyers (Over 15 of them and the Super-class Star Destroyer Executor)did not attack us initially, letting thousands of TIE/In fighters and Interceptors overwealm us.

Already out-gunned, the battle turned worse. The Death Star, thought to not yet be operational, destroyed one of our cruisers with an active superlaser. I called for an immediate retreat. This was a wise action, as another cruiser was destroyed before we were organized enough to escape. General Calrissian offered a different course of action that allowed us to return with the battle more in our favor. We maneuvered our Capital ships between the Death Star and the Imperial fleet, in turn shielding us from the powerful superlaser. Our shields were strong enough to hold the Star Destroyers for a while, but we needed the deflector shield down to destroy the Death Star.

Our momentum in the battle was gaining, and as if to answer our hopes, General Solo's strike team (with the help of the native Ewoks) destroyed the deflector dish. Most remaining fighters flew into the the Death Star's super-structure with the Millenium Falcon . I launched more fighter reserves. The fighters needed more time than we had, so I ordered an all out targeting of the Executor. Moments after the huge ship lost it's bridge deflector shield, one of our A-wing pilots (who was already fatally hit), managed to maneuver his A-wing into the bridge of the Executor, sending it into the gravitational field of the Death Star. I could not help but outwardly express my relief.

The turning point of the Capital Ship battle: The Executor is destroyed.

With the pride of the fleet destroyed, the Imperial armada began to fragment and resort to foolish tactics. Many jumped to hyperspace, and many were damaged. At the same time, Commander Wedge Antilles (Rogue Leader), General Calrissian, and Captain Tycho Celchu (Green Leader) maneuvered there way through the tight corridors of the station, trailing some TIE fighters. Celchu managed to draw some fighters away from Calrissian and Antilles by heading back to the surface. Antilles and Calrissian proceded to the reactor core. Commander Antilles destroyed the power regulator with proton torpedoes, and General Calrissian hit the main power conduit with a volley of concussion missiles. General Calrissian narrowly escaped.

With the Imperial Fleet scattered and unorganized, the Empire was reaching an end. The cost of the battle was high: close to a million Imperials, Rebels, Ewoks, and civilian workers lost their lives. Aside from these casualties, the Alliance managed to capture several Star Destroyers (among them the later famous Emancipator). It was the dawn of a New Republic.

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