Chapter 1: Character Generation

Chapter 2: Actions and Skills

Chapter 3: Combat

Chapter 4: Wounds and Healing

Chapter 5: Computers

Chapter 6: Vehicles

Chapter 7: Psionics

Chapter 8: Experience Points (XP)







  1. A character is generated using Character Points. A starting character has 45 Character Points.
  2. Spend the Character Points to buy Attributes, Skills, Wealth and Contacts.
  3. Beginning players are better off choosing one of the pre-made character templates. The templates were made with 44 Character Points so there is 1 left for the layer for personal customization. Here is a list of the Character Templates.
  4. Finalize the character.



  1. There are 6 Attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Perception, Intelligence, Technical and Operation.
  2. Attributes can range from 1 to 5.
  3. Each Attribute point cost 2 Character Points.
  4. Recommendation: Use 36 Character Points to build 18 points worth of Attributes (an average of 3 to all Attributes).



  1. The base level of a skill equals to its Attribute.
  2. Learning a skill at the base level costs ½ Character Point.
  3. Learning a skill at 1 level above the base level costs 1 Character Point.
  4. Learning a skill at 2 levels above the base level costs 2 Character Points.
  5. Learning a skill at higher level than 2 above the base level is impossible for beginning characters. It is possible to raise the skill through earned XP.
  6. Body Resistance and Dodge get a rating equal to their Attribute (Strength and Dexterity respectively) even if no Character Points are spent on them.
  7. Here is the list of Skills and their explanations.
  8. Recommendation: Use 8 Character Points to learn 8 points worth of Skills.



  1. Each ½ Character Point spent on wealth is worth $25,000.
  2. At least ½ Character Point must be spent on wealth.
  3. Recommendation: Use 1 Character Point on wealth.



  1. Each contact costs ½ Character Point.
  2. Here is a sample list of Contacts.
  3. Recommendation: If a contact is desired, reduce from the Character Points recommended to be spent on skills for this purpose.



  1. Calculate Psionics Attribute = average of Perception and Intelligence rounded down. Note that psionics is only available at GM’s discretion.
  2. Calculate Hits and Stuns. Hits = 5xStrength attribute. Stuns = 3xStrength attribute.
  3. Starting Humanity is 10. Every Cybernetic system installed reduces the character’s Humanity. Humanity cannot be reduced to 0 or less.
  4. Starting Hero Points is 1.
  5. Buy equipment.
  6. Calculate the combat parameters:
    Initiative = Dexterity + Cybernetics + any other modifier
    Hit Target Number = Body Resistance + Cybernetics + any other modifier
    Damage Resistance = Body Resistance + Armor + Cybernetics + any other modifiers
  7. Calculate the weapons parameters (fill the table).






  1. Roll 2D6 and total them.
  2. On a total of 2, roll 1D6 and reduce from the total (2-1D6).
  3. On a total of 12, roll 1D6 and add to the total (12+1D6). If a 6 is rolled, repeat the process.



When two characters are doing things that oppose each other.

  1. Each character makes a Skill Roll (2D6+) and add his Attribute or Skill (whichever is applicable).
  2. Add all modifiers to the roll.
  3. Compare the results. The one with the higher result wins.
  4. In case of a tie, reroll.



  1. Assign a difficulty level:
  1. Very Easy (+4 modifier): Knowing that PolyGraphics is a famous computer company. Attaching a laser sight to a gun. These are actions that usually don’t require a skill check.

  2. Easy (+2 modifier): Knowing that PolyGraphics is famous for its cyberspace simulation software. Attaching a smart module to a weapon.

  3. Moderate (no modifier): Knowing that PolyGraphics was the first megacorp to develop IC. Fixing a malfunctioning laser sight.

  4. Difficult (-2 modifier): Knowing the software development strategy of PolyGraphics. Fixing a wrecked smart module.

  5. Very Difficult (-4 modifier): Suggesting a development plan for one of PolyGraphics projects. Building a smart module.

  1. Make a Skill Roll (2D6+) and add Attribute or Skill (whichever is applicable).
  2. Add the difficulty modifier and any other modifiers.
  3. A total of 12 or more means success.



  1. Make a Skill Roll and add Attribute.
  2. A roll of 10 or more mean success.



  1. Usage of a Hero Point in a combat turn doubles all the character Attributes and Skills for that turn.
  2. Usage of a Hero Point for a specific action doubles the Skill or Attribute used for that action.
  3. A Hero Point used, is lost for the remainder of the adventure.
  4. At the end of an adventure, the character gets back his hero points.



  1. To increase a Skill – spend XP equal to the current Skill level to increase it to the next level. E.g.: increasing a skill from 3 to 4 costs 3XP.
  2. To learn a new Skill - spend XP equal to the Skill’s Attribute-1 to learn the Skill at a beginning level equal to the Attribute. E.g.: A character with Dexterity 3 needs to spend 2 XP to learn Firearms for a beginning level of 3.
  3. To buy Hero Points - spend 3 XP for 1 Hero Point.



  1. When not having a specific Skill, the character can do things with his Attributes as defaults.
  2. Using an Attribute instead of a skill implies a -2 modifier. E.g.: To fire a gun with no Firearms skill, use Dexterity at a -2 modifier.
  3. A character can’t use an Operation Skill if he has no rating in it.





A Combat Turn is 5 seconds.



  1. Each character rolls 1D6+Dexterity for initiative.
  2. Higher numbers go first.
  3. Ties are resolved simultaneously.
  4. The character can take another action if his initiative is 10 or greater.



  1. Walking – Walk up to 5 meters per turn. No penalty.
  2. Running – Run up to 10 meters per turn. Penalty of –1 to any skill use.
  3. Crawling – Crawl up to 2 meter per turn. Penalty of –1 to any skill use.
  4. Falling Prone – No penalty.
  5. Standing Up – Penalty of –1 to any skill use.



  1. Shooting - types of fire:
  1. Single Shot (SS) – Fire 1 shot per turn.
  2. Semi Automatic (SA) – Fire 2 shots per turn.
  3. Full Automatic (FA) – Fire 2 bursts (5 bullets) per turn. Penalty of –2 to attack. Damage Level is +2.
  1. Melee or unarmed combat - 1 attack per turn.
  2. Drawing – Penalty of –1 to any skill use. The player can only make one shot that combat turn (even if using a SA or FA weapon).
  3. Fast draw – Make a Dexterity Check. If successful, there is no draw penalty. If unsuccessful, can’t shoot that turn.
  4. Reloading – It takes 1 turn to change clips or to insert 5 bullets into a SS firearm.



  1. Solved just like any Skill usage.
  2. Difficulty level:
  1. Shooting - range determines the difficulty level:

    Short Range (0-2m) - Easy difficulty (+2)
    Medium Range (2-20m) - Normal difficulty (0)
    Long Range (20-50m) - Difficult difficulty (-2)
    Extreme Range (50+) - Very Difficult difficulty (-4)

  2. Melee or unarmed combat - Normal difficulty (0)
  3. Grenades - same as shooting.
  1. Hit Target Number - this is the target number of the skill roll.
    Hit Target Number = 12 + Dodge of the target.
  2. Aiming – Spending 1 turn aiming adds +1 for the next shot and also scope bonus (if using a scope).
  3. Other modifiers are on the modifiers table.

Attack: (2D6+) + Skill + Difficulty + Modifiers = Hit Target Number (12 + Dodge)

  1. Grenade miss - roll 1D6 for the distance missed (in meters), and 1D6 for direction (1-forward, 4-backward).



  1. Damage Resistance - this is the target’s resistance to the attack damage:
    Damage Resistance = Body Resistance + Armor.
  2. Roll 1D6 for every Damage Level the weapon has and reduce the damage resistance:
    Damage = 1D6 x Weapon Damage Level - Damage Resistance
  3. If 0 or less, target is stunned for 1 turn.
  4. If more than 0:
  1. Stun attack (unarmed combat):
    Stuns = Damage
    = ½ Damage
  2. Physical attack (weapon attack):
    Stuns = Damage
    = Damage
  1. Explosives - all targets in the area of effect suffer damage (no attack roll needed):
  1. Fragmentation Grenades - damage reduced by 1 level for every 2 meters distance.
  2. Concussion Grenades - damage reduced by 1 level for every 1 meters distance.
  3. Plastique - damage reduced by 1 levels for every 2 meters distance.




Description Modifier
Running -1
Crawling -1
Stunned or Wounded -1
Drawing (without fast draw) -1


Target Size:
Very Small (10cm)
Small (50 cm)
Large (3 m)
Very Large (10m)

Using smart weapon +1
Using laser sight* +1
Using a scope** +2
Aiming +1

* Only for non automatic fire.
** Only applicable if the attacker was Aiming.






  1. A character who suffered either Hits or Stuns is wounded and at -1 to all actions.
  2. A character who’s Stuns reach 0 falls unconscious.
  3. A character who’s Hits reach 0 is bleeding to death and looses 1 Hit and 1 Stun per minute.
  4. A character who’s Hits reach -Strength is dead.



  1. Use the Medicine skill at Normal Difficulty (0).
  2. Success can:
  1. If the character is not bleeding to death then cure 1D6 Hits.
  2. If the character is bleeding to death, he stops bleeding.
  1. A doctor with proper medical equipment can make another Medicine use to stop a bleeding character.



  1. Stuns are raised by Strength every minute of rest.
  2. Hits are raised by Strength every day of rest.
  3. Recovering from unconsciousness:
  1. When Stuns are raised above 0.
  2. If the character was bleeding to death a Body Resistance check (10) must be made. If failed the character will wake up only after Hits are raised above 0.



  1. Damage level of a falling character equals to:
Height (meters) Damage
1-10 (Height)
11- 2x(Height)
  1. If a character has Climbing/Jumping skill, he reduces his skill level from the damage level of the fall.





A Cyberspace Turn is 1 second of real time but is felt like 5 seconds by the netrunner (time flows slower).



  1. Searching for systems: The difficulty depends on the security of the system. The time it takes to find a system is 20 turns minus 1 turn for each number rolled higher than needed.
  1. Public systems – Very Easy difficulty (+4).
  2. Minor security (like systems with a monthly fee) – Easy difficulty (+2).
  3. Normal security (most megacorps’ systems) – Normal difficulty (0).
  4. Heavy security (highly classified systems) – Difficult difficulty (-2).
  1. Searching for a specific file in a database: The difficulty level is Normal (0). The time It takes is 20 turns minus minus 1 turn for each number rolled higher than needed.
  2. Activating a system operation: Use the CyberDeck skill. The difficulty level is Normal (0).
  3. Tracing another runner’s signal: Make an opposed action test between the tracker’s CyberDeck skill and the target’s CyberDeck skill.
  4. Decrypting data: Make an opposed action test between the decrypter Computer skill and the encrypter Computer skill (or CPU/4 level if no encrypter).



  1. Runner:
    Hits = 5xCPU
    Stuns = 3xCPU
    Dodge = CyberDeck skill
    Damage Resistance = CPU + defense software skill
    Damage level = attack software level + Computers skill
  2. ICE:
    Hits = 5xICE level
    Stuns = 3xICE level
    Dodge = ICE level
    Damage Resistance = CPU
    Damage level = ICE level



  1. Initiative:
  1. ICE initiative: 1D6+ICE level
  2. Runner initiative: 1D6+CyberDeck skill.
  1. Target number is 14+Dodge. ICE attacks with it’s level. Netrunner attack with the attack program’s skill + Computers skill.
  2. Damage is reduced from both Hits and Stuns. Any damage done to a Netrunner also inflicts ½ damage of real Stuns.
  3. When Stuns are reduced to 0, the Netrunner or ICE are frozen until raised above 0 (1 Stun per turn).
  4. When Hits are reduced to 0, the Netrunner or ICE are aborted from cyberspace. Any excess damage a Netrunner takes under 0 Hits are suffered as real Hits.






Roll the appropriate vehicle skill with a target number of 5+Speed/10.



  1. A driver can choose one of the following maneuvers:
  1. Escape – Trying to evade a vehicle.
  2. Pursue – Trying to keep close to another vehicle.
  3. Ramming – Trying to force the other vehicle to crash.
  1. Roll an opposed action check between the two drivers. Add the speed difference to the skill of the faster car (+1 per 10 km/h).
  2. The driver that wins the contest succeeds in what he’s doing.
  3. Ramming: The other vehicle must make a control or the vehicle crashes.



  1. Make damage roll on both the vehicle and the passengers.
  2. Damage level is Speed/10.
  3. Seatbelts half the damage.



  1. Make a normal attack roll. Apply a modifier of –1 for each 10 km/h speed difference between the attacker and the target.
  2. Roll for weapon damage. Explosive attacks double their damage level.
  3. Damage is the same as for characters, only the vehicle’s Body is used for Body Resistance and for Strength:
  1. Vehicle Hits are equal to 5xBody. Vehicle’s Stuns are equal to 3xBody.
  2. Damage is reduced from both Hits and Stuns.
  3. When Stuns are reduced to 0, the vehicle stops functioning.
  4. When Hits are reduced to 0, the vehicle is destroyed.
  1. Damage Resistance: Just like with characters: Damage Resistance = Body + Armor.



  1. When attacking characters inside a vehicle, use the vehicle’s armor as character’s armor. If the armor roll is sufficient to reduce all the damage, then the character is not even stunned.
  2. When a vehicle is hit by a vehicle attack and the attack reduces Hits from the vehicle, the passengers also take damage (like they themselves were hit by the attack):
    Damage Level = Weapon’s Damage Level – Vehicle Armor.






  1. Can use psionics on a number of targets equal to skill. –1 per target affected after the first.
  2. Range of effect is 100m per skill level.
  3. Touching the target gives a +1.
  4. A repeated attempt at the same task is at a cumulative –1.



  1. Directed interference: Every psionics usage of the target requires an opposed roll between the skill level of psionics to be used and the AntiPsi skill level. Difficulty to start activating is Very Easy (+4).
  2. Global psi static: Every psionics usage within range requires an opposed roll between the skill level of psionics to be used and the AntiPsi skill level. Difficulty to start activating is Normal (0).



Making contact: This is needed to activate all body manipulations on others. Willing targets are Very Easy (+4) difficulty, unwilling targets are Normal (0) difficulty.

  1. Block pain: Difficulty level is Normal (0). A new check is needed whenever the character suffers new wounds.
  2. Cure disease: Make an opposed action between the disease level and the Body manipulation skill level. Disease is cured in 1D6 hours.
  3. Detoxify poison: Make an opposed action between the poison level and the Body manipulation skill level. Poison is detoxified in 1D6 minutes.
  4. Heal: Cure up to 5*level Hits in 24 hours. Difficulty level is Easy (+2).
  5. Hibernate: Difficulty level is Difficult (-2). Can remain hibernated for (level)days.
  6. Remain conscious: Difficulty level is Normal (0). A new check is needed whenever the character suffers new Stuns or Hits.



  1. Clairaudience: Difficulty is Easy (+2).
  2. Clairvoyance: Difficulty is Normal (0).
  3. Object reading: Difficulty is Normal (0). If the object is very old, modify by years/25. This skill can also be activated passively in a place or item with strong presence - the difficulty is Difficult (-2) modified by years/25.
  4. Precognition: Time for precognition is (level2)days. Difficulty is Normal (0). This skill can also be activated passively - the difficulty then is Difficult (-2).
  5. Psi Sense: Difficulty is Very Easy (+4). When trying to detect the exact nature of the psionics, roll again with difficulty level Normal (0). This skill can also be activated passively - the difficulty then is Easy (+2).



  1. Levitate: Same as Telekinesis but skill level counts as 5 higher.
  2. Pyrokinesis/Cryokinesis: Can affect (level)kg for 50oc increase/decrease. For smaller objects heating/cooling is increased and for heavier object heating/cooling is lowered. Difficulty is Normal (0) with a negative modifier of weight/25. Humans unconsciousness is at –50 oc, paper burns at 250 oc, wood burns at 300 oc, metal melts at 1500 oc.
  3. Telekinesis: Can move (level2)kg 1 m/s. For smaller object, the speed is increased and for heavier objects the speed is lowered. Difficulty is Normal (0) with a negative modifier of weight/25. Any action taken with the levitated object is at –2 to the skill level.



Making mind contact: If the target doesn’t have Mind Manipulation skill, task is Very Easy (+4). If the target has Mind Manipulation, making contact is an opposed action between the attacker and the target.

Feeling the contact: A character with Mind Manipulation can feel if someone else is in his mind. Difficulty is Easy (+2) when searching actively. When used passively the difficulty is Normal (0). When trying to identify what the attacker does, the difficulty is Easy (+2) with a -1 for every level of the attacker.

Breaking mind contact: A target that wishes to break the mind contact must roll an opposed action between the attacker’s Mind Manipulation skill and his Mind Manipulation skill. There is a cumulative –1 for each failure to break contact.

  1. Emotion reading: Need to make mind contact. Difficulty is Normal (0).
  2. Memory manipulation: Need to make mind contact:
  1. Complete memory erasure: Difficulty is Difficult (-2). Takes 1 hour.
  2. Tamper with memory: Need to successfully mind read first. Difficulty number for changing the memory is from Very Easy (+4) to Very Difficult (-4) according to the memory’s importance. Takes 1D6 minutes for a simple memory and up to 10D6 for a complicated memory.
  3. Detecting memory manipulation: Difficulty is Normal (0). Takes 1D6 minutes. This skill is also activated passively when someone contacts a mind – the difficulty then is Difficult (-2).
  4. Undoing memory manipulation: Difficulty is Difficult (-2). Takes 10 times longer than it took to make the change.
  1. Mental blow: Need to make mind contact. Difficulty is Normal (0). Stuns the target for a number of turns equal to amount by which the roll was made. If 5 or higher the target falls unconscious for 1D6 minutes.
  2. Mind control: Need to make mind contact. Difficulty is Very Hard (-4). The target doesn’t remember anything.
  3. Mind reading: Need to make mind contact. Difficulty is Difficult (-2).
  4. Telepathy: Need to make mind contact. Difficulty is Very Easy (+4) for willing targets and Normal (0) for unwilling targets.





Awarding XP is done at the end of each adventure (or each episode if the adventure is too long). XP is given for each player separately.

  1. How difficult was the adventure: Award up to 5 XP for the adventure difficulty. A simple delivery should be worth 1 XP, stealing an item should be worth 3 XP, and an extraction from a highly guarded megacorp is worth 5 XP.
  2. How well did the players do: Award up to 5 points for a VERY good adventure turnout, and 0 points if they really blew it. An average of 2-3 points is recommended for this criterion for a successful adventure.
  3. Exceptional role: If a specific player took an exceptional role in the adventure or did something heroic or brave (not foolish) that contributed to the group, award him up to 2 XP.
  4. Role playing: Award up to 1 XP for good role playing. Award 2 XP for exceptionally good role playing.