Symbol for Yin and Yang

Soul Mates


DragonI am Yin and he is Yang. We have been together since Pan K'u split the world asunder, separating Earth and the OtherWorld. Together, yet apart. As one, yet separate. I am part of him, as he is part of me. Intertwined, yet alone. I am the Moon, he is the Sun. I am Woman, he is Man….

 "Hey, Kitty Kat!" said Nick, in surprise, "What are you doing out of school?"

 "Something strange is happening at the school, Nick, and they let us all go home for the next few days." Kat replied, looking gleeful at the thought of a few days off. Nick grinned. He well remembered the fun of not having to be in school when you were supposed to be there.

 "Where’s your mom, Kitty Kat?" was his next question "In Derek’s office?" Kat nodded in reply as she took off to play in the basement, her favorite place in the castle.


In Derek's office:

"There must be a restless spirit at the school, Derek!" Rachel was telling Derek as Nick walked in. He raised his eyebrows in disbelief. Derek grinned at Nick’s look of disbelief.

"What makes you think it’s a restless spirit?" Derek asked gently.

Rachel laughed. "I know, I know, it’s a switch." She paused in thought for a few seconds, then sighed. "I really can’t put my finger on it, it’s just a feeling. Plus some things that Kat’s mentioned."

"What kinds of things?" asked Alex from the doorway. Derek was amused. They had all gravitated to his office, seeming to know that something was going on. He didn’t have to summon anyone.

"Well, things that I would classify as simple poltergeist activity." Rachel replied, still deep in thought. "Computers moved from one classroom to another, printers hooked up to different computers, Ethernet adapters taken out of the computers. Kat keeps saying that she’s sad." She paused again and looked up. "Actually it seems to be concentrating on the computer equipment."

"Ethernet adapters?" Nick grinned "I didn’t think you knew what those were!"

Rachel laughed again. "I really don’t. I overheard the computer instructor while she was telling the principal what had happened."

"Yes, and the principal has asked me to please do something about it." came Philip’s gentle lilt from behind Alex at the doorway. He pushed her gently into the room, grinning at her indignant look at being shoved around.

Derek was now deeply startled. He had never had a case where they were all drawn together without a call to meet. "Alex, you and Rachel talk to Kat. Find out what she feels about this incident. Nick, you go with Philip while he does his exorcism. See if you can find out anything." Derek issued his orders like an army officer.

"And what are YOU going to do, Captain?" Nick asked sarcastically, then regretted it at the look the Precept shot him. Well, mostly. It was always fun to get a rise out of the somber Precept, he thought, as he and Philip made their way out of the office.

At the school:

"She MUST have had something to do with it!" said Sister Anne, angrily. "Her and her kind! They have no place in this school!"

"Whom are you referring to, Sister?" asked Philip gently.

"Marissa Westin, the computer instructor. I told the Monsignor that she was all wrong for this school! There she is! I'll introduce you, and you can judge for yourself!" Sister Anne huffed as she headed for a dark eyed beauty at the end of the corridor.

Philip was bewildered. What "kind" was the woman? Nick glanced up and saw the look of bewilderment. "I think the good Sister means that she's not one of 'us', Philip." Nick said drily. "Marissa's Oriental. Really! In this day and age. Come on, we need to keep up with Sister Anne."

Surely a nun wouldn't feel this way, thought Philip, as he lengthened his stride to keep up with Nick and Sister Anne.

"This is Marissa Westin. Marissa, Father Callaghan and his friend would like to ask you some questions." Sister Anne said curtly. "Marissa was adopted, that's how she came by a good Christian name." She stalked off.

Marissa winced. She'd been through this with Sister Anne before. She wondered if Sister Anne ever thought of practicing what she preached about charity. She turned around.

"Hello…" she caught her breath as her eyes met Nick's, and recovered as quickly as she could, hoping that he hadn't noticed. She held her hand out to Philip. "Father Callaghan, I presume." she said with a grin, as Philip was wearing his collar. He grinned back as he shook her hand.

"And your friend is.."

"Nick Boyle, at your service, ma'am." Nick cut in, with an engaging smile, well aware of the spark of attraction that had made her catch her breath. Philip shook his head. Nick and his ladies.

"Tell us a little about what's going on, Miss Westin." Philip asked.

"Please call me Marissa, Father Callaghan."

"Then we're Nick and Philip to you, Marissa." Nick insisted with another smile.

Lord have mercy on us, thought Philip, laughing to himself, he's pouring on the charm!

Marissa smiled, a sultry smile, as old as the ages. Nick was intrigued.

"Well, I just started here a week ago. That's when Sister Anne says the problems started." Marissa sighed as she thought back to the scene that Sister had made. "The computers were being moved around. The printers were hooked up to different computers when I would get in the next morning. Parts of all kinds would be pulled out of the computers, with the computers still locked down."

"Ethernet adapters and all?" asked Nick.

Marissa gave him a startled look. "Yes…"

"A friend of ours has a daughter in this school, Katherine Corrigan." Philip told her.

"Ah, yes! Kitty Kat! She's a wonderful student. Catches on quicker than anyone I've ever taught." She smiled at the memory of Kat helping a classmate with a difficult question,

Nick looked at her sharply. "Kitty Kat?"

"That's what I call her." Marissa said, apologetically. "It fits her."

Nick shot Philip a glance, and Philip shrugged. Coincidence, Philip thought, that it happened to also be Nick's name for Katherine.

"Thanks for your time, Marissa. Here's my card if you come across anything that might help us determine if Philip should do an exorcism." said Nick as he handed her his card. Their hands touched. He smiled at her.

He doesn't know me, she thought in agony. After centuries of reincarnations, he doesn't recognize me! But we are one! How could this be?

Back at the castle:

"Kat? Where are you, Kat?" Rachel called out to her daughter. "Are you in that basement? Come out of that basement, honey!"

Kat came up the stairs, giggling. As usual, she was covered with dust from the basement. Rachel sighed, then laughed. "What you see in that basement is beyond me!" She scolded Kat, then hugged her. "Honey, Alex wants to ask you about what's happening at the school."

Alex grinned at the sight of the child. "So, tell me what you saw and felt."

Kat didn't have to ask to know what Alex meant. "Yin is sad because she can't find Yang. They've been apart for almost thirty years."

"Is Yin the one moving the things around?"

"No," said Kat, thoughtfully "I think it's the Monkey god."

"Kat! Are you making things up?" Rachel asked, sharply.

Alex intervened, "Not really, Rachel. The Monkey god is a character in Chinese mythology. Said to have been a very mischievous god, and as punishment, he was sent to protect a holy man on the holy man's Journey to the West."

She turned to Kat. "Why is the Monkey god doing all that?"

"It's getting back at her, for her part in its punishment. She turned it in to the Jade King. It wants to hurt her. I think it's the reason why she can't find Yang. And after all these years, it wants to get rid of the holy man's soul by killing his current incarnation."

Wow! Alex thought. That's as clear and concise an explanation that she'd ever received about any supernatural happenings!


In the conference room:

"I thought Yin and Yang were philosophical concepts, not reincarnated souls." Nick voiced his objection, as Derek knew he would.

Derek sighed. They had gathered in the conference room, and had shared their experiences of the day. They were still no closer to a solution. I could call on Lee Sing Sung, Derek thought to himself, smiling as he thought of Mei Ling.

Alex noticed the smile. He's thinking of Mei Ling, she thought. She glanced over at Rachel and grinned. Rachel grinned back. She'd noticed it too.

"What are you smiling about, Derek," Nick cut in, impatiently, "Nothing to smile about yet!"

"You need to find out more about Marissa, Nick," Derek said, "She's our link."

"Sure!" Nick grinned in delight. Philip rolled his eyes, as Alex and Rachel laughed out loud. Nick shot them all a repressive glance and left to call Marissa.

Derek grabbed the table as his head spun with a sudden vision. No, he thought, it can't be!

"What is it, Derek?" Alex asked in concern. He shook his head, playing it close to his chest as usual. He had just seen Marissa die.


In Nick's room:

"Let me take you out to dinner, Marissa." Nick said to her, when he got her on the phone.

"I'd love to have dinner with you, Nick. But come by my house. I'll cook instead. I'm allergic to a lot of things and I don't eat out much." Marissa gave him directions to her home.

Nick whistled as he headed out the door.


At Marissa's house:

"You're a great cook, Marissa!" Nick said as he finally leaned away from the dinner table. Marissa grinned. No matter the incarnation, he eats like a horse, she thought affectionately.

Lord help me, but I have to make him recognize me. Something's gone wrong and I can't make it right without him, she thought to herself worriedly.

"Let me help you with the dishes." Nick got up and started clearing away the dishes. She went into the living room and turned on some music.

They settled onto the couch with their glasses of Merlot, her favorite. She watched him as he visibly relaxed. He looked into her eyes. He put down his glass of wine and reached over and caressed her cheek. "You're a very beautiful woman." he said in a low voice. She quivered at his touch and quickly put her glass of Merlot down before she dropped it.

"Let's dance." He reached for her and pulled her off the couch. She rested her head against his chest, and snuggled as close as she could. He pressed a kiss on the top of her head. Then reached down to her chin and lifted her face to his. Her lips trembled as his hovered over them. Then, ever so gently, he pressed soft kisses on her lips. She nipped at his lips, and pressed butterfly kisses down his strong jaw. Their tongues danced and intertwined.

Nick kissed her on the neck, pressing kisses as he moved down to the valley between her breasts. She moaned with the pleasure. They went down on their knees. He cupped her breast as he held her with one arm, and nipped. She gasped with the intense pleasure. Slowly, inch by inch, he kissed her as he removed each article of clothing.

Marissa willed her arms to move to do the same for him. He nudged her legs apart and touched her. She almost jumped out of her skin at the pleasure. "Easy, honey." He said gently. Slowly, oh so slowly, he joined with her. Slowly, oh so slowly, he's driving me out of my mind, she thought. She met his thrusts, slowly then faster and faster, and harder and harder. "Oh!" Marissa cried out, as she climaxed. Nick moaned as he came with her.

He smiled down into her seductive eyes, and gathered her close. "Everything okay?" he asked softly. "Yes, " she replied, her heart aching as he settled into sleep.


I don't know what else to do! How do I make him recognize me?


The next day:

"You brought her here? My Got, Nick, are you crazy?" Derek said, as close to shouting as he ever got.

Nick looked at the Precept, startled, then glanced around at the others. "She wanted to see Kat. To make sure Kat's okay."

"Where are they now?" Derek asked as he headed for the door,

"What's wrong?" Rachel was worried. Kat was her daughter, after all.

They all dashed out the door behind Derek.

Marissa was sitting with Kat at the piano. They were chatting and laughing. They both looked up as everyone ran into the room. They glanced at each other in bemusement, and stood up.

"Marissa, this is Dr. Derek Rayne, head of the Luna foundation." Nick reached for her as he made the introductions. "And this is Alex Moreau, our researcher. The others, I think you know."

Marissa smiled as she held her hand out to Derek. Both Nick and Marissa cried out when Derek's hand touched Marissa's. Too late, Derek realized he was the catalyst. Nick looked at Marissa, the knowledge dawning in his eyes.

"Kitty Kat! Come here!" Nick said urgently.

Maniacal laughter reached them from the stairs. They looked up and saw the Monkey god, raising its lance, aimed straight for Kat's heart. Kat was the current incarnation of the holy man!

"Noooooo!" Marissa screamed as it let the lance loose. She jumped forward and pushed Kat out of the way. Too late for anything else, the lance pierced through her chest. The Monkey god howled with anger, darting at Kat.

"Oh God no! Marissa!" Nick yelled, half crazed with agony, the pain she was feeling from the lance, mingling with the agony of losing her, so soon after he found her. He reached for her.

Derek and Philip grabbed Kat. The snarling Monkey god could come no closer to the man of the cloth.

"The lance, Nick," she whispered, "you have to kill the Monkey god with it."

His tears half blinding him, he yanked the lance out of her, as she died in his arms. He threw the lance at the Monkey god, and killed it.


At Philip's parish:

The soul that was Marissa smiled as the soul that was Yin found her next incarnation. Yin settled comfortably into the new psyche. They would find each other soon enough, thought Marissa. I'll be watching over him, in any case. She looked at the girl thoughtfully. Lucky Sydney.



The End



Caveat: I've played pretty fast and loose with the characters from Chinese mythology. There was a Monkey god, who had to protect a monk on his Journey to the West. And he was a mischievous god. However, I can't remember why he had to go. I've always thought of it as the equivalent of Western civilization's quest for the Holy Grail, but I don't know if it was a punishment for him or not. As far as I know, Yin and Yang are just philosophical concepts. I've tried to keep as close to those concepts as possible in the first paragraph, but hey, I wasn't paying attention in class <as usual> when they taught it! <grin>

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