So who am eye?
-as if you really wanted to know, eh?-  


Well, I am 18 years old male from Zagreb , capital city of Croatia. (enjoy this live camera view of Zagreb)
My real name is Bruno, my surrname will remain in secret...those of you who should, allready know it.
People who had the misfortune to meet me in person ussualy say that I am very be carefull...they might B rite U know :)))))
I am 1 m and 95 cm tall (sorry for metrics - NOT!!)...I have brown hair and brown eyes. Pictures of myself are included on this the bottom where they belong... :)
My mental age varies from 8 to 28 yr. old. because sometimes I am VERY childish...and sometimes I seem to be a lot older...
I am terrible to be around up until midnight but then I get even worse.
"Ja sam kao planinski potok; brz i PLITAK"
"Bolje ispasti glup nego iz aviona"
"Kad vec trcis na tramvaj, barem vici DRZTE LOPOVA!!! DRZTE LOPOVA!!!"
"U mraku, sve su zene iste"
"Razlika izmedju zenske i kompjutera je u tome sto kompjuter radi svaki dan u mjesecu i ne ljuti se kada radite na tudjem kompjuteru"
"Slicnost je u tome da kad nabavite bilo sto od to dvoje pocinjete trositi ogromne svote novaca na dodatke"
"Pitam se zasto ljudi IRC-aju kada je SKVADROFON jeftiniji, a cujem da tamo zaista pricaju"
"Kako se zove pas bez straznjih nogu i s celicnim jajima? SPARKY"
"Zene su kao frizideri; teze 350kila i hladne su ne ne zenske su kao piva; dobrog okusa, dobro mirise, kad probas jedbu probao bi jos puno." by HOMER SIMPSON
I was born in Zagreb in 1979, went to prep. school (something like a kindergarden), then to primary school "August Senoa" and finally I went to a high school in Zagreb; 9. gymnasium (DON'T ASK!). In high school I had lots of and few of my friends were really crazy. I never liked to study so I got by those 4 years by pure luck and some diplomatic skills.
We had lots of parties, we drunk a lot, ate a lot, and listened to weird music.
Since that time I have changed considerably...I was pretty introverted and quiet...too much into computers...pretty cold and emotionless...quite like a computer...but sometime in high-school days I ventured out of my binary domain and saw that the outer world is not that bad...
Nowadays I regularly visit The BEST and Aquarius on fridays and sundays...and sometimes I can be found in ALGORITAM, SFera, More Comics, American DONUT, Oliva, Purger and Medvedgrad.
I made some great friendships in high school...and I was very sorry when all that came to an end...
Those were the best of times, those were the worst of times....

I wanted to study Psychology and The Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb, however I wasnt qualified...psychology is a great part of my life and is still my hobby...perhaps some day I will go back to studying it...

Now I study at a teacher training college - professor in primary school.
The study takes too much of my time...10 hours a day at the university...I get pretty being the president of the whole first year doesn't make it any easier. In the meantime I have managed to get out of that duty,,,some more free time at last...

I am not a "brucos" any more, I flunked one test and got an C from the other :) In the meantime I flunked the test AGAIN...
Well, there are 5 of us boys in the first year...and 160 girls... :))) -in the meantime one of us has quit...4 more to go...-
The lectures are very interesting (psychology, philosophy, geography, maths, biology, chemistry, physics...a bit of everything.)
If anybody wants to read them, I have a few of my seminars on my software page, they are written in Croatian...

My hobbies include psychology, ufology, molesting people, annoying people, fantasy and science fiction, fooling around, listening to TECHNO, annoying AbYeS (not lately) , telling jokes, getting drunk here and there, meditating.
Girls? well they like me and I like them back :)

I used to like ircWAR, I usually irc at IRC.MSN.COM:6667, room #Croatia... (a lot of cool ppl there AND I met my girlfriend there). I love her a lot.
(You can get mIRC, a popular software 4 Internet-Relayed-Chat, at my software page...)
Lately I havent been one of the regulars at #croatia...not enough time...and all of the ppl I once knew stopped coming....these new lamers quickly got on my nerves :))) I am very sorry to see that community falling apart...

I can also be found at MPLAYER, lately I have been molesting MPLAYER community by playing my TECHNO HARDCORE SOUNDTRACKS like this one HERE (To listen to the song you are going to need WINAMP, a player for MP3 sound files, get it at my software page) by using my microphone :))))   see them bail out...they just HATE the song.

I have been banned from MPLAYER in the days since ;))))))))))))))

I play games across KALI and across like DUKE NUKEM 3D (visit croatian D3D league and play against ME and my friends), X-wing vs. Tie-fighter, Descent, Heroes of might and magic 2, Quake 2, Incubation, Myth-the fallen lords, Starcraft, Ultima Online, FORSAKEN etc.

I am a STAR TREK, X-Files and STAR WARS fan...I really like talking about these movies and series. 
I prefer Star Trek...and I like only the original series...from the second season on...
My, probably, most time consuming hobby is playing ADVANCED DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS...get more information by following this link HERE
In the meantime I started playing GURPS, yet another RPG seems better than AD&D...but well see...

Besides TECHNO I listen to ambient music, and I collect MP3-s.
Ambient music artists are: DEEP FOREST, JEAN MICHELLE JARRE, VANGELIS, ENYA, ENIGMA, MIKE OLDFIELD etc. If you want to hear some songs, tell me, I have A LOT of MP3s. 3 CD-s full of MP3-s.

Currently trying to set up a magazine devoted to various RPG-s
I am also trying to set up a RPG club here in Zagreb, but I see no way out of several problems...pitty...
Also I need some cheaper way of connecting to the internet...since my parents allways annoy me when Im online by saying "we cant afford it" etc. Internet is the main cause of many fights in our family...Hinet SUXX hard!
BBM doo has a new internet presence provider service...seems good enough....IT IS QUITE GOOD ...

You know what else is on my mind lately? HOW THE HELL DO I JUSTIFY THIS TEXT!?!?

My friend Boris (ACIDMAN) writes for my AD&D section of this page...THANX a lot...
He also listens to TECHNO music, and mostly ACID  ;)

I like eating "Chevapi s vishe luka za van" a lot, and I like drinking Ozhujsko beer, has a fine alcoholic aftertaste (zhmah).

My "pila" is a P200-mmx (overclocked), 49 mb RAM, AWE32, 5 Gb Hard, #9 Motion FX 771 2 Mb Vram, Monster 3D 4 Mb Vram (tweaked), Sony 15 trinitron, 56k X2 USR Robotics Sportster Flash, CD-ROM 8x speed, microphone, Microsoft Sidewinder 3D PRO etc. Needless to say, I am NOT satisfied with it  :((

I must have this new MONSTER 3D II, BX mbo (dual AGP), PII-266, AWE64, Matrox Mill II GS200 or RIVA TNT, perhaps BANSHEE, Creative Encore DVD, CD-R etc.
These things cost money and I do not have enough of it :)) (pogotovo nakon telefonskog racuna)

I can not imagine myself working at my computer without several litres of Coca Cola, Red Bull, and Chips...I just love ordering PIZZAs out and having them delivered to my room :) Also I can not live without 3 CD-s of MP3 music...which constantly play whenever I do anything...thats pretty much me...

Well here are the pictures I mentioned:

We irc-freaks meet every friday at Hard Rock Cafee in thats how my picture got taken, one of us has a digital camera...

Guess which one here am I...(TIP: has a mouse round his neck)

Here I am again...(next TIP; has a red jacket and is using a serial cable as IV needle...)

You have more fun stuff on my *OTHER* check it out...

That is all...fortunately...
