Meet Ariannelle
I adopted her on July 30th, 1997
 I am very proud of her as she is
my first adoptee.
If you would like to adopt a sorceress or wizard click
on Ariannelle she will take you there.

This Room is Ariannelle's
She works on her potions, casts her spells, and rides her
pony or unicorn by day.
At night She eats her dinner with her animal friends.
Then sleeps her cares away till the next morn.

This is the main room of her house, there you will find
her magical mirror hung on the wall between two windows.
Just in front of one window is her louge where she can
sit and meditate...every now an then she enjoys a nice
sparkling refreshment of her own making.
Her Kitty( Pi-wacket )sleeps under the table ...
  "               ""                 " 
   "                              " 

Here you will find her bedroom. She sleeps in a
beautifully adorned canopy bed and has a shelf of
golden crowns which she recieved as gifts from
kings of various countries. She also keeps a>
golden chalis studded with gems on the shelf
which her true love gave her before we went to sea.
She keeps the chalise for her "maidens tears"
Each day her true love is gone she cries her tears into
chalis with a magic spell that keeps them safe inside
until the day he returns to her.
Under the shelf on her wall is her clothestand
it sits close by her bed so that she may change
and on the floor by her bed if you look closely you will
find her book of spells,it looks as though it jumped from
the shelf again. Now you wont be able to read it,
as she has placed a "sorceress tongue" spell on the book
This spell makes it so that noone but the writer
of the spells may read it. Everyone else see's words and
symbols in a language they would never comprehend...
" " 
 "            "

There,placed on either side of her front door , is a peg
rack from which hangs her magical crystals (dont you
wish you knew what each color rerpesented?)
and her magical keys (bet you cant guess what those
keys are too)
And there, just outside her front door,
in a little garden, lives a beautiful little
faerie who helps Ariannelle tend to her garden.
The faeries' name is StarLilley
(because she was born of a huge white lilley
that bloomes at night by the light of the stars...
She is Ariannelle's best friend.

These characters are her animal friends:
Draco: the dragon who scares off any intruders
Mariya: the multi-colored pony who takes Arianelle
to all the local areas and towns to do her shopping.
Talon: her white raven who is her eyes when she needs to see
across great distances
Krynn: her unicorn who possess the ability to magically fly,
she takes Arianelle to lands over seas

 If you would like to see my
adopted unicorns click on this

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