Hey there, here you can check out all kinds of Mutant X pics. Most of these are exclusive to this site. If you have any you want displayed here, just email me, and I'll have them put up. Since most of these pics are scanned by me, stealing these pics, or any pics on the site, is prohibited by copyright laws. So, enough with the legal mumbo jumbo, take a look.

Ororo Munroe aka Bloodstorm
Bloodstorm in mist form

Henry McCoy aka Brute
Brute fighting Mandroids

The Fallen
Warren Worthington III aka The Fallen
The Fallen fighting Mandroids

Alex Summers aka Havok

Robert Drake aka Ice-Man
Ice-Man using his iceslide

Marvel Woman/The Goblyn Queen
Madelyne Pryor aka The Goblyn Queen

The Fantastic Four

Mr. Fantastic
Reed Richards of a different world

Invisible Woman
Sue Richards of a different world

The Thing
Ben Grimm of a different world

The Human Torch
Johnny Storm of a different world

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