
[Latin aenigma, from Greek ainigmat-, ainigma, from ainissesthai to speak in riddles, from ainos fable]

First appeared 15th Century

  1. an obscure speech or writing
  2. something hard to understand or explain
  3. an inscrutable or mysterious person

synonym see MYSTERY

Now some may be curious why I put that there. Well, there is a very good reason. It is because it is the name of the episode. There, wasn't that fun? Actually, I put it up so that those who don't know what it means, now understand why this episode is called what it is, and those who misunderstood it understand the *real* meaning of it.

In Enigma, we get nice little men in silver suits, and cats named after scientists (who's cruel idea was that?!). Sam finally gets a love scene, and Daniel gets to come in on them. That was pretty funny. Also we meet Maybourne. He is a nasty, snotty, pathetic little man. I don't like him. Nobody does. He doesn't have any friends and people only follow his orders because he wears a blue uniform. People make little bunny ears behind his back, and none of the superiors charge them for insubordination, because the superiors do it too.

Daniel voted for the president? Why? The president is a dork. Now I'm not necessarily speaking about Bill Clinton (I have no opinion on him), but certainly the president in SG-1's reality is. And Daniel voted for him? Michael Shanks is Canadian (as am I), so once again I found that funny (even though there was no humour intended in the scene).

Oooooh! Look. It's a bird. Wow. I'm very impressed. Now if the bird had subsequently excreted on Narem's head...well there's something to get excited about. "You still have flying animals on your planet? You are very lucky. On my planet we killed them all for the purposes of genetic experiments and...WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!!"

It all turned out okay. Daniel, being the natural rebel that he is, defied the orders of the president and Maybourne, but of course everything's okay because he can't me court martialed. Well isn't *that* convenient? Even though the imperfections were obvious, I still liked the scene anyway.

Oh yeah! And we got the see the Nox again too. That was nice...although The Nox isn't my favourite episode, I still enjoyed seeing them again.

People got to walk through walls in this episode. YAY!!! Now when I told my friends that there were people who really *can* walk through walls, and have superior technology, and wear funny silver suits, they all thought I had gone mad. Now I have proof, don't I? That's it for my opinions on Engima....for now. But who knows what may come in the future? :::Tries to give a mysterious look but fails miserably and gives up:::