The Nox

All right. For the record, this is the last episode which I don't have on tape. After this, my opinions of episodes won't be old and moldy, but will be fresh and new, considering I'll actually be able to go back and watch the episode again.

So...we are very young. Knew that. We do not always do as we are told. No kidding. We are antagonistic nuclear war happy individuals who like nothing better than to blow the brains out of whatever enemy comes across our miserable little path. But of course.

While The Nox gave a great message, and was certainly an awakening to the SG-1 team who, up until this point, had basically (except for the Goa'uld and those pretty blue crystals) been met with praise everywhere they went, and were worshiped as gods (and feeling pretty good about it, might I add). So now they meet these happy little human-meets-Elvis (Elvis? Where the hell did that come from? Ignore that last little phrase, will you?) who are far superior than humans, and are not at all afraid to admit it (the very old are not always as immodest as they could be). Nice. Real nice.

Lots of people loved this episode. I liked it. It didn't love it, but I liked it. Pretty flying things that are invisible are always good. Killing off three of the four main characters is a little on the weird side, but hey, they magically come back to life so it's fine. Apophis makes his first appearance after Children of the Gods. You know something, I don't really like Apophis. Not as a bad guy. In general. He's annoying. I feel he's not that good of a character. I mean, in some shows there are bad guys you hate...but you love to hate them. If they left the show you'd be mad and write 50,000 letters to TPTB (AKA the writers) asking to bring them back. But with Apophis, if he left the show, I'd just be like "Yeah whatever."

First of all, there's really no room for character growth here. In season one, you have "A really small worm in a big body who wants to rule the world". Season two: "A really small worm in a big body who wants to rule the world." Season three: "A really small worm in a not-so-big body anymore who wants to rule the world." And so on and so forth until I launch nuclear weapons at Peter Williams trailer. Peter Williams does an OKAY job as Apophis....but, like I said, I don't really like him that much (I can't say I don't like Peter Williams. I don't know him. I meant I don't like Apophis, although I don't really know him either). long am I going to go on with these crazy rants? As long as I can!