Here you may browse a number of character biographies I have collected. Some of these are my characters and some are not. I am posting these as a place that you may look through for character ideas as a player, or if you are a storyteller in dire search for an NPC. If you wish to have a character posted here, email me the pertinent details. Who knows, maybe some day an NPC you find here might resurface in another storyline as a PC. How better to bring a bit of realism to the WoD?

Disclaimer: All information contained within these pages is considered Out-Of-Character (OOC) knowledge. Use of this knoweldge In-Character (IC) by players is considered rude, cheating, in bad taste, and many other nasty names. Please do your part to further mature role-playing practices and keep a strong line between IC and OOC knowledge. Thanks.

Anansi - None submitted yet


Changlings - None submitted yet





Mokole - None submitted yet

Nuwisha - None submitted yet

Wraiths - None submitted yet

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