A silent moon lit night rests sleepily on the rolling hills of the country side. A small camp fire lights the top of the hil', the promise of warmth and company draws you towards the flames. A small, harmless looking man huddles close to the fire. A huge smile and friendly wave greets you as your approach attracts his attention. "Greetings friend. Beautiful night isn't it?" His voice seems to remind you of a distant uncle, and fills your mind with wonderful memories of childhood. "Come, sit by the fire and warm yourself. If you have any food you might be willing to share with an old man, I would be most grateful. I don't have much, but I am sure I can repay you with a story or two if you are willing to listen a bit." Sitting you pull out a bit of jerky and trail mix. The old man's eyes lighten at the food and before you can explain that the food you packed for dinner is deeper in your pack, he has grabbed the bags from your hand. "I am sure these are worth a full evening of tales. Now sit there and let old Feeds-The-Many tell you a few stories."


Imagine that throughout your entire life your eyes have been veiled from the truth, that there are those among us living a perpetual masquarade. The chilling children's stories we heard about werewolves, vampires, ghosts, and the supernatural that kept us awake, fearing for our lives, held more truth than we know. These creatures not only exist, but walk among us. They hide among our kind and do not reveal themselves for fear of creating a mass hysteria and reviving the hunts that once threatened their existence. They have hidden themselves so well that, expect for some exceptions, they do not know of those outside of their own kind. Humans walk around, feeling safe in the light cast by their science. Little do they know how vast the darkness of the unknown, nor do they sense how close that darkness walks to them. This is the world we live in, a World of Darkness.

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to step into these halls
since 24 August 1998.

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