Anna Otto

New Stories...

Revenge of the Muse with Ashlea Ensro and FirePhile - 32K
This should make you all happy that Ashlea and I are leaving fanfic. How sick and twisted can we get? Read and learn. Rachel is staying and will have to work for all three of us from now on. This is a parody on The Fire Eaters.
Rating: NC-17
Category: SH
Summary: Quentin is the director of the upcoming feature movie, Anna and Ashlea are the writers, Rachel is the producer, and things are spiraling downward quickly.

The Fire Eaters with Ashlea Ensro - 251K
Now that the story is complete, I feel that it is one of the most gut-wrenching things I've ever written. Here, you will find mythology and profiling, Greek tragedy and unintentional comedy. As one of my last fanfiction stories, I think I will remember it mostly as a goodbye... and a declaration of love to every X-Files character we've written about.
Rating: R
Category: XA
Summary: ...and there will come a ghost whose broken heart will infect the hearts of others, whose madness will consume the lives of all around him, and no one will be safe from him... then, the inseparable partners will be cut apart, the traitor will betray once more, the long-lost woman with the mind of a child will be a prize in the tug of war, and the old man who thought his soul was gone will be proven wrong... but the rivers of blood will never be deep enough for the fire eaters.

Older Stories...

Castles In The Air - 17K
I always thought that the X-files is a modern fairy tale - with monsters, romantic heroes, missing treasures, and evil villains. Here, Mulder tells Scully a fairy tale full of double meaning and gender reversal... Not surprisingly, my life-long obsession with New York also made its way here.
Category: VA
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None
Summary: Mulder tells Scully a fairy tale.

The Champion - 4K
My first thought after watching Emily was this: "I cant believe The X-Files writers! Just how much can the woman endure?" Losing loved ones, abduction, cancer, near-death, and now finding a child and burying her in the space of several days. I was disappointed, however, when Scully on the show disproved my image of her as painted in The Champion. Her tears and barely-concealed angst over the photograph of the dead girl who was not even completely human are hardly the mark of a strong, wonderful character I came to love before the fifth season. I hope she becomes once again the independent and vibrant woman she used to be before being turned into the helpless female victim.
Category: VA
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Emily
Summary: Is this the final blow to Scully?

Death of a Dream (or, the Residual Malignant Effects of the Airing of One Son on the 
Fanfic Writing Community)
with Ashlea Ensro
- 15K
Feeling frustrated with the community? Feeling disenchanted with the show? Come, rest your tired eyes upon this tale, and let us soothe your grieving heart. (insert evil laugh here)
Category: SH
Rating: NC-17 (severe author torture warning)
Summary: And you thought that you had a problem with One Son! Meet the most unfortunate of us all.

Echo - 16K
Echo was brewing in me for several months before it was ever put on paper ever since I watched Gethsemane with a lump in my throat, completely convinced that Scully didnt know that Mulder was alive. Echo is a journey of two people who desperately long to be together, but who travel in opposite directions, their meeting guaranteed only on another plane of reality. There are many references to the mountain, the prototype of which is the awe-inspiring and terrifying Mt. Rainier I can see on clear days from my windows.
Category: VRA
Rating: G
Spoilers: Gethsemane
Summary: A tribute to Gethsemane.

For The Best - 8K
On obsessions and how to deal with them. This story was born after a frightening conversation with my roommate and finding out when the season premiere will be. Many found it too close to life for comfort.
Category: VHA
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Lots, including the movie. Any episode with character death. Or... not death.
Summary: On obsessions and how to deal with them.

Hidden Passages - 16K
This won't make much sense unless you read Searchlights. On the other hand, the scenario for this particular er...smut...was too irresistible.
Rating: NC-17
Classification: VRA
Spoilers: None
Keywords: M/K
Summary: Of love beyond death and promises unkempt. The missing scene from Searchlights.

Little Red Head - 9K
A crossover with Little Red Riding Hood - draw your own conclusions about my state of mind when I wrote this one.
Category: AAARRRGH!
Rating: R
Spoilers: Every episode with Little Red Head!
Summary: How Little Red Head defeated a big bad wolf and saved her one true love.

Obligation - 15K
This is meant to be read after The Second Ones. It was just something that I needed to write to put certain matters to the rest... and to make me happy.
Rating: NC-17
Category: SRA
Summary: A few months after the events of The Second Ones, Scully decides to look up a friend she couldn't forget.

Patterns of Faith - 8K
A companion piece to Meaningless Life by Rachel Ehrentreu.
Category: VA
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None
Summary: Scully's POV. Is waiting worth it?

Perseids - 13K
Went I just moved to Seattle, I found a little lake in Snoqualmie where stars were close and numerous. And one night, while watching a meteor shower, at about two in the morning, I thought of what wishes Mulder and Scully would make upon seeing a falling star. So my first ever fiction story, Perseids, shaped in my mind, taking me over by surprise. I am going back this August to watch Perseids again and maybe this time, I will actually get a chance to make a wish of my own :-)
Category: VA
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Memento Mori
Summary: Mulder and Scully watch meteors light up the night and make wishes.

Priorities series.
Includes Priorities, Foreboding, Scythe, Fever, and the latest - Nostalgia, as well as the big ball o'wrong, Get Me to the Church on Time.
Category: Angst. Big Time.
Rating: R
Spoilers: Biogenesis
Summary: Cancerman finally finds his match...and things only get worse from there.

Restoration - 45K
Restoration is the only one of my stories I recall with a shudder. Im not sure what dark recesses of my mind it came from, but I was horrified when I read the completed product. I think that Restoration would have been much, much better had it not been written about Mulder and Scully. Its also one of my most shippy stories, despite Scully's death and Mulder/other. I think I needed to get the character death story out of my system, which I have accomplished, and I will never ever do it again. Promise .
Category: SRA
Rating: R
Spoilers: Memento Mori

Searchlights - 169K
This story is very much a departure for me. My longest and truest excursion into the land of romantics, it is told from the point of view of someone genuinely unfamiliar with all the nuances and issues of the X-Files characters. It is also set post-colonization, but once again you will find few aliens here.
Rating: PG-13
Category: XRA
Spoilers: None
Summary: I came of age in the city with enforced curfews and nightly shows of searchlights, in one of the worst times for the human race. I've been humiliated and lied to, I've seen treachery and cruelty, I've been loved and betrayed. And, if given a choice, I would go through it all over again.

The Second Ones with Rachel Ehrentreu - 446K
What can I say? It's an adventure and angst-o-rama unlike any I'd ever written before. It's also our first science fiction enterprise, but one that I believe was quite successful. And, in my eyes, it proves more than anything that Mulder's and Scully's partnership was made to last.
Rating: R
Category: XA
Spoilers: The Beginning
Summary: A strange case threatens to tear Mulder and Scully apart. But much more than their partnership may be at stake.

Shield & Sword -  with Maraschino  - 550K
Category: XA
Rating: R
Spoilers: All seasons, all episodes, up to and including Redux II
Summary: Upon his mother's death, Mulder and Scully discover a curious document that eventually leads them to make a desperate choice. With Mulder in the Consortium, will the truth finally be revealed? Or will the webs of deception destroy both partners? A nightmare version of season 5, not leading up to the movie.

Smokeout - 14K
I was watching a Nicorette gum commercial and I wondered what would it take to get a certain heavy smoker on the show to quit. At the same time, I wondered if Mulder and CSM will ever have a conversation after Redux 2... because they just keep missing each other nowadays. So this was a result. It's insane, I am just warning you.
Category: SH
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: The Beginning
Summary: When a son cares for a father... what could be sweeter? Implied character death.

Snow - 10K
The Red and The Black is worth watching for the last few minutes, to see the stricken expression on the face of Cancerman when he gets back the letter he sent to his son. And lets just say that I know something about waiting for letters... the ones that are written with pen on paper :-) My heart was breaking for him. Hence, the Snow...
Category: VA
Rating: PG
Spoilers: The Red and The Black
Summary: A lonely man in the mountains receives a letter.

Spread the Joy - 20K
A result of angst overload and my long-standing admiration for badfic writers. Writing badfic, by the way, is equivalent to falling off a cliff: liberating and dangerous I advise it to anyone who needs to get over the writers block. Its a narrow-minded little story that can only be comprehended after reading Shield and Sword.
Category: SH
Rating: PG
Summary: A whole new way to get rid of dark anti-human conspiracies. Prescription available from your local psychiatrist.

Theater of the Absurd with Ashlea Ensro  - 290K
Now includes Part 1: Strange Land and Part 2: Home as well as Interlude: Christmas Adventures of Paul and Kathy.
Introduction from Ashlea:
The mythology of the show has elevated to such a state that if all of the questions were resolved, if colonization did proceed - our heroes would NOT be in a position to do much about it. ("Hey, little green man! Stop! FBI!") The real power lies with the Consortium. This is (I believe) the root of our fascination.
Personal issues and assassinations of family members aside -given the choice, where would YOU want to be?

Category: XHA, UST
Rating: R
Spoilers: Beyond the Sea, Anasazi, The Blessing Way, Redux I
Summary: As Skinner searches for long-lost friends, he becomes a target in a game of cat-and-mouse. Sometimes, what's lost is best not found. Or, how can we make Mulder and Scully blissfully happy?

Ticket to Heaven - 16K
I felt obligated to write something light and funny after torturing CSM so much in Priorities. And, on the side, you will see how all truth will be recycled.
Rating: PG
Classification: SH
Spoilers: None
Summary: Cancerman decides to be good, and Mulder tries to catch a brutal monster. Oh, and some rumination on how evidence really gets lost.

To Break a Spell- 7K
It's been a while since a guest character had such an effect on me, but Vince Gilligan had always been remarkable in that respect. Fellig's despondence and a touch of awe when he spoke of Death touched a nerve in me somehow... this is the result.
Category: VA
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Tithonus
Summary: All fairy tales must have happy endings. Told from Alfred Fellig's point of view.

To Make Amends - 4K
To Make Amends was, of course, inspired by the sudden turn-around of Cancerman's character, witnessed in Redux. The image of our nefarious villain silhouetted behind the car window, watching the meeting of Samantha and Mulder, is haunting. I will never think of him as evil again the movie tried to change that, but really, Mr. Carter, this is one thing that I Dont Want To Believe.
Category: VA
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Redux
Summary: Thoughts of Cancerman at the end of the Redux 2.

Walk This Earth Alone - 7K
Am I getting romantic in my old age? Seems to be that way... Just be assured it's not MSR. Am I dipping again into the post-Biogenesis pool of fics? Guilty again, officer. So charge me. Ha-ha-ha!
Rating: PG-13
Classification: VA
Spoilers: Biogenesis
Classification: Want to know how to destroy someone's content life without lifting a finger?

A Well-Oiled Machine - 9K
While one part of me was satisfied with the certain choices Mulder made in One Son, I also wondered about the growing rift between him and Scully. And I wanted to see what happens after they come back to the X-Files office, how will they continue to work together... considering that we will not see a follow-up on the show. This is the result.
Category: VA
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Two Fathers/One Son
Summary: A re-evaluation of beliefs in the wake of a bittersweet victory.

My Guestbook

The X-Files belong to Chris Carter, 1013 Productions, and FOX. No copyright infringement is intended, no monetary profit is made.