My Universe
"Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair."

Hi, and welcome to my page. Right now, I'm in the middle of some editing, and I haven't quite decided what I'm going to do with this front page yet, but come on in and look around...

All About Me-Under Construction
My Adopted Critters
Enya's Castle
Castle of the Deities
Ambersong's Vale
Dragon Castle-Under Construction
Links to my friends' pages
The music you SHOULD hear is "March from the Symphonic Metamorphosis" by Paul Hindemith. Oh, and met Constanze, Guardian of my page. She's the one hiding behind the music note. Please don't steal her! There are more like her at Amanda's Page Guardians

The two pictures are "Snow Queen" (on the left) and "Summer Queen" (on the right). They are by Michael Whelan. To see more of Whelan's art, go to Glass Onion Graphics.

This is Leianna. She's one of my roleplaying characters. You can see another one, Atria, at my c'est moi page. Leianna is a healer mage. She consecrated her voice to the gods in dedication to her gift. Right now she's preparing to help Zaromas rescue his daughter Cylara and fight the three princes of evil on his world. Yes, that sure means a lot to you, doesn't it?

Please sign my dream book! It only has one signature which is really pathetic don't you think?

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

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