The Unofficial Biography of...

Doll Girl

Alter Ego: Martha Roberts
Occupation: adventurer
Marital Status: single ( through 1950 )
Known Relatives: Prof. Roberts ( father, presumed deceased )
Group Affiliation: none
Base of Operations: unnamed American city
Current Status: unknown
Height: 5'6" ( as Doll Girl: 5.5 " ) Weight: 108 lbs. ( as Doll Girl: 4 lbs. )
Eye Color: blue Hair Color: brown
First Appearance: as Martha Roberts: Feature Comics# 27, December, 1939; as Doll Girl: Doll Man# 37, 1950.


........ Martha Roberts was the daughter of Professor Roberts, who tutored his young protege' Darrel Dane in his home laboratory. During the summer of 1939, Martha was being blackmailed by a criminal named Falco over love letters she had written one of her former college teachers. After imbibing a concoction, Dane found himself shrunk to the height of six inches, but with his normal strength intact. Martha sewed him new clothes to wear, and he began to worry that he might never be able to regain his normal height.
........ After refusing to pay Falco any more blackmail money, Martha was kidnapped by Falco and rescued by the "doll man". Finding thru intense concentration, Dane could affect his height, he decided to begin to fight crime as The Doll Man, often assisted by Martha.
........ Several years later, while wishing and concentrating about being able to shrink down to aid Doll Man, Darrel also was thinking about the same thing and suddenly, Martha's height and weight dwindled down until she was on the same scale as Doll Man. She began to team with Doll Man as Midge, the Doll Girl.

........ She continued to fight crime with Doll Man for several more years, but her current whereabouts and activities after 1953 are unknown.

Powers and Abilities

........Doll Girl could shrink thru mental concentration to a height of 5 and 1/2 inches. She retained her normal strength, and was a fair hand-to-hand combattant. She could pilot the small "flying saucer" that the duo used, and was able to uses other small vehicles as needed.

Chronological Listing of Comic Book Appearances

( As Doll Girl only )

This Page was Created Novbember 9, 1999.
This Page was last Updated Febraury 15, 2001.
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