The Unofficial Biography of...


Alter Ego: Tom Dalton
Occupation: electrical lineman
Marital Status: unknown, but presumed single
Known Relatives: none
Group Affiliation: Freedom Fighters
Base of Operations: unknown
Current Status: deceased
Height: 5'10" Weight: 160 lbs.
Eye Color: brown Hair Color: brown
First Appearance: Smash Comics# 13, 1940. [ Quality Comics Group ]


.....While working as a lineman for an electric company, Tom Dalton was accidentily shocked and killed by "10,000 DC volts" but brought back to life and repowered by and equal number of "AC volts". Dalton used his new-found magno-electric abilities to fight crime.

.....After a short period of time as a crime-fighter, Magno was asked by Uncle Sam to join him and several other heroes in defending America. The group, dubbed the FREEDOM FIGHTERS tried unsucesfully to stop the invasion by the Japanese Navy of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Magno, along with several other heroes were killed during this battle.

Powers and Abilities

.....After aquiring these abilities, Magno used his hands like two very powerful magnets. He could draw bullets towards him, and by increasing the voltage, melt them. He could load his punches to give a powerful electrical shock. After a great deal of usage, however, his internal supply of electricity would run low. He could, however, simply recharge himself by sticking his finger in a convenient light socket or holding exposed wires.

.....The source of his abilities could be related to an electro-generator similar to the one that altered Amazing-Man's powers to ones similar to those of Magno's, but this is only speculation.

Listing of Comic Book Appearances

Smash Comics #13-21
All-Star Squadron# 32 ( flashback )/Secret Origins(v3) #26

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