The Unofficial Biography of...

Sargon The Sorcerer

Sargon the Sorcerer was created by

Alter Ego: John Sargert
Occupation: Stage Magician
Marital Status: unknown
Known Relatives: Richard and Mary Sargent ( father and mother, presumed deceased ), unnamed sibling ( presumed deceased ), Grace ( neice )
Group Affiliation: All-Star Squadron
Base of Operations: mobile
Current Status: unknown
Height: 5'10 Weight: 160 lbs.
Eye Color: brown with red streaks Hair Color: brown, later grey
First Appearance: All-American Comics# 26, 1941.


........Over seven thousand years ago, Nommo, the immortal rular of a destroyed civilization grew lonely. He created several artifacts of power, one of which was called the Ruby of Life. Nommo hoped that through the generations, the owners of these gems might evolve into beings capable of interbreeding with a species of homo sapiens that utilized magic and would then be his new subjects. Over the millena, the Ruby of Life was broken into several smaller pieces, one of which was discovered by an archaeologist in Egypt. Giving it to his wife, she wore it as a pendant. It was the first thing that their newborn child, John, saw and touched. Bonding with him in that manner allowed John to tap into the mystical energies controled by the Ruby.
........At a young age, he was given the Ruby by his mother and began developing a flair for the stage and performing magical illusions. Using the Ruby as part of his stage costume ( as the centerpiece for a turban he wore ), Sargent began touring the vaudville circuit as Sargon the Sorcerer, Master of Illusions. He soon found out that the Ruby of Life allowed him to completely control inanimate objects, even defying the laws of nature in his requests. He maintained the illusion of only creating sleight-of-hand, but he used his magical abilities to fight crime during the 1940s. He joined the wartime gathering of heroes known as THE ALL-STAR SQUADRON, where he met several other magicians, such as Zatara, Tor, and Merlin along with other mystical characters such as Doctor Fate and The Spectre which opened up his eyes to his potential.
,,,,,,,,As the 1940's drew to a close, and vaudville entertainment died, Sargon delved into the mysteries of the Ruby of Life, discovering that it had been fragmented, and spent the next several decades searching out the pieces.

.....Finding several other pieces, he found that they were tained with the previous owners' souls, some of which were evil. Using one of the evil tained stones, he fought Barry Allen ( as the Flash ). Aiding the Justice League of America several years ago against the galactic vampire called Starslayer, he had the League track down several more Ruby of Life fragments.

.....During the Crisis on Infinte Earths, during a seance, he contacted the Great Darkness which was trying to devour the Light, and was instantly consumed in flames. It is believed he died, but there are rumors that his spirit inhabited another body, this time totally insane and wanting to destroy the world, only to be stopped by The Swamp Thing. This has not been verified to date.

Powers and Abilities

.....Sargon was the weilder of the Ruby of Life, an artifact created millenea ago. The Ruby gave the wearer power over all inanimate matter, able to move it or animate it at its master's will. Sargon later became involved in learning about other magics, both white and black in his later years.

Listing of Comic Book Appearances

All-American Comics(v1) #26-39
All-Star Squadron #28
All-American #40
All-Star Squadron #31-32 February 22-23, '42
All-American #41-42
All-Star Squadron #59-60
Young All-Stars #3, 9
Young All-Stars Annual #1/1
All-American #43/Young All-Stars #27
All-American # 44-49
Scarab #2 (flashback)
All-American #50.
Comic Cavalcade #3-6
Sensation Comics #34-36
All-American #70
Sensation #52
CC #14
Sensation #53-83
Green Lantern(v1) #37/3
JLA:Year One #11-12
Flash(v2) #186, 207
Justice League(v1) #97-98
Adventure Comics #462/4 No longer in continuity
DC Comics Presents #26/3
Justice League(v1) #220No longer in continuity
Crisis of Infinte Earths #5, 9, 10, 12
Swamp Thing(v2) #49-50
Swamp Thing(v2) #149 (flashback) This and following apprearances may not be in continuity
Books of Magic(v1) #1
Swamp Thing(v2) #143, 148-150

This Page was Created March 21, 2001.
This Page was last Updated January 19, 2002.

© 2002

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